Bozeman - Cell Membranes

Bozeman Biology
Cell Membranes # 1 video
1 What is the function of the cell membrane?
2 What are the characteristics of a phospholipid?
a Structure :
b Charge:
3 A molecule that is both hydrophilic and hydrophobic is called:
4 What has the structure of a phospholipid got to do with the way it
arranges itself in the membrane?
5 Draw a picture of what this would look like?
6 What kinds of cells have cell membranes?
7 Why is the membrane said to be fluid?
8 What are the major things that the membrane is made up of?
a __________________________________________________
b __________________________________________________
9 What does the phospholipid do?
10 What do the the proteins do?
11 What are the two sides of the membrane?
12 What’s a glycoprotein?
13 Where do the characteristics of the membrane come from, and what are
14 Name three ways the membrane maintains fluidity?
15 What kinds of materials can enter and leave the cell?
16 How does water enter and leave the cell? Name the molecule that helps
with this.
17 Why does soap dissolve the membrane easily?
18 What is selective permeability? How does the cell achieve this?
19 What are the major molecules in the cell membrane?
20 Define Amphipathic. How does this affect transport across the membrane?
21 What role do proteins play in transport?
22 What kinds of cells have cell walls?
23 Describe the fluid cell membrane
24 What are the two roles of cholesterol in the membrane?
a ________________________________________________________
b ________________________________________________________
25 What are glycoproteins made up of, and what is their role in the
membrane? Name an important glycoprotein.
26 What are glycolipids made up of, and what is their role in the membrane?
27 Draw and describe the structure of a phospholipid - indicate the charges on
the molecule.
28 Is fat = phospholipid? why/why not?
29 Describe the charge distribution of the membrane.
30 Why can’t water move through the membrane?
31 What are the characteristics and examples of substances that can move
easily through the membrane?
32 How do proteins assist in transport?
33 What kinds of particles move through proteins?
34 What kinds of transport do proteins assist with?
35 Name two characteristics of the cell wall.
36 What material makes up the cell wall of
a Plants: _________________________________________________
b Bacteria: _______________________________________________
c Fungi: _________________________________________________