Lecture 1 - Introduction PowerPoint

Cyber Security :
Concept, Theory, and
Spring 2014
• Meet Thursday 4:00pm – 6:50 pm, ECE
Bldg, Room 258
• ACL lab is ECE251
• Office hours: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Th in
• Questions via email are encouraged
• Web site
• Fundamentals of Cyber Security – Network
Security, Risk Models and Assessments
• Understand Network Attacks
Scanning / Probe
DoS / DDoS attack
Worm / Virus / Trojans
Spam / Botnet / phishing
Insider Attacks
• Hardware/Software Security Technologies
– Encryption / Authorization/Authentication
– Access Control Matrix, Firewall, IDS/IPS, IPSec,
Honeypot, etc
More Topics
• Network Security Monitoring (NSM)
– Payload / Session / Connection Level
– Active / Passive
• Vulnerability Analysis
– Operation System
– IPv4/v6
– Wireless Network
– Layer 2(ARP)
– Application (Web, Database)
More Topics
• Defensive system design
– Security architectures
– Penetration testing
• Labs
– Network Scanning
– Network Security Monitoring
– Firewalls/IDS
Recommended References
Stallings, William;
Brown, Lawrie.
Computer Security:
Principles and Practice
(2nd Edition)
Pfleeger, Charles P.;
Pfleeger, Shari
Lawrence. Security in
Computing (4th Edition)
Katz, Jonathan; Lindell,
Yehuda. Introduction to
Modern Cryptography
Qian, Yi; Tipper, David;
Prashant; Joshi, James.
Information Assurance:
Dependability and
Security in Networked
Course Grading
Homework and Assignments:
Midterm Exam:
Term paper + Presentation:
Term project:
Final Exam:
All information contained in this course
information sheet, other than grading policy,
may be subject to change.
Important Dates
• Abstracts for projects and term paper
– Feb. 6, 2014
• Midterm
– Mar. 13, 2014
• Term paper and presentation
– Apr. 24, 2014
• Project Report
– May 1, 2014
• Final Exam (24 hour take home exam)
– May 1, 2014
Questions for the class
Are you
comfortable with C,
C++, and/or Java?
Questions for the class
Are you familiar
with IP networking?
Questions for the class
Are you familiar
with Operating
System? Linux
and/or Windows?
Questions for the class
What is your goal
of this class?
Prohibited Conduct
Students enrolled in academic credit bearing courses are
subject to this Code. Conduct prohibited by this Code
consists of all forms of academic dishonesty, including, but
not limited to:
1. Cheating, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty,
and plagiarism as set out and defined in the Student Code
of Conduct, ABOR Policy 5-308-E.10, and F.1
2. Submitting an item of academic work that has
previously been submitted or simultaneously submitted
without fair citation of the original work or authorization by
the faculty member supervising the work.
3. Violating required disciplinary and professional ethics
rules contained or referenced in the student handbooks
(hardcopy or online) of undergraduate or graduate
programs, or professional colleges.
Source: http://deanofstudents.arizona.edu/policies-and-codes/code-academic-integrity
Prohibited Conduct
4. Violating discipline specific health, safety or ethical
requirements to gain any unfair advantage in lab(s) or
clinical assignments.
5. Failing to observe rules of academic integrity
established by a faculty member for a particular course.
6. Attempting to commit an act prohibited by this Code.
Any attempt to commit an act prohibited by these rules
shall be subject to sanctions to the same extent as
completed acts.
7. Assisting or attempting to assist another to violate this
Source: http://deanofstudents.arizona.edu/policies-and-codes/code-academic-integrity
The Average Individual Cost due to
Cyber Attack
• According to 2013’s Consumer Security Risks Survey,
conducted by B2B International and Kaspersky Lab, the
average cost of multimedia files that a user might lose as a
result of a cyber attack or other damage is estimated at $418.
• According to the same survey, “over 60% of users who were
victims of malware that either damaged or destroyed data
admitted that they had not been able to fully restore their
• “in the 16-24 age group would face an average loss of $670,
while those in the 25-34 group would incur an average loss of
$455; users aged 45 and older would lose an average of
Cyber attacks cost for US
The Ponemon Institute sponsored by HP
Enterprise Security Products conducted the
“2013 Cost of Cyber Crime Study” that showed
“the average annualized cost of cybercrime
incurred by a benchmark sample of US
organizations was $11.56 million, with a range
of $1.3 million to $58 million. That represent a
78% increase since the initial study was
conducted four years ago and an increase of
26%, or $2.6 million, over the average cost
reported in 2012.”
Source: http://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/view/34990/cyberattacks-cost-1-million-on-average-to-resolve/
Cyber attacks cost for US
It also stated: “the time it takes to resolve a
cyber-attack has increased by nearly 130%
during this same period. The average time
to resolve a cyber-attack is 32 days, with an
average cost incurred during the resolution
period of $1,035,769, or $32,469 per day – a
55% increase over last year’s estimated
average cost of $591,780 for a 24-day
Source: http://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/view/34990/cyberattacks-cost-1-million-on-average-to-resolve/
Cyber attacks cost for US
“Overall, organizations experience an
average of 122 successful attacks per week,
up from 102 attacks per week in 2012.
Cybercrime cost varies by company size,
but smaller organizations incur a
significantly higher per-capita cost than
larger organizations. Organizations in
financial services, defense, and energy and
utilities also experience substantially higher
cybercrime costs than those in retail,
hospitality and consumer products.”
Source: http://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/view/34990/cyberattacks-cost-1-million-on-average-to-resolve/
Small Businesses
• “Forty-four percent say they have been the victim of a cyberattack – that’s high, and really concerning,” says Molly
Brogan, the director of communications for the NSBA.
• Of the 44% of businesses that had experienced an attack,
59% say they incurred service interruptions, and 35% say
information was falsely sent from their domain names.
Nineteen percent say their website was taken down, and 5%
say sensitive information and data was stolen.
• The NSBA’s 2013 Small Business Technology Survey was
conducted in August and surveyed 845 small-business
owners, including both NSBA members and non-members.
Source: http://smallbusiness.foxbusiness.com/technology-web/2013/09/17/cyber-attacks-cost-small-businesses-nearly-000/
Cloud Attacks
• On Oct. 3, 2013, Adobe announced that
their Creative Cloud customers database
has been the target of a cyber attack
which may have compromised the data of
some 2.9 million Creative Cloud
• “A top Homeland Security Department
official testified Wednesday that there
have been approximately 16 cyberattacks
on the HealthCare.gov website and one
‘denial of service’ attack that was
Source: http://hackmageddon.com/category/security/cyber-attacks-statistics/
Oct. 2013
Source: http://hackmageddon.com/category/security/cyber-attacks-statistics/
Oct. 2013
Source: http://hackmageddon.com/category/security/cyber-attacks-statistics/
Oct. 2013
Source: http://hackmageddon.com/category/security/cyber-attacks-statistics/
Oct. 2013
Why Internet Security
• Internet attacks are increasing in frequency,
severity and sophistication
• Security has become one of the hottest jobs even
with downturn of economy
Why Internet Security (cont’d)
• Virus and worms
– Melissa, Nimda, Code Red, Code Red II, Slammer
– Cause over $28 billion in economic losses in
2003, growing to over $75 billion in economic
losses by 2007.
– Code Red (2001): 13 hours infected >360K
machines - $2.4 billion loss
– Slammer (2003): 10 minutes infected > 75K
machines - $1 billion loss
U.S. National
Martin Casado • Keith Coleman
Sponsored by William J. Perry
Fall 2006
Stanford University
Why are we talking about
Case 1: Blue Security DoS
• May 2006, anti-spam company “Blue Security”
attacked by PharmaMaster
• PharmaMaster bribed a top-tier ISP's staff
member into black holing Blue Security's former
IP address ( at internet backbone
• Attack disrupts the operations of five top-tier
hosting providers in the US and Canada, as well
as a major DNS provider for several hours.
• Blue security operation was disrupted, and they
had to shutdown their service.
Case 2: Slammer Worm
• January 2003
Infects 90% of vulnerable computers within 10
• Effect of the Worm
- Interference with elections
- Cancelled airline flights
- 911 emergency systems affected in Seattle
- 13,000 Bank of America ATMs failed
• No malicious payload!
• Estimated ~$1 Billion in productivity loss
Case 3: WorldCom
• July 2002
WorldCom declares bankruptcy
• Problem
WorldCom carries 13% - 50% of global internet traffic.
About 40% of Internet traffic uses WorldCom’s network
at some point
• October 2002
Outage affecting only 20% of WorldCom users snarls
traffic around the globe
• Congressional Hearings
Congress considers, but rejects, extension of FCC
regulatory powers to prevent WorldCom shutdown
Vulnerabilities are not just technical
Case 4: “Titan Rain”
• Successful network intrusions on U.S. military
• Increasing in frequency since 2003
• Originating from China
• Successful intrusion into…
– U.S. Army Information Systems Engineering Command at Fort
Huachuca, Arizona
– Defense Information Systems Agency in Arlington, Virginia
– Naval Ocean Systems Center in San Diego, California
– United States Army Space and Strategic Defense installation in
Huntsville, Alabama
– more…
Increasing Dependence
• Communication (Email, IM, VoIP)
• Commerce (business, banking, e-commerce,
• Control systems (public utilities, etc)
• Information and entertainment
• Sensitive data stored on the Internet
• Biz, Edu, Gov have permanently replaced
physical/manual processes with Internetbased processes
• Navy command dissemination?
Security Initially Not a Priority
Other design priorities often trump security:
Open Architecture
Backwards Compatibility
And It’s Really Hard …
• Hard to retrofit security “fixes”
• No metrics to measure (in)security
• Internet is inherently international
(no real boundaries)
• Private sector owns most of the infrastructure
• “Cybersecurity Gap”: a cost/incentive disconnect?
– Businesses will pay to meet business imperatives
– Who’s going to pay to meet national security imperatives?
An Achilles Heel?
This level of dependence makes the Internet a
target for asymmetric attack
and a weak spot for accidents and failures
* Coined by Bruce Schneier, Counterpane
The Challenge
Clearly not just a technical problem. Requires
consideration of economic factors, public
policy, legal issues, social issues etc.
That’s what this class is about.
What is “cybersecurity?”
Some Definitions
According to the U.S. Dept of Commerce:
See “information security”
n. cybersecurity:
n. information security: The protection of information
against unauthorized disclosure, transfer, modification,
or destruction, whether accidental or intentional.
Some Definitions
According to S. 1901 “Cybersecurity Research and
Education Act of 2002”:
cybersecurity: “information assurance, including scientific, technical, management,
or any other relevant disciplines required to ensure computer and network security,
including, but not limited to, a discipline related to the following functions:
(A) Secure System and network administration and operations.
(B) Systems security engineering.
(C) Information assurance systems and product acquisition.
(D) Cryptography.
(E) Threat and vulnerability assessment, including risk management.
(F) Web security.
(G) Operations of computer emergency response teams.
(H) Cybersecurity training, education, and management.
(I) Computer forensics.
(J) Defensive information operations.
Some Definitions
According to S. 1900 “Cyberterrorism
Preparedness Act of 2002 ”:
cybersecurity: “information assurance, including information
security, information technology disaster recovery, and information
One way to think about it
cybersecurity = security of cyberspace
One way to think about it
cybersecurity = security of cyberspace
information systems
and networks
One way to think about it
cybersecurity = security of information
systems and networks
One way to think about it
cybersecurity = security of information
systems and networks
+ with the goal of
protecting operations
and assets
One way to think about it
cybersecurity = security of information
systems and networks with the goal of
protecting operations and assets
One way to think about it
cybersecurity = security of information
systems and networks with the goal of
protecting operations and assets
security in the face of
attacks, accidents, and
One way to think about it
cybersecurity = security of information
systems and networks in the face of
attacks, accidents, and failures with the
goal of protecting operations and assets
One way to think about it
cybersecurity = security of information
systems and networks in the face of
attacks, accidents and failures with the
goal of protecting operations and assets
availability, integrity,
and secrecy
One way to think about it
cybersecurity = availability, integrity and
secrecy of information systems and
networks in the face of attacks, accidents,
and failures with the goal of protecting
operations and assets
(Still a work in progress…comments?)
In Context
corporate cybersecurity = availability, integrity
and secrecy of information systems and
networks in the face of attacks, accidents and
failures with the goal of protecting a
corporation’s operations and assets
national cybersecurity = availability, integrity and
secrecy of the information systems and networks
in the face of attacks, accidents and failures with
the goal of protecting a nation’s operations and
What is computer
Why do we need?
Cybersecurity Questions
• How vulnerable is the United States to a cyberattack?
Are we heading for an “electronic pearl harbor”?
• What areas of vulnerability require the greatest attention
in order to improve our national cybersecurity?
• Is the Internet an appropriate platform upon which to
operate infrastructure systems critical to US economic or
government operation?
Cybersecurity Questions
• What characteristics would we want in an “Ideal
• Can the current Internet evolve into a network with
significantly improved security guarantees or will another
system need to created?
• Does greater Internet security necessarily entail
decreased online privacy?
information security
triad (CIA)
• Confidentiality
• Integrity
• Availability
• Prevent from unauthorized access
• Prevent from unauthorized disclosure
• Guarantee privacy
• Prevent from unauthorized modifications
to information
• Ensuring the availability of resources
(System, Services, or Information) to users
in a timely manner
CIA in action
Some of the methods used to
protect the CIA of information
• Identification:
– Using unique naming to enforce access
control and establish accountability
• Authentication
– Verification of the provided identification
• Authorization
– Define what actions the user, the system, or
the process can perform on the information.
Tracing back actions and events back in
time to the entity (User, System, Process)
that invokes them.
Ordered list (usually by time) of actions and
events created by systems and applications
to provide accountability. The term Audit trail
is used when to distinguish low level actions
or events.
Functionality vs. Assurance
• We are looking on Functionality and
Assurance from security prospective
• The functionality of the system provides
information about what the system can
• The assurance of the system provides the
information about what the system won’t
the state or condition of being free from
being observed or disturbed by other
New Oxford American Dictionary 3rd edition © 2010, 2012 by Oxford University Press
System Resource (Asset)
• Information, Services, Functionalities, or
What about Network?
• Threat: Set of conditions that has the
potential of causing a security breach that
harm the system.
Types of threat:
• Unauthorized Disclosure: Unauthorized
access to data
• Deception: Acceptance of false data
• Disruption: Interruption or prevention of
correct operation
• Usurpation: Unauthorized control of a
system or part of it.
Which of the
security CIA
properties does
each threat type
Unauthorized Disclosure
• Exposure: Sensitive data is released to unauthorized entity
• Interception: Unauthorized entity directly gain data being
transferred between authorized entities.
• Inference: Unauthorized entity get data indirectly
• Intrusion: Unauthorized entity gain data by cheating the security
enforcement entities.
• Masquerade: Unauthorized entity perform an malicious activity as
an authorized entity.
• Falsification: Providing false data
• Repudiation: An entity denies the occurrence of an event.
• Incapacitation: interrupt operation by disabling some functionality
• Corruption: Change in system and data to interrupt the system’s
• Obstruction: disallow system from providing services.
• Misappropriation: an unauthorized entity controls system’s
• Misuse: an unauthorized entity perform actions that reduce the
system security.
Security Policy
A set of rules that regulate how the system
provides security services in order to protect
its services or resources.
Vulnerability and Attack
Vulnerability: A flaw in the system that
could be exploited to violate the security
Attack: An exploit of a vulnerability.
Adversary: the entity that is launching the
Risk and Countermeasure
Risk: The probability that a certain threat
will attack and cause a particular harmful
Countermeasure: An action that reduces
the risk or the harm by eliminating or
preventing from certain threats or attacks.
Security Concepts’ Relations
Wish to abuse or
Stallings, William. Computer Security:
Principles and Practice (2nd Edition)
• http://cryptome.org/2013/09/infosecuritycert.pdf [ Read to end of page 10]