Pharmacy Student Classification 1. Monohalogen Derivatives : The halogen derivatives containing one halogen atom in a molecule General formula CnH2n+1X e.g. methyl Chloride CH3 Cl 2. Dihalogen Derivatives : The halogen derivatives containing two halogen atom in a molecule General formula CnH2n X2 e.g. Methylene Chloride CH2 Cl2 Ethylene Chloride CH2 Br – CH2 Br Classification 3. Trihalogen Derivatives : The halogen derivatives containing three halogen atom in a molecule e.g. Trichloro methane CH Cl3 4. Tetrahalogen Derivatives : The halogen derivatives containing two halogen atom in a molecule Carbon Tetrafluoride e.g. Carbon Tetrachloride C F4 C Cl4 1. Alkyl mono halides : General molecular formula Cn H2n+1 X CH3 – Cl C2H5 – Cl What Is an Alkyl Halide An organic compound containing at least one carbon-halogen bond (C-X) X (F, Cl, Br, I) replaces H It can contain many C-X bonds Properties and some uses Fire-resistant solvents Refrigerants Pharmaceuticals and precursors 5 Alkyl Halides R-X (X = F, Cl, Br, I) Classification of alkyl halides according to the class of the carbon that the halogen is attached to. RCH2-X 1o R2CH-X R3C-X 2o 3o Alkyl Halides • Alkyl halides are organic molecules containing a halogen atom bonded to an sp3 hybridized carbon atom. • Alkyl halides are classified as primary (1°), secondary (2°), or tertiary (3°), depending on the number of carbons bonded to the carbon with the halogen atom. • The halogen atom in halides is often denoted by the symbol “X”. 7 2-Naming Alkyl Halides Find longest chain, name it as parent chain (Contains double or triple bond if present) Number from end nearest any substituent (alkyl or halogen) 8 3-Isomerism in alkyl halides 1-Position isomerism: Compounds having the same molecular formula but differ in the position of the halogen atom C4H9Br → CH3CH2CH2CH2Br 1-bromobutane CH3CHCH2CH3 2-bromobutane Br 2- Chain isomerism Depends on the type of the carbon chain; Straight or Branched. CH3CHCH2 Br iso-butylbromide CH3 CH3CH2CH2CH2Br 1-bromobutane 3- Optical Isomerism Present in alkyl halides of asymmetrical carbon atom H CH3 CH3 Cl CH2CH3 Cl H CH2CH3 4-Methods Of Preparation 1-From Alcohol: by the action of HX, SOCl2 (thionyl chloride) or PCl5 : C2H5-OH +HCl ZnCl2 CH3(OH)CHCH3 + SOCl2 Isopropanol C2H5Cl + H2O C5H5N CH3(Cl)CHCH3 + isopropyl chloride SO2 + HCl CH3OH + PCl5 CH3Cl + POCl3 + HCl phosphorous oxychloride 2-From Alkene: CH3CH CH2 + HBr CH3CHBrCH3 isoppropyl bromide 3- Halogenation of Alkanes RH + X2 RX + HX explosive for F2 exothermic for Cl2 and Br2 endothermic for I2 Chlorination of Methane carried out at high temperature (400 °C) CH4 + Cl2 CH3Cl + HCl CH3Cl + Cl2 CH2Cl2 + HCl CH2Cl2 + Cl2 CHCl3 + HCl CHCl3 + Cl2 CCl4 + HCl Physical Properties • Alkyl halides are weak polar molecules. They exhibit dipole-dipole interactions because of their polar C—X bond, but because the rest of the molecule contains only C—C and C—H bonds, they are incapable of intermolecular hydrogen bonding. 15 Chemical Reaction REACTIONS OF ALKYL HALIDES Alkyl halides (R-X) undergo two types of reactions : substitution reactions and elimination reactions. In a substitution reaction, the X group in R-X is replaced by a different group, e.g. R-XR-OH +XӨ In an elimination reaction, the elements of H-X are eliminated from R-X; the product is very often an alkene. H CH3 CH2 C Br CH3 base CH2 CH3 C + HBr CH3 17 ALKYL HALIDES – Substitution reactions H HC H H C H Br + OH H H H C C OH + Br H H This is a nucleophilic substitution or nucleophilic displacement reaction on which OH displaces Br. The C-Br bond is polar, and the carbon (⊕) is susceptible to attack by an anion or any other nucleophile. ӨOH is the nucleophile (species which “loves nuclei” or has an affinity for positive charges). BrӨ is the leaving group 18 ALKYL HALIDES – Substitution reactions CH3-CH2—Br + ӨOH CH3-CH2—OH + BrӨ The general reaction is: R-X + NuӨ R-Nu + XӨ These are ionic reactions. There are two possible ionic mechanisms for nucleophilic substitution, SN1 and SN2. S – substitution; N – nucleophilic; 1 – unimolecular (the rate determining, r.d.s., step entails one molecule); 2 – bimolecular (the rate determining step entails two species). 19 ALKYL HALIDES The unimolecular (SN1) reaction (a) R X R + X In the first step, R-X dissociates, forming a carbocation, R⊕, and the leaving group XӨ. This is a slow, rate determining step (r.d.s.) and entails only one species, R-X. (b) R⊕+ NuӨ R-Nu In the second step the carbocation and the nucleophile combine. This occurs rapidly. The overall reaction is R-X + NuӨ R-Nu + XӨ The rate of the reaction = k[R-X] 20 Other Aspects of SN1 Reactions X 1 (a) R 1 3 C R R2 slow R 1 3 R C 2 R + X R carbocation (b) Nu 3 R C 2 R fast Nu R1 C R3 R2 The most important feature of SN1 reactions is the carbocation intermediate. A. Alkyl halides which form stable carbocations will undergo SN1 reactions. 3o alkyl halides form 3o carbocations (stable) and will undergo SN1 reactions. X 1 (a) R 1 3 C R 2 R slow R 1 3 R C 2 R + X R carbocation (b) Nu 3 R C R2 fast Nu R1 C R3 R2 Alkyl halides which form stable carbocations will undergo SN1 reactions. 2o alkyl halides form 2o carbocations (fairly stable) and it undergo SN1 reactions. 1o carbocations are unstable, 1o alkyl halides will not undergo SN1 reactions. Substitution reactions of 1o alkyl halides proceed via the SN2 mechanism. ALKYL HALIDES: The bimolecular (SN2) reaction (a) NuӨ + R-X ⇋ ӨNu---R---XӨ The nucleophile and the alkyl halide combine to form a pentacoordinate transition state. This is the slow rate determining step (r.d.s); it entails two species, R-X and NuӨ . The dotted lines indicate partially formed or partially broken covalent bonds. (b) ӨNu---R---XӨ Nu-R + XӨ The pentacoordinate transition state dissociates to form the product, Nu-R, and the halide ion (the leaving group). The rate of the reaction = k[R-X][NuӨ] The rate is dependent of the concentration of two species; higher concentrations increase the frequency of molecula collisions. ALKYL HALIDES: The bimolecular (SN2) reaction (a) NuӨ + R-X ⇋ ӨNu---R---XӨ The nucleophile and the alkyl halide combine to form a pentacoordinate transition state. This is the slow rate determining step (r.d.s); it entails two species, R-X and NuӨ . The dotted lines indicate partially formed or partially broken covalent bonds. (b) ӨNu---R---XӨ Nu-R + XӨ The pentacoordinate transition state dissociates to form the product, Nu-R, and the halide ion (the leaving group). The rate of the reaction = k[R-X][NuӨ] The rate is dependent of the concentration of two species; higher concentrations increase the frequency of molecular collisions. 24 • Reactivity of Alkyl Halide: Due to highly polar nature of Cδ+ − Cl δ bond ethyl chloride is highly reactive. Therefore alkyl halides are considered as synthetic tools in the hands of organic chemistry. Due to low bond dissociation energy, alkyl halides are more reactive. The order of reactivity of alkyl halides is as follows : R - Cl < R – Br < R – I CH3 CH3CH2CH2CH2−Cl <CH3CHCH2CH3 <CH3CCl Primary Cl Secondary CH3tertiary Chemical Reaction Hydrolysis : With aqueous KOH ethyl chloride gives R-X + aqueous alkali :OH- ROH + :XCH3CH2CH2-Br + alcohol KOH CH3CH2CH2-OH + KBr R-X + alcoholic ammonia :NH3 R-NH2 + HX primary amine CH3CH2CH2-Br + NH3 CH3CH2CH2-NH2 + HBr R-X +alcohlic pot. Cyanide :CN- R-CN + :X- alkyl cyanide (1) nitrile R-CN + H2O RCOOH + NH3 (2) CH3Cl+KCN CH3CN +KCl CH3CN + H2O CH3COOH +NH3 R’-X + RCOOAg RCOOR’ + AgX esters CH3Cl + CH3COOAg CH3COOCH3 + AgCl • R-X + sodium alkoxide :OR´- R-O-R´ + :X- ether • C2H5Cl + C2H5ONa C2H5 O C2H5 + NaCl • R-X + sodium sulfide :SR´ R-SR´ + :X- thio-ether • CH3Cl + Na2S CH3-S-CH3 + NaCl • Formation of Grignard’s reagent • R-X + Mg/ether RMgX C2H5 + Mg/ether C2H5MgI Grignard’s reagent Reaction with Grignard’s reagent: R-X + R’MgX R- R’ +MgX2 CH3Cl + CH3MgCl CH3-CH3 + MgCl2 Wurtz reaction : In the presence of dry ether two moles of ethyl chloride reacts with sodium to give butane. R-X + 2Na R-R + 2 NaX Alkane 2 CH3Cl + 2 Na CH3-CH3 + 2NaCl Reduction: R-X + H2/Pt R-H + HX Alkane CH3Cl + H2/Pt CH4 + HCl Elimination : In the presence of alcoholic KOH C2H5-Cl + alc KOH C2H4 + HCl Dihalogen derivatives C n H 2n X 2 Di-Halogen Derivatives Geminal Dihalides | | Alkyl ene dihalide CH2 CH2 CH CH2 Alkyl idene dihalide | Dichloroethane | | | (Ethylidene dichloride) 1,1 - | | Cl CH3 | | Cl | C Cl | H3C C | Non - Terminal Cl | Terminal H Cl Cl Cl Cl Ethylene dichloride (1,2 - Dichloroethane) CH3 (Isopropylidene dichloride) 2,2 Dichloropropane | Vicinal Dihalides CH3 propylenedichloride (1,2 - Dichloro propane) Di-Halogen Derivatives CH2 = CH2 + Cl — Cl(g) CCl4 Ethylene CH2 | Cl | ii) Preparation of Ethylene Dichloride a ) Addition of Chlorine to Ethylene CH2 | Cl Ethylene dichloride 1,2-Dichloroethane Di-Halogen Derivatives ii) Preparation of Ethylene Dichloride b ) Action of Ethylene Glycol and PCl5 — — — Cl OH OH Cl Ethylene dichloride + Cl — H2 C — CH2 + 2 HCl + 2POCl3 H2 C — CH2 Cl Cl — P Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl — P Cl Cl Ethylene glycol 1, 2-Ethanediol 1,2-Dichloroethane Di-Halogen Derivatives iii) Preparation of Ethylidene Dichloride a ) Action of HCl and Acetylene addtn H — C = C — H + H+ — Cl— — — Cl— — H—C C—H + H+ H Cl excess Vinyl chloride Ethenyl chloride Acetylene Ethyne — — — Cl — H H Cl H—C—C—H Ethylidene dichloride 1, 1-Dichloroethane Di-Halogen Derivatives iii) Preparation of Ethylidene Dichloride b ) Action of Acetaldehyde with PCl5 Cl Cl CH3 H | C | | | || O + Cl – P Cl Cl Acetaldehyde Phosphorus Pentachoride Ethanal CH3 | H | C + POCl3 Ethylidene Phosphorus Dichloride chloride Di-Halogen Derivatives iv) Distinction between Vicinal & Geminal Dihalides by Hydrolysis reaction | + CH2 | Cl K K | | OH OH (aq) boil Hydrolysis Ethylene dichloride 1,2-Dichloroethane H2 C CH2 + 2 KCl | | OH OH | H2C | Cl 1,2-Ethane diol (Glycol) Hence aq alkali (NaOH /KOH) is used to distinguish between geminal and vicinal dihalides Di-Halogen Derivatives | | H | H3C C Cl + K OH | K OH Cl Ethylidene dichloride 1,1-Dichloroethane Boil Hydrolysis – 2KCl | | | H H | | – H2O H3C C = O H3C C OH | Acetaldehyde OH Ethanal unstable It gives aldehyde or ketone depending on the position of the halogen atom Tri-Halogen Derivatives A ] Chloroform ( CHCl3 ) ii) Oxidation of Ethyl alcohol Oxidation H3C C | H || Ethyl alcohol Ethanol H + Cl2 | O | | | H3C H | C | H O + 2HCl Acetaldehyde (Ethanal) Tri-Halogen Derivatives A ] Chloroform ( CHCl3 ) | iii) Chlorination of Acetaldehyde Chlorination CH3CHO 3Cl2 + CCl3 CHO + 3HCl Acetaldehyde Trichloroacetaldehyde Ethanol (Choral) iv) Hydrolysis of Choral Ca H || O H | CCl3 – C O Hydrolysis + || H | O H CCl3 – C O (Chloral) Calcium Hydroxide 2 CHCl3 + (HCOO)2Ca Chloroform Calcium formate (Trichloromethane) Tri-Halogen Derivatives 1. Is Colorless , volatile , and Heavy liquid with sweet smell 2. Boiling point – 334 K 3. It is Insoluble in water but readily soluble in alcohol & ether 4. Is heavier than water 5. Produces unconsciousness when inhaled 6. Its vapour burns with a green edged flame 7. In liquid form , it is non-inflammable Tri-Halogen Derivatives i) Oxidation Chloroform in presence of sunlight gives highly Poisonous gas phosgene carbonyl chloride hence: It is always stored In dark or amber colored bottles 2CHCl3 + O2 Chloroform Trichloromethane Sunlight Air 2COCl2 + 2HCl Phosgene Carbonyl chloride Tri-Halogen Derivatives ii) Action with Concentrated nitric acid Cl Cl | | | | | Cl C H+ HO NO2 - H2O Cl C NO2 Con. Cl Cl Nitro chloroform (chloropicrin) Chloroform CCl3 – NO2 is used as insecticide, tear gas. Tri-Halogen Derivatives iv) Hydrolysis H | C OH Unstable OH – H2O OH H2O + HCOOK Potassium Formate KOH H C = O Formic acid Methanoic acid | C | | Boil Cl + 3 K OH (aq) Hydrolysis Cl -3 KCl Chloroform Trichloromethane H | OH Cl Tri-Halogen Derivatives v) Hofmann’s Carbylamine Reaction NH2 + CHCl3 + 3 KOH (alc) (C6H5NH2) Aniline Phenyl amine NC warm + 3KCl+ 3H2O (C6H5NC) Phenyl isocyanide Phenyl Carbylamine Alcohols R-O-H Classification CH3, 1o, 2o, 3o Nomenclature: Common names: “alkyl alcohol” IUPAC: parent = longest continuous carbon chain containing the – OH group. alkane drop -e, add –ol prefix locant for –OH (lower number for OH) Alcohols classified as: primary, 1o secondary, 2o tertiary, 3o according to their "degree of substitution." Degree of substitution is determined by counting the number of carbon atoms directly attached to the carbon that bears the hydroxyl group. Substitutive Nomenclature of Alcohols Name as "alkanols." Replace -e ending of alkane name by -ol. Number chain in direction that gives lowest number to the carbon that bears the —OH group. CH3CH2OH CH3 CH3CCH2CH2CH3 CH3CHCH2CH2CH2CH3 OH OH Substitutive Nomenclature of Alcohols Name as "alkanols." Replace -e ending of alkane name by -ol. Number chain in direction that gives lowest number to the carbon that bears the —OH group. CH3CH2OH Ethanol CH3CHCH2CH2CH2CH3 OH 2-Hexanol CH3 CH3C CH2CH2CH3 OH 2-Methyl-2-pentanol Classification H CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2OH OH primary alcohol secondary alcohol CH3 CH3CHCH2CH2CH3 OH secondary alcohol CH3CCH2CH2CH3 OH tertiary alcohol Methods of Preparation 1-Reduction of Aldehydes/Ketones Hydrogenation H2 R C H Pt O RCH 2OH Primary ROH H2 R C R' Pt O H R C R' OH Secondary ROH 2- Hydrolysis of Alkali halide R-X + aqueous alkali :OH- ROH + :X- alcohol 3- Indirect hydration of Olefins CH3CH=CH2 + H.HSO4 CH3-CH-CH3 HOH HSO4 CH3CHCH3 + H2SO4 OH Reduction of Aldehydes/Ketones Hydride Reductions LiAlH 4 R CH RCH 2OH or O NaBH 4 R C R' O LiAlH 4 or NaBH 4 H R C R' OH Primary ROH Secondary ROH Reduction of Carboxylic Acids and Esters Lithium Aluminum Hydride Reduction R C OH LiAlH 4 RCH 2OH + OH - O R C OR' O LiAlH 4 RCH 2OH + R'OH Grignard Addition Reactions Addition to Aldehydes/Ketones Addition to Esters Addition to Epoxides Grignard Additions to Esters Formation of secondary and tertiary alcohols H C OR + 2 R'MgX R' 2CHOH + ROH O Secondary ROH R' R" C OR + 2 R'MgX O R" C OH + ROH R' Teriary ROH Properties of Alcohol 1-Position isomerism: Compounds having the same molecular formula but differ in the position of the functional group OH group C4H9OH → CH3CH2CH2CH2OH CH3CHCH2CH3 OH 1-butanol 2-butanol 2- Chain Isomerism Depends on the type of the carbon chain; Straight or Branched. CH3CHCH2 OH CH3 CH3CH2CH2CH2OH iso-butanol 1-butanol Optical Isomerism It present in alcohols which contain asymmetrical carbon atom. Where the molecule has two isomers called enantiomers, which they are optical active CH3CHCH2 OH iso-butanol CH3 CH3CH2CH2CH2OH 1-butanol