Applied CyberInfrastructure Concepts ISTA 420/520 Fall 2013 Will Computers Crash Genomics? Science Vol 331 Feb 2011 Nirav Merchant ( Bio Computing & iPlant Collaborative Eric Lyons ( Plant Sciences & iPlant Collaborative University of Arizona 1 or 1 Topic Coverage Some pointers for your midterm What are my choices for data transfer methods Journey of data and gotcha Data transfer != Data Management != Storage iRODS hands on Mid term Consider Tyson as your client/customer and you are trying to win his business (and confidence) Make it easy for him to use it, provide the instructions (user manual) for him to use it. Include things like faq, gotcha. Expect that he is a new user with no idea about futuregrid , UA HPC etc. so be through and minimize jargon, explain things as step The wiki page should be laid out such that he would want to hire you as his data team ! Your report should be well laid out and to the point To run your job across distributed systems is good and recommended (use high port numbers 50000 and above ) How to transfer ..and gotcha ata.html Network, disks, CPU and such Some tools for bench marking and estimating – Measurement lab (NDT) – DDCopy Bits and Bytes (Mb V/s MB) MeasurementChart.html iPlant Data Store Free Your Data Now with: Java Python REST API Different Users, Different Access Needs: One Data Store The journey of data to iDS and challenges along the way ! Hard Drive Internet Network card UA/FG network Building network iDS Campus network Network card Check: USB, HDD, Network capabilities Internet Hard Drive Basic Exercise Lets learn about icommands ng+iCommands Lets connect to UA HPC and use irods (hint module load) TRANSFERING LARGE DATA FROM LAPTOP ON WIRELESS IS A BAD IDEA (steps below are from UA HPC after you ssh there) Create a 100MB file (hint use dd and search for it) on UA HPC Put it into iPlant data store (hint what icommand to use ?) Log into and browse you data, share it with someone Connect to future grid machine and get the same file Basic exercise Exploring special commands like imeta inc (you will be better of getting icommands from iPlants wiki)