SCHEME OF WORK Term: Name of Course: Session length: 90mins Number of sessions: 12 Mandarin Beginner Name of Tutor: Crystal Cheng Aims of the course: Date 22/04/2015 1 Session content/ topic Brief Introduction of Mandarin Language structure/ grammar points Learning outcomes Greetings, Be able to greet others for the first time Nihao, ni hao ma? wo de ming zi shi… Asking people’s name Greetings Ni hao! Hello! Wo xing… wo jiao … Ni ne? 2 3 29/04/2015 Introduction of Pin Yin, tones and number 1-10 Pin yin and numbers 06/05/2015 Ni shi na li ren Countries Na li, na Be able to understand how does pinyin connect with character and count number 1-10 Know how to ask questions with “na li”,”na” able to answer own’s countries name and some other main countries 13/05/2015 Ni shi na li ren 4 Negative adverb 不 bu 20/05/2015 Ni zuo shen me gong zuo 5 Know how to use negative adverb 不, and able to describe people that where are they come from Occupations Asking and answering questions about occupations Adverb 也/都, word order Know how to use/add 的 Pronouns as modifier (+的) 6 27/05/2015 Social event Cultural understanding Identifying information about family members 7 03/06/2015 Ni zuo shen me gong zuo Family members Asking and answering questions about family members Describing one’s family members and their occupations Ta zhen gao 8 10/06/2015 People’s appearances Describing people’s appearances Interrogative pronoun 谁 Know how to use interrogative pronoun 谁 Numbers in Chinese 9 10 11 17/06/2015 24/06/2015 01/07/205 Ta zhen gao Zhe shi wo de dian hua hao ma Zhe shi wo de dian hua hao Favourites, ages Addresses Contact number Question word 多少 Describing people’s favourites Asking the questions about the age Asking for and giving information about contact numbers and addresses Asking for and giving information about contact 12 08/07/2015 ma Word order of Chinese addresses numbers and addresses Jin tian ji hao Months and dates Asking for and saying dates and days 请 Making invitations