
Title: Biology Digital Agenda
Date: 5/10/2012
Essential question(s):
1.) How is the human body organized?
2.) What is homeostasis?
3.) How do the different organ systems in the human body work together to maintain the internal balance of the human
4.) Why is the process of rat dissection useful for understanding human anatomy and physiology?
5.) What are the proper techniques for dissecting a vertebrate?
6.) What tools are used for dissections?
Do Now: 5/9-5/10-students will independently research and answer short answer on anatomy and physiology focusing on homeostasis
and the functions of various organ systems._____
CA Standard(s):
BI9. a. Students know how the complementary activity of major body systems provides cells with oxygen and nutrients and removes toxic
waste products such as carbon dioxide.
BI9. b. Students know how the nervous system mediates communication between different parts of the body and the body’s interactions
with the environment.
BI9. c. Students know how feedback loops in the nervous and endocrine systems regulate conditions in the body.
BI9. d. Students know the functions of the nervous system and the role of neurons in transmitting electrochemical impulses.
Learning Objective (s):
 Understand the how the human body is organized starting from the smallest (cells) to the largest (organism) level.
 Explain how different organ systems work together to maintain homeostasis.
 Understand the importance of maintaining a stable internal environment in the human body.
Exit Slips-students will complete multiple choice items on the major organ systems and dissection procedures.
Rat Dissection Pre-Lab Questions-students will complete short answer questions covering dissection procedures and body systems
Bloom’s level of this assessment:
Quizzes and Exit Slips-Comprehension, Synthesis, Analysis
Dissection Lab Practicum Summative Unit Test-all levels
Daily Agenda: (check off each assignment after completion)
Do Now: 5/9-5/10 students will independently research and answer short answer on anatomy and physiology focusing on homeostasis
and the functions of various organ systems._____
(Collaborative Station)Rat Dissection Pre-Lab Questions-students will complete short answer questions covering dissection
procedures and body systems functioning.____
(Collaborative Station) Virtual Lab III-Mouse Dissection-students will in small groups collaboratively complete a virtual
dissection of a mouse. They will then answer several analysis questions._____
(Independent Station) Dissection Visual Aides-students will in small groups collaboratively label the internal and external anatomy of an
image of a dissected rat. They will then answer several analysis questions._____
(Independent Station)Virtual Lab II-Frog Dissection-students will in small groups collaboratively complete a virtual dissection
of a frog. They will then answer several analysis questions._____
Pre-Lab Exit Slip-students will complete multiple choice items on the major organ systems and dissection procedures._____
 Complete: All necessary dissection packet work.
How will students reflect on what they’ve learned?
Pre-Lab Exit Slip-students will complete multiple choice items on the major organ systems and dissection procedures._____