Unit: En Vacances Lesson: Passé Composé avec “être” Standards

Unit: En Vacances
Lesson: Passé Composé avec “être”
Standards: 1.1Interpersonal Communication, 1.2 Interpretive Communication, 4.1
Language Comparisons
This lesson focuses solely on grammar that will help the students throughout
the rest of the unit. Before this unit the students will know how to structure
sentences in passé composé using the form of “avoir.” In this lesson the students
will learn the second portion of passé composé using the form/verb “être.”
 TSWBAT describe the differences between the “avoir” form and the “être”
form of passé composé
 TSWBAT demonstrate an understanding of passé composé with être through
reading and listening to the story “Ma vacances en France”
 TSWBAT compose their own vacation story using both forms of passé
What did you do this weekend? Partner discussion activity using the passé
composé avec “avoir”
Passé composé use and structure review
L’histoire “Ma vacances en France”
Discuss follow up questions as an entire class
PowerPoint on Passé composé avec “être”
Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp song (tune= 10 little Indians)
Tik.. Tik.. Boom! Passé composé (avoir et être) practice
Throughout the lesson I will be checking for student understanding
particularly through the follow up questions after the story and Tic, Tic, Boom. After
reading the story, which is told in the past, the students will recall what they have
heard/read and explain which tense is used and why. Through the activity Tic, Tic,
Boom I will be able to see if the students understand how to structure passé
composé with “être” and also if they understand when to use p.c with “avoir” or with
Before this unit the students will have learned how to speak in the past by
using passé composé with “avoir.” However it is important that the students
understand that there are some verbs that require a different form/structure by
using passé composé with “être.”
Academic Language:
In this lesson the students will need to know how to find and use the past
participle when speaking in the past. To do this they will be using -er, -ir, and –re
verbs. The students will also need to know the basic structure of passé composé
with “avoir,” how to conjugate the verb “être,” and the past participles of Dr. & Mrs.
Adaptions/Diverse Learners:
In this lesson there is a lecture portion on how to structure p.c. and there are
hands on activities that follow the grammar lesson. This lesson provides adaptions
for visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners. The students will also be given some
freedom to structure their “Ma vacances” story in a way that fits them best. They
will be given a grading rubric showing how I will be grading it and also a checklist of
what needs to be included in the project, but the students can create it however they
 Mini whiteboards
 L’histoire, “Ma vacances en France”
 Follow up questions
 Passé Composé Power Point
 Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp Handout
 White board Markers
 Candy for Tic, Tic, Boom!
Management Goal:
I plan to have smooth transitions throughout my lesson from one activity to
the next. This will also keep the students busy which will help the students stay on
task. If they do become off task I will gently remind them of what they need to be
focusing on. I will also use a the same attention getter used in previous lessons to
bring them back into focus.
Preparation for learning:
I will be starting class by asking what everyone did over the weekend or how
their day has been so far. They will discuss this in pairs and later joining back
together to the full group. This will have the students thinking in the past and using
the passé composé that they have already learned in a previous unit.
Presentation, Integration and Application of Information:
Instructional Strategy:
Start by describing your last
weekend using passé
composé avec “avoir.” Then
ask the class the same
question. Have the students
discuss in pairs. After a
couple minutes bring the
class back together and
have each student describe
one thing they did during
the weekend.
Review passé composé avec
“avoir” by have the class
discuss what tense it is,
when to use it, and how to
structure it. Do this on the
white board.
Introduce passé composé
avec “être” by reading the
book “Ma vacances en
France” out loud to the
class. Have them follow
along with the teacher on
the projector screen. After
reading the story discuss
the follow up questions as a
Show PowerPoint on passé
composé avec “être” to the
class. Introduce how and
when it is used. Compare
the structure of p.c. with
“être” to p.c with “avoir.”
In the PowerPoint there will
be a slide with
the mnemonic device Dr. &
Mrs. Vandertramp.
Introduce the song to go
The purpose of this
activity is to reintroduce
passé composé avec
“avoir” which they have
already learned. This
activity also has students
conversing with one
another using the TL.
It is important that the
students understand
when to use passé
composé avec “avoir” and
how to structure it
because they will be
learning a new form of
passé composé.
With this activity the
students will be able to
see and hear the use of
both forms of passé
The purpose of this is to
introduce passé composé
avec “être”, when to use it
and how to structure it.
The students will also be
able to see and
understand the
differences between p.c
with “avoir” and “être”
5 minutes
5 minutes
10 minutes
10 minutes
along with it for
memorization purposes.
For practicing this new
form of p.c. have students
play Tic, Tic, Boom! With
mini whiteboards. Start by
giving the students
questions like “I went” and
have them write it in p.c
using the correct form.
Start with the form using
“être” and then slowly mix
the it up by using both
forms, “avoir” et “être.”
Introduce le projet “Ma
vacances.” Pass out the
handout to the students
with the directions and
criteria checklist for the
assignment long with how
it will be graded.
With this activity the
students will practice
writing out/ conjugating
the correct forms of passé
composé. This will also
help them remember
Dr.&Mrs. Vandertramp
10 minutes
The students will be
assigned a project where
5 minutes
they will write their own
“Ma vacances” story using
both forms of passé
composé. The students
will later read their stories
to the class.
The students will be assessed during the grammar practice activity Tic, Tic,
Boom. The students will not be graded on this assignment, but it will show me if the
students understand the concept of p.c. The students will also be able to see what
they understand and what they don’t understand. I also will be assessing the
students through their project. This will be a formative assessment where the
students will submit a rough draft of their sentences. The students will be graded
on their final project, which they will present to the class.
At the end of this lesson each student will have to give me two full sentences
using passé composé with “avoir” and “être.” This will be their ticket out the
door. They will also be given a worksheet on p.c. to be completed as
homework for the day.