Lab Practical I -

Physiological Psychology Lab
PSYC 373 Section 203
Spring 2015
Instructor: Keerthi Gullapalli
Class Time: Mon 5:30-7:20 P.M
Class Location: DK 2074
Office Hours: Tuesday 6:20-7:20 P.M or by appt.
Office Location: Aquia Building, room 337
Lab Goals: The primary goal of this lab is for the students to become familiar with brain structure and
function through lectures and dissection. The course will begin with a broad survey of neuroanatomy
and neurophysiology and then proceed to sheep brain/eye dissections. Students will gain critical skills in
analyzing peer-reviewed research articles and will give presentations on neuroscience research topics to
the class. The latter part of the course will be a brief introduction to Higher mental functions, behavioral
neuroscience and histology.
Recommended Material:
Cooley, R. K., & Vanderwolf, C.H. (2001). The Sheep Brain: A Basic Guide.London:A.J. Kirby Co.
(Recommended but not required).
Attendance & Participation: The material covered in lab will be the basis of quizzes and Practicals. So
attendance is highly encouraged. Attendance during dissections is particularly important because these
classes will be your ONLY time to dissect the sheep brains & eyes. If you know that you will be absent
from a class please let me know at least 2 weeks ahead and I may be able to arrange for you to attend
another lab section. Please note that not all labs are on the same schedule nor do they necessarily cover
the same material.
Quizzes: The quizzes will be based on lecture material covered in class. These quizzes will not require
identification of brain structures as observed through dissection. Quiz questions can take the form of
multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blanks, labeling a diagram, and/or short-answer format. Quizzes
are timed. If you are late to class or have missed the quiz then you will NOT be able to make it up.
Lab Practical Exams: The practical exams consist of identification of pinned structures and functions.
As the exam is timed, student who is late to the class (enters the class after test begins) will not be
allowed to take the practical exam. It is highly recommended to take prior permission for any such
cases. There may be few theory questions of multiple choice type based on the lecture covered in the
class. There will be no make-ups for a missed practical without prior permission. The practical
exams constitute 150 points (50+100) which is about 50% of your final grade.
“Mock practicals” will be held during the classes that are named “study sessions”. These will not be
graded; however, if you attend, you will significantly increase your chances of getting a good grade on
the real practical. I cannot arrange for a make-up mock practical if you are absent.
Article Summary: Each student will select a peer reviewed research article from the set of topics (will
be announced in the first class) related to Neuroscience published during the last five years and write a
brief summary. A rubric detailing the format of your article summary will be posted on Blackboard. A
copy of the complete article must be turned in with your summary by the due date. These must be
submitted in hardcopy format only by the beginning of class on the due date.
Individual Presentations: Students will be given a set of topics (will be announced in the first class)
related to neuroscience and will be required to give a 10-12 minute presentation on that topic.
Policy Regarding Late Assignments: Prior consent should be taken to postpone any
assignment/quiz/Presentation/Practical. Medical documentation may be used for an absence from a quiz
or other assignment. 10% of the points will be deducted for every day that an unexcused assignment is
late. Unexcused absences will result in an automatic zero for quizzes & practicals.
The GMU honor code will be strictly enforced: Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated and will
be reported to the University Honor Board and/or penalized. Information that is used from an outside
source must be cited in correct APA format. I reserve the right to enter a failing grade for any student
found guilty of an honor code violation. If you are not sure if you are citing something correctly,
contact me and ask. It is better to be safe than sorry. And seriously, DON’T CHEAT.
Technology Statement: Required knowledge of technology for this course includes ability to retrieve
handouts and notes sent via e-mail to your GMU address or those that are uploaded to Blackboard
( You will also be required to give a presentation (PowerPoint, etc.) to the
class. Using an online virtual lab tutorial may also be required.
Students with Disabilities: If you are a student with a disability and you need academic
accommodations please see me and contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) at 703-993-2474. All
academic accommodations must be arranged through the DRC.
Important Dates: To find out more information on the add/drop dates, or general information about the fall 2014 schedule
NOTE: You are responsible for all announcements and any syllabus changes made in class each
week whether or not you are present in the class.
Tentative course schedule
Jan 26
Introduction- Fundamentals of nervous system
Assignments Due:
Feb 02
Neurophysiology (Action Potential &
Post synaptic Potential)
Presentation 1 & 2
Feb 09
QUIZ 1 (Neurophysiology, AP and PS Potential)
Feb 16
Brain Tour Part I (Surface Structures)
Brain Tour Part II (Cranial Nerves)
Presentation 3 & 4
Feb 23
Study Session/Review for Practical I
Presentation 5 & 6
Mar 02
Lab Practical I (Brain Tours I & II)
Mar 9
No class (Spring break)
Mar 16
Visual System (Eye Dissection)
Mar 23
QUIZ 2 (Visual System)
Article Summary due
Presentation 7 & 8
Mid-sagittal Dissection
Mar 30
Apr 6
Coronal Dissection
Study Session/Review for Practical II
Apr 13
Lab Practical II (cumulative)
Presentation 9 & 10
Presentation 11 & 12
Includes surface structures, cranial nerves
Mid-sagittal structures, coronal structures &
Eyeball structures.
Apr 20
Apr 27
May 04
Histology and Behavioral Neuroscience
Higher mental functions and related disorders
Quiz 3 ( Histology, Behavioral neuroscience
Higher mental functions)
Presentation 13 & 14
Presentation 15 & 16
Grading Policy:
15 points
3 Quizzes (30 points each)
90 points
Lab Practical I
50 points
Lab Practical II (cumulative)
100 points
30 points
Article Summary
15 points
300 points
A+ (97 – 100%);
B+ (87 – 89%);
C+ (77 – 79%);
A (93 – 96%);
B (83 – 86%);
C (73 – 76%);
D (60 – 69%);
A- (90 – 92%)
B- (80 – 82%)
C- (70 – 72%)
F (59% & below)