palpable transgression aptitude chastise petulantly remorse hasten chortled
Vocab ch 1-4 due Wednesday 10/30
On the test: foreshadowing and point of view
Create a Frayer Model for each of the words.
Be sure to complete each box and to use proper conventions including spelling, punctuation and capitalization.
Vocab ch 1-4 due Wednesday 10/30
reprieve relinquish meticulously scrupulously profound * prestige * benign * indolence *
Vocab ch 5-8 due with the packet on Wed 11/13!
On the test: symbolism and setting
Following the directions on page 47 of your packet, add the first four words from the list to Vocabulary in Context.
reprieve relinquish meticulously scrupulously
1. sentence from the book
2. part of speech
3. inference
4. definition
** Complete on a separate sheet of paper and attach to your packet – can be neatly hand-written or typed.
throng integral successor apprehensively obsolete wincing admonition wryly
Create a Frayer Model for each of the words.
Be sure to complete each box and to use proper conventions including spelling, punctuation and capitalization.
Vocab ch 9-12 due _______________
assimilated embedded ominous placid anguish permeated injustice trudged
inflict wretched empowered solace rueful languid augmented vigilant