AP Psychology: Unit Readings/Review Packet

Name: ________________________________________
Period: _______
AP Psychology: Unit Readings/Review Packet
Unit XI: Intelligence – Testing & Individual Differences (Text Modules 60-64)
Directions: As we proceed through the unit, you should review the following and complete all
questions as you go through the assigned readings.
Terms/Concepts/People to Know
(NOTE: By the end of the unit, you should be familiar with all of the following. Some we will discuss in class in
detail, others we may mention only in passing, while other, more basic concepts may not be addressed directly
in class at all; you are expected to know them from your reading).
Module 60
Intelligence Test
Spearman’s “g”
Gardner & “Multiple
Sternberg’s Three
 Analytical
 Creative
 Practical
Savant Syndrome
Emotional Intelligence
Module 61
Francis Galton
Alfred Binet
Lewis Terman
Mental Age vs.
Chronological Age
“Intelligence Quotient” (IQ)
Achievement vs. Aptitude
Wechsler Scales (WAIS;
Normal Curve
 Content Validity
 Predictive Validity
 Test/Retest
 Split-Half Reliability
Module 62
Aging & Intelligence
Module Questions
Module 60: Introduction to Intelligence
1. How does the text define intelligence?
Crystallized vs. Fluid
Intellectual Disability
Down Syndrome
Module 63
Heritability of Intelligence
Reaction Range
Module 64
Gender Differences
Race/Ethnicity &
Bias in Intelligence Testing
Stereotype Threat
2. What is an intelligence test designed to measure?
3. What was Charles Spearman’s belief about intelligence? What did he mean by “g”?
4. What are the eight types of intelligences in Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple
5. What is savant syndrome?
6. What is the “10-year rule”?
7. Briefly describe the characteristics of each of Sternberg’s Three Intelligences.
8. What is emotional intelligence, and what are its four components?
9. Briefly describe the findings regarding the relationship between brain size and
Module 61: Assessing Intelligence
1. What did Francis Galton believe was the primary source of one’s intelligence?
2. Who was Alfred Binet, and why was he commissioned to develop a test for intelligence?
3. What is mental age?
4. Explain how the original concept of an intelligence quotient (IQ) was calculated.
5. Explain how one’s “IQ” is calculated in most cases today.
6. Explain the difference between achievement tests and aptitude tests. Give two examples
of each.
7. What is the most widely used intelligence test today?
8. When a test is standardized, what does this mean?
9. What is the Flynn Effect?
10. What is reliability in testing? Explain the difference between test/retest reliability and
split-half reliability.
11. What is validity in testing? Explain the difference between content validity and predictive
12. Is it possible for a test to be reliable, but not valid? Explain why or why not, using an
13. Is it possible for a test to be valid, but not reliable? Explain why or why not, using an
Module 62: The Dynamics of Intelligence
1. Briefly explain the difference between cross-sectional and longitudinal studies.
2. Briefly summarize the findings regarding aging and the “decline” in intelligence.
3. Explain the difference between Crystallized Intelligence and Fluid Intelligence.
4. By approximately what age does a child’s performance on an intelligence test begin to
accurately predict later scores on intelligence tests?
5. Briefly summarize the key characteristics of those with intellectual disabilities and those
with high levels of intelligence.
Module 63: Genetic and Environmental Influences on Intelligence
1. What is a heritability estimate? What is the heritability estimate for intelligence?
2. Briefly explain the reaction range concept regarding the relative impact of nature and
nurture on one’s intelligence.
Module 64: Group Differences and the Question of Bias
1. Is there any evidence of actual differences in mental abilities between males and
females? If so, what?
2. Briefly summarize the issues related to the question of bias in intelligence testing. Are
such tests today considered inappropriately biased?