Week Two: Sept 17, 2012

COM 101 Syllabus Fall 2012
Collegiate Communication 101 Syllabus
Fall 2012
Course Information
Section: 41170
Monday 1:00-2:20 pm
Rec Center, Wellness Room
Instructor Information
Julie Proctor
Health and Wellness Coordinator
Graham Health Center
Contact Information
Graham Health Center
(248) 370-2758
Office hours by appt.
Course Purpose:
This course is designed to help you become successful in college and in life.
Course Objectives: In this course, you will …
 Learn about campus resources and how to use them
 Build positive relationships with peers, faculty, and staff
 Explore personal strengths, abilities and interests and how they contribute to your college experience
 Learn how to set measurable goals
Student Responsibilities
 Show up! Choose to attend every scheduled class period in its entirety.
 Do the work! Choose to do your best work in preparing all of your assignments and hand them in on
 Participate actively! Choose to stay mentally alert in every class, offering your best comments,
questions, and answers when appropriate.
 You are responsible for your own learning.
 You are responsible for doing your best thinking and most professional work for each class.
 Please put your cell phone on vibrate and there is no TEXTING allowed during class time. At certain
points a laptop will be allowed. Please check with the instructor.
 Other expectations – keep syllabus handy, check Moodle/email regularly, maintain a safe classroom
Academic Integrity:
The highest level of academic integrity is expected. Students are expected to submit their own work.
Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. A complete listing of Academic Conduct Regulations is
available in the OU Student Handbook (http://www2.oakland.edu/deanofstudents/handbook/). The
course is graded and a passing grade is required to earn credit for the course.
Special Accommodations:
If you need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability, you should contact the instructor to
arrange an appointment as soon as possible, preferably within the first 10 class days. Students with a
disability must also register documentation with Disability Support Services (121 North Foundation Hall,
248-370-3266). All discussions and documentations will remain confidential.
Required Text and Materials:
 Downing, Skip. On Course: Strategies for Creating Success in College and in Life – Study Skills Plus Edition,
1st Edition. The textbook can be purchased at Barnes & Noble at OU or rented from the publisher, Cengage
Learning. Visit www.cengagebrain.com/isbn/1439085226 for more information on renting the textbook.
One pack of 3x5 index card. Color and design of your choice.
COM 101 Syllabus Fall 2012
Course Requirements:
120 points
50 points
Attendance & In-Class Participation (PP)
On Course Self Assessments
(Pre- and Post-) + goal tracking
45 points
Group Project
70 points
Writing Assignment
75 points
Personal Interaction
40 points
Campus Involvement (Do Something)
400 Points Total
COM 101 Grading Scale:
391-400 points
318-390 points
278-317 points
238-277 points
Below 237 points
Attendance & In-Class Participation (PP): Weekly (up to 10 points per week 120 points total)
Ten points are given for each class session in which the student attended and actively participated. Active
participation means that students come to class prepared (read the assigned materials, completed
homework and/or project assignments, brought appropriate materials to class, and turned in a thought
card) and participate in class discussion and activities. Note abbreviation PP that indicates specific areas
for participation points. Partial credit or no credit may be given for each tardy and/or absence unless
approved by the instructor in advance. A student who misses more than two class sessions will
automatically fail this course.
Please reference the chart below:
0 Points
 Missed Class OR
 Unprepared
 Inattentive or disruptive
 Did not participate in any class
 Forgot all necessary materials
 No thought card handed in
5 Points
 Mostly Prepared
 Mostly attentive
 Participated in most class
 Arrive late/leave early
 Forgot some materials
 Thought card handed in
10 Points
 Well prepared
 Fully attentive
 Participated in all class
 Brought necessary
materials to class
 Thought card handed in
**“Thought Card—Your ‘ticket’ to each class is a 3x5 card with your name, the date, and your thought
for the day.” The first thought card is due starting week two (Sept 17) and every week after. **
On Course Self-Assessment: (50 points) Due Week Two & Twelve: Sept 17 & Nov 26
Objective: Explore personal strengths, abilities, and interests and how they contribute to your college experience
At the beginning and end of the course, students will complete the Self-Assessment available in the text
book and also online at http://TinyUrl.com/OC6Assessment. Students will take a self-assessment in the
first week of class (pre-assessment) and the last week of class (post-assessment) and submit the results to
the instructor via email. After the assessment, write down three things you would like to accomplish
over the course of the semester. We will track these goals throughout the semester. At the end of the
semester you will be asked to journal about your goals and your efforts to create change in your life. This
assignment is worth 50 points (30 for the pre-assessment + goals and 20 for the post-assessment + goal
reflection) (The Pre-assessment is due on: September 17, 2012 and the post-assessment is due on:
November 26, 2012.
COM 101 Syllabus Fall 2012
Four Major Assignments
Group Project: OU’s Best Kept Secret (45 points) Due: Oct 1
Objective: Learn about campus resources, how to use them & build positive relationships with students.
Each group of 3-4 students will investigate a campus resource, the services they provide, and how they
assist OU students. Presentations should be 8-10 minutes long and each group member should have a
clearly defined role. Each individual will submit a confidential self-assessment and group evaluation after
the presentations are concluded. See assignment description on Moodle.
Groups and campus resource topic will be determined in class during week 1, giving students three weeks
to prepare for their presentations.
Writing Assignment: Online Career Exploration (70 points) Due: Oct 22
Objective: Learn skills for successfully navigating the college environment & explore personal strengths
As part of understanding and utilizing the OU Career Cycle students will be given the opportunity to
explore nursing careers. You will conduct research using the resources suggested by the OU Career Cycle.
Go to http://www.oakland.edu/careercycle  Step 2: Researching Options  Click “Research
information… “ for the Online Career Exploration Resources. Explore the websites listed but feel free to
find others. Create a short brochure for high school students and college freshman describing the career.
Rather than researching a general nursing career look at specializations within the field of nursing. Include
the following in the brochure:
 A description of the job responsibilities
 A typical day
 Educational background needed
 Salary range
 Career ladder (how does a person get from a starting position to a higher level job)
 What characteristics/qualifications are needed for a person in this career?
 Advantages/disadvantages of the job
 Employment outlook and trends
 Other information that interests you regarding this career
Personal Interaction: Informational Interview with faculty or professional (75 points) Due: Nov 5
Objective: Build positive relationships with faculty/professionals & learn skills for successfully navigating college
Students will be responsible for interviewing a professional or faculty member. After the interview each
student will discuss his or her experience with the class. See assignment description on Moodle.
Campus Involvement: The “Do Something” Challenge (40 points) Due: Nov 19
Objective: Explore personal strengths, abilities and interests and how they contribute to your college experience and
Learn about campus resources, how to use them & build positive relationships with students.
The “Do Something” challenge will be conducted throughout the course of the semester as a way for you
to get involved on campus. The minimum requirement for involvement is 10 activities. You may not count
similar activities more than once, i.e., don’t go to 5 basketball games and count it 5 times. One of the
activities should be to join a student organization and attend at least one of the meetings (This counts as
one activity). Please join the student org within the first three weeks of the semester and register with
that student org on GrizzOrgs (see the Center for Student Activities web site Student Organizations).
Students will be given a “Do Something Reaction List” to fill out throughout the semester. Students will
turn in their “Do Something Reaction List” + written response (on the back of the Reaction List).
Most weeks I will ask students to share what they have done from the “Do Something” list.
COM 101 Syllabus Fall 2012
Course Calendar:
Week One: Sept 10, 2012
Lesson: Course overview and teambuilding: Social Wellness.
In Class:
 Welcome to COM 101!
 Review syllabus, projects and class expectations.
 Break into small groups for presentation
At Home:
 Complete self-assessment at home at http://TinyUrl.com/OC6Assessment and email results to me.
 Send your results as an attachment with a properly formatted email from your OU email account.
Save the document with this format: pre_assess_ first initial, last name. Example: pre_assess_jproctor
 State three goals you want to accomplish over the semester. Make 2 copies; one to hand in and one
for yourself. Bring it to class every week.
Week Two: Sept 17, 2012
Lesson: Synergy and Interdependence: Social Wellness
 Read Employing Interdependence, chapter 5: pp. 181-183
 Email self-assessment results to me at jkprocto@oakland.edu. See above.
 Three semester goals
 First thought card due. Buy a pack of 3x5 cards.
In class:
 Scavenger Hunt: campus resources
 Discuss group presentation. Choose campus resource.
Week Three: Sept 24, 2012
Lesson: The Power of Choice: Physical Wellness
 Read Accepting Personal Responsibility, chapter 2: pages 31-40
 Bring semester goals to class (Sept 10) (PP)
 Party Game on-line http://www.oakland.edu/?id=1038&sid=62 (PP)
 Join a student org
 Thought card. Due every week. (PP)
In Class:
 Have to/Choose to
 Develop one of your goals. Make it SMART.
Week Four: October 1, 2012
Group Presentations
 Group Project Presentations
In Class:
 Take notes during presentation and ask questions of presenters. (PP)
 Group assessments
COM 101 Syllabus Fall 2012
Week Five: Oct 8
Lesson: Study Skills + Organization: Intellectual Wellness
Meet at Academic Skills Center 103 NFH.
 Read Discovering Self-Motivation, chapter 3: pp. 99-102
 Do Study Skill Checklist on Moodle. Bring to class!! (PP)
In Class:
 Meet at Academic Skills Center
 Goal review + new goal (PP)
Week Six: Oct 15
Lesson: Managing Stress: Emotional Wellness
Meet at Graham Health Center (South of new Human Health Bldg.)
 Read Gaining Self-Awareness, chapter 6: pp 221-223
In Class:
 Meet at Graham Health Center for Tour, breathing techniques and test taking strategies.
Week Seven: Oct 22
Lesson: Exploring personal strengths, abilities, and interests: Spiritual Wellness
 Career Research project due
In Class:
 Goal review + new goal (PP)
 Complete MBTI in library
 Write down personality type + notes and report to me in the lobby (bring to class next week)
Week Eight: Oct 29
Lesson: Quadrant Thinking
 Read Mastering Self-Management, chapter 4: pp. 131-133, 135
 Bring MBTI personality type from last week (PP)
In Class:
 Discuss MBTI and Interests from Party Game (PP) (Sept 24)
 First things first/Quadrant thinking
 Goal review + new goal (PP)
COM 101 Syllabus Fall 2012
Week Nine: Nov 5
Lesson: Professional Communication: Occupational Wellness
 Faculty/Staff Interview due
 Read Employing Interdependence, chapter 5: pp.185-189
In Class:
 Guest Speaker: Peer Mentor from Career Services
 Roundtable faculty interview (PP)
Week Ten: Nov 12
Lesson: Learning Preferences: Intellectual Wellness
 Read Adopting Lifelong Learning, chapter 7: pp. 269-272
 Bring results of the Preferred Learning Style Inventory pp.270-1 to class (PP)
In Class:
 Goal Review + new goal (PP)
 Journal 24 (PP)
Week Eleven: Nov 19
Lesson: Successfully navigate college environments
 “Do Something” Reaction List + written response
 Read Gaining Self-Awareness, chapter 6: pp. 225-233
In Class:
 Human Machine
 1 minute paper: Human Machine (PP)
 On-line evaluation
Week Twelve: Nov 26
Lesson: Semester Reflection
 Complete self-assessment online at http://TinyUrl.com/OC6Assessment and bring a copy of your
results to class or email
In Class:
 Reflection paper.
 Goal review for entire semester. Develop new goals for next semester.