Liquid State

Chemistry, Matter and Energy
• Matter is any substance that has mass and
occupies volume.
• Matter exists in one of three physical state:
Solid State
Liquid State
Gaseous State
Gaseous State
• In a gas, the particles of matter are far apart and
uniformly distributed throughout the container.
• Gases have an indefinite shape and assume the
shape of their container.
• Gases can be compressed and have an indefinite
• Gases have the most energy of the three states of
Liquid State
• In a liquid, the particles of matter are loosely
packed and are free to move past one another.
• Liquids have an indefinite shape and assume the
shape of their container.
• Liquids cannot be compressed and have a definite
• Liquids have less energy than gases but more
energy than solids.
Solid State
• In a solid, the particles of matter are tightly
packed together.
• Solids have a definite, fixed shape.
• Solids cannot be compressed and have a definite
• Solids have the least energy of the three states of
States of Matter Summary
Gases have the most energy of the three states of matter.
• Liquids have less energy than gases but more energy than solids.
• Solids have the least energy of the three states of matter.
Changes of State
• Most substances can exist as either a solid, liquid,
or gas.
• Water exists as a solid below 0°C; as a liquid
between 0°C and 100°C; and as a gas above
• A substance can change physical states as the
temperature changes.
Solid/Liquid Phase Changes
• When a solid changes to a liquid, the phase
change is called melting.
• A substance melts as the temperature increases.
• When a liquid changes to a solid, the phase
change is called freezing.
• A substance freezes as the temperature decreases.
Liquid/Gas Phase Changes
• When a liquid changes to a gas, the phase change
is called vaporization.
• A substance vaporizes as the temperature
• When a gas changes to a liquid, the phase change
is called condensation.
• A substance condenses as the temperature
Solid/Gas Phase Changes
• When a solid changes directly to a gas, the phase
change is called sublimation.
• A substance sublimes as the temperature
• When a gas changes directly to a solid, the phase
change is called deposition.
• A substance undergoes deposition as the
temperature decreases.
Changes of State
Classifications of Matter
• Matter can be divided into two classes:
– Mixtures
– Pure Substances
• Mixtures are composed of more than one
substance and can be physically separated into its
component substances.
• Pure substances are composed of only one
substance and cannot be physically separated.
• There are two types of mixtures:
– Homogeneous Mixtures
– Heterogeneous Mixtures
• Homogeneous mixtures have uniform properties
– Saltwater is a homogeneous mixture
• Heterogeneous mixtures do not have uniform
properties throughout
– Sand and water is a heterogeneous mixture
Pure Substances
• There are two types of pure substances:
– Compounds
– Elements
• Compounds can be chemically separated into
individual elements.
– Water is a compound that can be separated into
hydrogen and oxygen.
• An element cannot be broken down further by
chemical reactions.
Occurrence of the Elements
• There are over 100 elements that occur in nature.
81 of those elements are stable.
• Only 10 elements account for 95% of the mass of
the Earth’s crust:
Elements in the Human Body
• Oxygen is the most common element in both the
Earth’s crust and in the Human body.
• While silicon is the second-most abundant
element in the crust, carbon is the second most
abundant in the body.
Names of the Elements
• Each element has a unique name.
• Names have several origins:
– Hydrogen is derived from Greek
– Carbon is derived from Latin
– Scandium is named for Scandinavia
– Nobelium is named for Alfred Nobel.
Element Symbols
• Each element is abbreviated using a chemical
• The symbols are 1 or 2 letters long.
• Most of the time, the symbol is derived from the
name of the element.
– C is the symbol for carbon
– Cd is the symbol for cadmium
• When a symbol has a two letter symbol, the first
is capitalized and the second is lower case.
Other Element Symbols
• For some elements, the chemical symbol is
derived from the original Latin name.
Gold – Au
Sodium – Na
Silver – Ag
Antimony – Sb
Copper – Cu
Tin – Sn
Mercury – Hg
Iron – Fe
Potassium – K
Tungsten – W
Types of Elements
• Elements can be divided into three classes:
– Metals
– Nonmetals
– Semimetals or metalloids
• Semimetals have properties midway
between those of metals and nonmetals
Properties of Metals
• Metals are typically solids with high melting
points and high densities and have a bright,
metallic luster.
• Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity.
• Metals can be hammered into thin sheets and are
said to be malleable.
• Metals can be drawn into fine wires and are said
to be ductile.
Properties of Nonmetals
• Nonmetals typically have low melting points and
low densities and have a dull appearance.
• Nonmetals are poor conductors of heat and
• Nonmetals are not malleable or ductile and crush
into a powder when hammered.
• 11 nonmetals occur naturally in the gaseous state.
Periodic Table of the Elements
• Each element is assigned a number to identify it.
It is called the atomic number.
• Hydrogen is 1, Helium is 2, up to Uranium which
is 92.
• The elements are arranged by atomic number on
the periodic table.
The Periodic Table
Metals, Nonmetals, and Semimetals
• Metals are on the left side of the periodic table,
nonmetals are on the right side, and the
semimetals are in between.
Physical States of the Elements
Physical & Chemical Properties
• A physical property is a characteristic of a pure
substance that we can observe without changing
its composition.
• Physical properties include appearance, melting
and boiling point, density, conductivity, and
physical state
• A chemical property describes the chemical
reactions of a pure substance.
Chemical & Physical Changes
• A physical change is a change where the
chemical composition of the substance is not
• These include changes in physical state or shape
of a pure substance.
• A chemical change is a chemical reaction.
• The composition of the substances changes during
a chemical change.
Evidence of a Chemical Change
• Gas release (bubbles).
• Light or release of heat energy.
• Formation of a precipitate.
• A permanent color change.
Conservation of Mass
• Antoine Lavoisier found that the mass of
substances before a chemical change was always
equal to the mass of substances after a chemical
• This is the law of conservation of mass.
• Matter is not created or destroyed in physical or
chemical processes.
Potential and Kinetic Energy
• Potential energy, PE, is stored energy; it results
from position or composition.
• Kinetic energy, KE, is the energy matter has as a
result of motion.
• Energy can be converted between the two types.
• A boulder at the top of the hill has potential
energy; if you push it down the hill, the potential
energy is converted to kinetic energy.
KE, Temperature, & State
• All substances have kinetic energy no matter what
physical state they are in.
• Solids have the lowest kinetic energy, and gases
have the greatest kinetic energy.
• As you increase the temperature of a substance, its
kinetic energy increases.
Conservation of Energy
• Just like matter, energy cannot be created or
destroyed but it can converted from one form to
• This is the law of conservation of energy.
• There are six forms of energy: heat, light,
electrical, mechanical, chemical, and nuclear.
Energy and Chemical Change
• In a chemical change, energy is transformed from
one form to another. For example:
Law of Conservation of
Mass and Energy
• Mass and energy are related by Einstein’s theory
of relativity, E = mc2.
• Mass and energy can be interchanged.
• The law of conservation of mass and energy
states that the total mass and energy of the
universe is constant.
Separation of
Separates homogeneous mixture on the basis of
differences in boiling point.
Separates solid substances from liquids and solutions.
Separates substances on the basis of
differences in solubility in a solvent.
• Matter exists in three physical states:
– Solid
– Liquid
– Gas
• Substances can be converted between the three
• Substances can be mixtures or pure substances.
Conclusions Continued
• Pure substances can be either compounds or
• The elements are arranged in the periodic table.
• Each element has a name and a 1 or 2 letter
• Elements are classified as either metals,
nonmetals, or semimetals.
Conclusions Continued
• A physical change is a change in physical state or
• A chemical change is a change in the chemical
composition of a substance.
• Both mass and energy are conserved in chemical
and physical changes.