Teaching NANDA, NIC and NOC: Novice to Expert

Chapter Three
Teaching NANDA-I
NIC and NOC: Novice to Expert
Teaching NANDA-I
NIC and NOC: Novice to Expert
Margaret Lunney
Learning Objectives
• Explain Three Propositions Related to Teaching NNN
• Set Expectations for Students at Novice to Expert Stages of
• Implement Teaching Strategies
• Integrate NNN With Nursing Curricula
(Bulecheck et al. 2008; Herdman 2012; Moorhead et al. 2008)
Objective 1: Explain Propositions
• Use of NNN Requires Intellectual, Interpersonal, and Technical
Competencies, Tolerance of Ambiguity and Reflection
• Accurate Diagnoses are the Basis for Use of NIC and NOC
• Use of NNN Differs from the Traditional Nursing Process
(Bulecheck et al. 2008; Herdman 2012; Moorhead et al. 2008)
Proposition #1: Skills/Competencies
Related to:
Beings Vary in Thinking Process Abilities
•Thinking Process Abilities can be Improved
Variation in Nurses’ Thinking Abilities
Basic Thinking Abilities Mean
N = 86 (Lunney 1992)
Intellectual Skills
Research Findings related to Women
Processes of Women Develop Through Relationships
•Women’s Perspectives on Thinking (Belenkey et al. 1986)
•Received Knowledge
•Subjective Knowledge
•Procedural Knowledge
•Constructed Knowledge
•Nursing Students and Nurses may have Lower Level Perspectives
Intellectual Skills: Critical Thinking
Thinking (CT) Processes can be Improved
•Stimulate to Use
•Expect Use
•Validate Appropriate Use
•Demonstrate Support and Confidence in Abilities
Abilities - Essential for Accuracy of Diagnoses and Use of
(Bulecheck et al. 2008; Herdman 2012; Moorhead et al. 2008)
Intellectual Skills: What is CT in Nursing?
Study of 55 Nurse Experts
(Scheffer and Rubenfeld 2000)
Identify the Components of CT that Relate to Nursing
- Definition for Nursing:
•7 Cognitive Skills
•10 Habits of Mind
Cognitive Skills
Habits of Mind
Intellectual Skills: CT Process
Involves Continuous Processing of Data and Inferences
Any Situation, Two or More Cognitive Skills are Probably Being
of Mind Support Cognitive Skills
Combination of CT Abilities Needed is Unique
to the Situation
Proposition #1: Interpersonal Skills
n Partnership, Share Power
That We Do Not “Know” Others
Proposition #1: Technical Skills
Valid and Reliable Data
Histories: Comprehensive
Exams: Focused
Nursing Interventions
Aspects of Using NNN
Proposition #1: Personal Strengths
are Relative to Context and Specific Nature of Individuals
Factors Influence Clinical Situations
Beings are Complex and Diverse
is the Norm
Proposition #1: Personal Strengths
on Practice Experiences
Possible Flaws
- Develop and Grow
Proposition #2: Accurate Interpretations
may be Incorrect
Objective Data:
•Diagnostic Tests
Subjective Data:
Proposition #2: Accurate Interpretations
of NNN Requires Many Decisions
•All Decisions are Based on Patient Data
•Data Amounts are Overwhelming
•Short-Term Memory = 7 ± 2 Bits of Data
•Data are Converted to Interpretations
(Bulecheck et al. 2008; Herdman 2012; Moorhead et al. 2008)
Proposition #2: Accurate Interpretations
Determine Actions
•Additional Data Collection
•Subsequent Decisions
•Possible Outcomes to Consider
•Choices of Interventions
Potential for Inaccuracy
•Diagnosis and Etiology
High Potential for Inaccuracy
Case Study: Marian Hughes
(1) Marian Hughes is a 16-year-old girl with a medical diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. (2) She was admitted
3days ago for treatment of an acute episode of diabetic ketoacidosis. (3) When Marian discussed with you
how she managed the therapeutic regimen before hospitalization, she states that she was not adhering to her
prescribed diet. (4) You decide that Marian needs assistance to improve her management of the therapeutic
regimen, especially the types of foods she eats. (5) Marian's stay in the hospital unit is uneventful in that
medical treatments are successfully resolving the crisis.
(6) Marian's daily habits include getting up for school about 7.00 a.m. and rushing to get the bus by 7.30. (7)
She says that she should get up about 6.30 but she likes to sleep. (8) She states that she does not want her
mother to help her get up earlier. (9) The meal that she eats at school is consistent with her prescribed diet
while the two meals at home are not. (10) In the morning she grabs whatever is quick and easy, usually toast
and butter. (11) In the evening, her mother makes meals that comply with the diabetic diet but Marian states
that she does not like them so she only eats part of her supper and then snacks on other foods later.
(12) Marian is able to explain to you what she should be eating and she can adjust her diet to her lifestyle. (13)
The knowledge of what foods are on her diet that she likes was not discussed with her mother because she
doesn't want to sit down and talk with her. (14) In general, Marian and her mother argue over many of Marian's
behaviors, such as school grades, smoking, and coming in late at night.
High Potential for Inaccuracy
Case Study: Marian Hughes
Diabetic (#1)
DKA (#2)
Not Follow Prescribed Diet” (#3)
Ineffective Management of Therapeutic Regimen, Related to _______
(Fill in the Blank)
High Potential for Inaccuracy
Case Study: Marian Hughes
Possible Interpretation/Diagnosis
•Meals Eaten at School are Consistent with Diet (#9)
•Able to Explain What She Should be Eating (#12)
•She can Adjust Her Diet to Her Lifestyle (#13)
(Herdman 2012)
Low Accuracy Diagnosis
is Waste of Time, Effort, and Money
High Potential for Inaccuracy
Case Study: Marian Hughes
Highest Accuracy Diagnosis
Self-Health Management, Related to Communication Difficulties
Between Marian and Her Mother
Outcome (NOC):
•Communication = 3 (Moderately Compromised), Increase to 5 (Not
•Communication Enhancement
(Bulecheck et al. 2008; Herdman 2012; Moorhead et al. 2008)
44 Diagnoses by 80 Nurses
Difficulties Mother/Daughter
•Stressful Mother/Child Relationship
•Altered Family Dynamics
•Ineffective Coping
•Ineffective Time Management
•Adolescent Image
•Low Self-Esteem
•Deficient Knowledge
Seven Levels of Accuracy
+5 Highest Level of Accuracy
+4 Close to the Highest Level But Not Quite
+3 General Idea But Not Specific Enough
+2 Not Enough Highly Relevant Cues or Not
the Highest Priority
+1 Suggested by Only One or a Few Cues
0 Not Indicated by Data
-1 Should be Rejected, Disconfirming Cues
Diagnostic Accuracy Scores
Difficulties Between
Mother and Daughter
•Stressful Mother/Child Relationship
•Altered Family Dynamics
•Ineffective Coping
•Ineffective Time Management
•Adolescent Image
•Low Self-Esteem
•Deficient Knowledge
Research Findings
1966 to Present
•Conclusions: Interpretations Vary Widely
•All Interpretations are Not High Accuracy
•Influencing Factors (Carnevali 1983; Gordon 1982)
•Nurse Diagnostician
•Diagnostic Task
•Situational Context
Research: Positive Influences
Amounts and Complexity of Data
Related to Nursing Diagnoses
of Diagnostic Process and Concepts
Aids for Diagnostic Reasoning
of Thinking Processes
Specific to Diagnostic Task
Challenge: Achieving Accuracy
Puzzle: What is the Diagnosis?
Solving the Puzzle
Is It This?
Or This?
Or This?
Proposition #2: Accurate Interpretations
•Acknowledge that Data Interpretations are Probabilistic; Question
CT, Interpersonal and Technical Skills
Tolerance ofAmbiguity
•It’s OK Not to Have an Answer
•Accept that We Might Make Mistakes
Reflective Practice
Proposition #2:
New Perspectives on Nursing Process
•Limited # of Concepts
•Collect Comprehensive Data
•No Accountability for
•Intervene Based on Data
•Behavioral Outcomes
•Disorganized Follow-Up
(Bulecheck et al. 2008; Herdman 2012; Moorhead et al. 2008)
Use of NNN
•Currently 1147 Concepts
•Cue-Based and Hypothesis-Driven
Data Collection
•Fully Accountable for Diagnoses
•Intervene Based on Data
•Neutral Terms with Scale
•Systematic Follow-Up
Changing from Traditional to Use of NNN
Difficulty Level: Simple to Complex
of Terms in Three Systems
•Structure of Classifications
•Resources (Books, Pamphlets, Other)
•Complexity of Clinical Situations
•Nurses Perspective/Model for Practice
•Experience With NNN
(Bulecheck et al. 2008; Herdman 2012; Moorhead et al. 2008)
Examples: User-Friendly Simplicity
Vague uneasy feeling;
autonomic response;
feeling of apprehension;
altering signal warning of
impending danger
Anxiety Control:
Personal actions to
eliminate or reduce
feelings of
apprehension and
tension from an
unidentifiable source
Anxiety Reduction:
apprehension, dread,
foreboding or
uneasiness related to
unidentified source of
anticipated danger
Risk ofInfection:
Increased risk ofbeing
invaded by pathogens
Infection Status:
Infection Protection:
Presence and extent of Prevention and early
detection of infection in
a patient at risk
(Bulecheck et al. 2008; Herdman 2012; Moorhead et al. 2008)
Changing from Traditional to Use of NNN
Theoretical Perspective
of Innovations
(Rogers 2003)
Diffusion Curve
•Perceived Characteristics:
Advantage (+)
Ability (+)
(Bulecheck et al. 2008; Herdman 2012; Moorhead et al. 2008)
Changing from Traditional to Use of NNN
a Champion
•Sell First to Opinion Leaders
•Goal: Create a Critical Mass
•Share Demonstration Projects
(For Example, Protocols and Journals)
•Faculty Development Program
•Adoption by System
•Adoption by Individuals
(Bulecheck et al. 2008; Herdman 2012; Moorhead et al. 2008)
Objective 2: Set Expectations
Novice to Expert
and Advanced Beginners (ABS) Learn to Use NNN as Well
as Experienced Nurses
and ABS may be Easier to Teach than Nurses at
Competent, Proficient and Expert (Expert) Stages
Nurses must be “Sold” on New Way to Think and Document
(Benner 1984; Bulecheck et al. 2008; Herdman 2012; Moorhead et al. 2008)
Selling NNN to Experts
is Imminent
•NNN = File Names for EHR
•NNN Describes What Nurses Bring to the Table
•NNN Makes Knowledge Available at Bedside
•Aggregated Data = Knowledge
•Measurement of Care = Improved Quality
•Linguistics Theory Supports SNLS
•Fits with Nursing Theories
Set Expectations
(At All Levels of Expertise):
•Correct Use of the Three Systems:
Diagnoses are used to Guide Interventions, Not for
Labeling per se
•Intervention Label is the Intervention, Not the Activities
•Outcome Label is the Outcome, Not the Indicators
Use of Concepts:
Social Isolation
•NIC: Coping Enhancement
•NOC: Knowledge (Specify)
(Bulecheck et al. 2008; Herdman 2012; Moorhead et al. 2008)
Set Expectations
Not Underestimate Nursing Students or Nurses:
“…Nursing and Nursing Knowledge must be Presented in All Its
Complexity …
• Help Students and Nurses to “… Experience the Complex and Messy
World of Nursing … and Learn How to Navigate Through It …”
(Doane and Varcoe 2005, p.xi)
Set Expectations
with New Theories, for Example:
•Pender’s Health Promotion Model
(Pender et al. 2010)
with Strategies for Evidence-Based Nursing
Set Expectations
Experts to:
with Previous Knowledge
NNN in:
Scope of Practice
•Developing Standards of Care
•Evidence-Based Nursing Projects
•Research Projects
Clinical Applications of NNN
CE Programs to Nursing Personnel
(Bulecheck et al. 2008; Herdman 2012; Moorhead et al. 2008)
Objective 3: Teaching Strategies
that Thinking Is Human, Imperfect, Attainable
Thinking in Class and Clinical:
•Ask Questions Instead of Giving Answers
•Provide Opportunities for Problem Solving
Objective 3: Teaching Strategies
Intellectual: Deflate Authority
Objective 3: Teaching Strategies
Out Loud with Students
as Midwife or Coach
them Think About Thinking:
•Ask: What Kind of Thinking is Needed?
•Use the 17 CT Terms and Definitions
Thinking Processes
Self-Evaluation of Thinking
Objective 3: Teaching Strategies
Paradigm Cases (e.g. Marian Hughes)
Representations, Identify High Relevance Cues
Iterative Hypothesis Testing
Objective 3: Teaching Strategies
Instead of Lectures: Why?
•Groups Represent Wide Variations in Thinking Abilities
“In-Class” Thinking
Students’ Abilities to Think and Learn without
Future Work in Groups to Describe, Analyze and
Synthesize Information, Solve Problems (e.g. What is the
Objective 3: Teaching Strategies
•Assign Readings, Provide Discussion Questions
•Lead the Group, Ask the Discussion Questions
•Be Respectful; Protect Students’ Self-Esteem
is the Author Saying?
•What is the Fit with Previous Knowledge?
•How Does This Information Apply to Practice?
of Grade for Discussion of Readings
Objective 3: Teaching Strategies
Self Evaluation
•Ask Questions, Instead of Giving Answers
•Discussion in Class
•Discussion Online
•Journal Writing (Degazon and Lunney 1996)
Objective 3: Teaching Strategies
Accountability For Patient Relationships
•Validation of Diagnoses
•Partnership Processes to Select
Outcomes and Interventions
Power Sharing
and Support Assertiveness
Objective 3: Teaching Strategies
Accountability For Using Standardized Methods
Use of Diagnostic Reasoning
Technical Use of NNN Using Case Studies
(Bulecheck et al. 2008; Herdman 2012; Moorhead et al. 2008)
Objective 3: Teaching Strategies
Correct Use of NNN
Incentives for Correct Use of NNN, e.g. Percentage of Grade
with Theories of Nursing
(Bulecheck et al. 2008; Herdman 2012; Moorhead et al. 2008)
Case Study
With Permission of Dr Arlene Farren
•30-Year-Old Woman in Good Health
•Smokes 1-1.5 Packs Per Day for >12 years
•Asked for assistance to quit
•Stated “I know it’s not good for me and I want to stay healthy”
What is the Diagnosis?
for Enhanced Self-Health Management
Definition: A Pattern of Regulating and Integrating Into Daily Living a
Therapeutic Regime for Treatment of Illness and Its Sequelae that is
Sufficient for Meeting Health-Related Goals and can be Strengthened
(Herdman 2012)
What is the Outcome?
Smoking Cessation Behavior
Actions to Eliminate Tobacco Use
Demonstrated (3), Goal = 5
Benefits of Smoking Cessation (3)
Tobacco Elimination Strategies as Needed (3)
Strategies to Cope with Withdrawal Symptoms (2)
(Moorhead et al. 2008)
Willingness to Stop Smoking (3)
Effective Strategies to Eliminate Tobacco Use (2)
What are the Interventions?
Cessation Assistance
•Teaching: Medication, Nicotine Replacement Therapy
(Bulecheck et al. 2008)
NIC: Smoking Cessation Assistance
Helping Another to Stop Smoking
Laura Clear, Consistent Advice to Quit
•Assist Laura in Choosing Strategies
•Motivate Her to Set a Quit Date
•Refer to Group Programs/Individual Therapy
•Inform Laura of Possible Symptoms
•Help Plan Coping Strategies and Problem Resolution
(Bulecheck et al. 2008)
Evaluation of Outcomes
Smoking Cessation Behavior
6 Weeks, Nurse and Laura Rate Outcome as 5
•Laura Consistently Monitors Her Environment and Personal Behaviors
for Factors that Affect Her Tobacco Use
•Laura Developed Effective Strategies and Remains Consistently
Committed to Controlling Her Use
•Laura Uses Friends and Group for Help
•Laura Has Not Smoked for 6 Weeks
(Moorhead et al. 2008)
Case Study
With Permission of Coleen Kumar
Years Old; Single, Italian-American Woman
•Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) with Adequate Control
•Head of Household; 80-Year-Old Dependent Mother
•Works Full Time, Provides Care for Self and Mother
•Accepts Care of Mother But has Many Frustrations
•Attempts to Reduce Her Workload have Failed
•Mother Thinks Stella “Can Do It All”
•Mother Discourages Son’s Involvement
•Stella Expresses Conflicting Emotions, Stress, Lack of Control
What are the Diagnoses?
Diagnostic Process:
•Which are Important Cues?
•What are Possible Diagnoses?
•Which Diagnoses Have the Best Support?
the Diagnoses Consistent with the Situational Context?
the Nurse Help Stella with the Diagnoses?
What are the Diagnoses?
of Caregiver Role Strain
•Readiness for Enhanced Family Coping
for Accuracy:
There a Sufficient Number of Confirming Cues?
•Are There Any Disconfirming Cues?
•Did Stella Validate the Diagnosis?
•Should Other Providers be Consulted?
(Herdman 2012)
What are the Outcomes?
Caregiver Well-Being
Satisfaction with Health and Lifestyle Circumstances
•Moderately Compromised (3), Goal = 4 or 5
with Physical Health (3)
with Emotional Health (2)
with Usual Lifestyle (3)
with Instrumental Support (2)
with Social Relationships (3)
(Moorhead et al. 2008)
What are the Outcomes?
Family Coping
Actions to Manage Stressors that Tax Family Resources
•Moderately Compromised (3); Goal = 4 or 5
Enables Member Role Flexibility (3)
Role Flexibility (3)
Feelings and Emotions Freely (2)
for Respite Care (2)
Assistance When Appropriate (3)
Social Support (3)
(Moorhead et al. 2008)
What are the Interventions?
•Self-Esteem Enhancement
•Emotional Support
•Caregiver Support
•Role Enhancement
•Family Involvement Promotion
•Respite Care
(Bulecheck et al. 2008)
NIC Example
Assertiveness Training
with the Effective Expression of Feelings, Needs, and Ideas
While Respecting the Rights of Others
Stella Recognize and Reduce Cognitive Distortions
Stella in Different Ways to Act Assertively
Barriers to Assertiveness (for Example, Family Roles)
Practice Opportunities Using Discussion, Modeling and Role Playing
Stella Practice Conversational Skills
(Bulecheck et al. 2008)
Evaluation of Outcomes
Caregiver Well-Being
After 4 Weeks, Nurse and Stella Rate Outcome as 4
Physical Health has Improved; Satisfaction with Physical Health (4)
Uses Assertiveness Skills to Make Time for Herself After Work and to
Plan Recreation; Satisfaction with Emotional Health (4)
Continues to Need Help in The Performance of Caregiver Roles;
Satisfaction with Performance of Usual Roles (4)
Feels n Control of Her Caregiver Routines; Satisfaction with Caregiver
Role (4)
(Moorhead et al. 2008)
Evaluation of Outcomes
Family Coping
After 4 Weeks, Nurse and Stella Rate Outcome as 4
Assertiveness Behaviors Work Well to Accomplish Goals; Demonstrates
Role Flexibility (4)
Mother Agrees with the Plan to Relieve Her of Some of the Workload;
Family Enables Member Role Flexibility (4)
Brother Stays with Her Mother So Stella can Go Away for Short Periods;
Arranges For Respite Care (4)
(Moorhead et al. 2008)
Exhibits a Wider Repertoire of Coping Behaviors (4)
Use Case Studies
Studies Help Students to Practice Thinking and Clinical Judgment in a
Safe Environment
Everyone Uses the Same Clinical Data
Case Studies, and Their Interpretations, can be Found in Lunney
Teaching Strategies: Summary
Observe Students Grow in Abilities through Encouragement,
Trust, and Respect
Objective 4: Integrate with Curricula
of Innovations (Rogers 2003)
•Talking Points:
Health Record
Nursing Care
to Develop Information and Knowledge
Clinical Faculty
Objective 4: Integrate with Curricula
Complexity-Map of Diagnoses, Interventions and Outcomes
for Courses
Faculty Evaluate Students’:
•Correct Use of NNN
•Partnership Processes, Use of “We”
•Technical Skills
•Individualize NNN Content with Patients
(Bulecheck et al. 2008; Herdman 2012; Moorhead et al. 2008)
Objective 4: Integrate with Curricula
of Nursing
- Framework for Skills Learning
•Thinking - High Priority Diagnoses, Include in Testing
•Expect Students to Use CT Terms and Definitions (for Example, in
Journal Writing and Discussion)
•Develop Case Studies (Lunney 1992)
•Iterative Hypothesis Testing
(Bulecheck et al. 2008; Herdman 2012; Moorhead et al. 2008)
Objective 4: Integrate with Curricula
and Practice-Based Leaders: Spread the Word to Nurses
in Other Agencies
with Leaders; Use Marketing Strategies
Advantages of NNN
CE Programs
Your Success in Using NNN to Others
(Bulecheck et al. 2008; Herdman 2012; Moorhead et al. 2008)
•“Teamwork is the Fuel that Allows Common People to Attain
Uncommon Results” (Unknown)
“The Illiterate of the 21st Century will Not be Those Who Cannot
Read and Write, But Those Who Cannot Learn, Unlearn and Relearn”
(Alvin Toffler)
Benner PA. (1984) Novice to Expert: Promoting Excellence and Power in Professional Nursing Practice. Menlo Park, CA: Addison Wesley.
Bulechek GM, Butcher H, Dochterman JC. (2008) Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), 5th edn. St Louis, MO: Mosby.
Carnevali DL. (1983) Nursing Care Planning: Diagnosis and Management. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
Degazon CE, Lunney M. (1995) Clinical journal: a tool to foster critical thinking for advanced levels of competence. Clinical Nurse Specialist 9(5): 270-274.
Doane GH, Varcoe C. (2005) Family Nursing as Relational Inquiry: Developing Health Promoting Behavior. Philadelphia: Lippincott.
Gordon M. (1982) Nursing Diagnosis: Process and Application. New York: McGraw- Hill.
Herdman TH. (ed). (2012) NANDA International Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions and Classification, 20122014. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Lunney M. (1992) Divergent productive thinking and accuracy of nursing diagnoses. Research in Nursing and Health 15: 303-311.
Lunney M. (2009) Critical thinking to achieve positive health outcomes: nursing case studies and analyses. Ames, IA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Moorhead S, Johnson M, Maas M, Swanson E. (2008) Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC). 4th edn. St Louis, MO: Mosby.
Pender NJ, Murdaugh C, Parsons MA. Health Promotion in Nursing Practice, 6th edn. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice-Hall, 2010.
Rogers M. (2003) Diffusion of Innovations, 5th edn. New York: Free Press.
Scheffer BK, Rubenfeld MG. (2000) A consensus statement on critical thinking. Journal of Nursing Education 39: 352-359.