A B C D E F G H I K A N I F O C H W M E R P G D L B S Q T V L M N P R S T U V W What A is an area of the brain linked to fear? AMYGDALA What B was used as the object of aggression in the Bandura, Ross and Ross study? BOBO DOLL What C describes a relationship between two independent variables? CORRELATION What D is the theory suggesting we have no control over our actions (that there is no such thing as free will)? DETERMINISM What E was used to induce physiological arousal in Schachter and Singer? EPINEPHRINE What F is held by Sally in the SallyAnne task? FALSE BELIEF What G is the term describing the assumption that all members of a target population will behave in the same way as a sample? GENERALISATION What H did ‘Little Hans’ have an irrational fear of? HORSES What I is the name for an experimental design comparing scores from two unrelated groups? INDEPENDENT GROUPS What O is the conflict between a boy’s desire for his mother and his fear of punishment by his father?? OEDIPUS COMPLEX What L is responsible for speech? LEFT HEMISPHERE What M was the name given to the adult who acted out a pattern of aggressive behaviour in the Bandura study? MODEL What N describes the side of a debate arguing that our behaviours are determined by learning? NURTURE What P is a term describing how we interpret our world? PERCEPTION What R is the idea that complex behaviours can be explained by simpler phenomena? REDUCTIONISM What S describes a set of instructions that is the same for all participants? STANDARDISED What T is the ability to attribute thoughts, feelings, desires and beliefs to other individuals? THEORY OF MIND What Q describes numerical data? QUALITATIVE What V describes the extent to which a study measures or tests their target variable? VALIDITY What W is the name of the Chimpanzee used in the study by Gardner and Gardner? WASHOE