Name: Circulatory System Notes January 27th, 2015 A system made

Name: __________________
Circulatory System Notes
January 27th, 2015
 A system made up of three parts:
 _____________________
 _____________________
 _____________________
 Transport __________________ and _____________ to different parts of the body where they can be used by
the cells
 Transport _______________ for removal along with excretory system
Types of Blood Vessels
 Artery: a muscular blood vessel that carries blood _______________ from the heart.
 ________________: a small arterial branch that delivers blood directly to a capillary bed.
 Vein: one of the blood vessels that carries blood to the ________________.
 ________________ : a small venous branch that carries blood from a capillary bed to a vein.
 Capillary: the __________________________________that allows oxygen to be exchanged.
 Components of Blood
Plasma ______%
White Blood Cells & Platelets _____%
Red Blood Cells _____ %
 _____________- fluid part of blood
 White blood cells- destroy ______________ and _______________
 Platelets- made from ______________________ and ______________ damaged areas of your body
 Red Blood Cells- _________________ carries
Structures of the heart
The Heart
 Two sides separated by a thick wall
 Each side has an atrium and a ventricle
 ______________: receives blood entering the heart
 ______________: pumps blood from the heart to the rest of the body
 One way valves (their closing makes your heartbeat)
 A double pump
 Right side = pumps blood to the _____________
 Left side = pumps blood to the rest of the ___________
Regulation of Heart Beat
 Heart beat varies from person to person…why?
 __________________- located in the right atrium, this group of cells regulate the rate at which the cardiac
muscles contract (SA Node)
 Brain Stem ________________________ heart rate, but pacemaker works independently
 The cardiac cycle
The contraction of the heart cause the distinctive sounds heard when listening to the heart with a stethoscope. The "lubdub" sound is the sound of the valves in the heart closing. When the atria end their contraction and the ventricles begin
to contract, the blood is forced back against the valves between the atria and the ventricles, causing the valves to close.
This is the "lub" sound, and signals the beginning of ventricular contraction , known as systole. The "dub" is the sound of
the valves closing between the ventricles and their arteries, and signals the beginning of ventricular relaxation, known as
Pulmonary and Systemic Circulations
 _________________ Circulation: the pathway that blood follows from the heart to the lungs (right side of the
 _________________ Circulation: the route that blood travels from the heart to most of the body and then back
to the heart (left side of the heart)
The Pulmonary and Systemic Circuits
Systemic Circuit (Left side of the heart)
 Larger in size (must pump blood to the rest of the _____________)
 blood leaves through the _____________, goes to all the organs of the body through the systemic arteries,
and then returns to the heart through the _______________ veins.
Pulmonary Circuit (Right side of the heart)
 Smaller in size (only pumps blood to the _____________)
 blood leaves the heart through the ____________________ arteries, goes to the ______________, and returns
to the heart through the pulmonary ______________.
How does the heart get blood?
Coronary arteries
 arise from the ____________ right after it leaves the heart.
 branch into _______________ beds that course throughout the heart walls and supply the heart muscle
with oxygenated blood.
Coronary Veins
 return __________ from the heart muscle,
 ____________ directly into the right atrium.
Flow of blood through the body
Right ventricle  pulmonary arteries 
Lungs  pulmonary veins  left atrium  left ventricle  aorta  arteries  capillaries  veins  vena cavas 
right atrium  right ventricle
Blood Types
 Blood type- classification based on whether certain proteins are present on the surface of the red blood cells.
 Types: ___________________________________
 If different blood types are mixed, ___ ____ ____’s will clump together
 RH Factor- determines a _____________ is in a blood group (positive or negative)
How is your blood type determined?
 Each biological parent donates one of their two ABO alleles to their child.
 A ___________ who is blood type O can only pass an O __________
 A ___________ who is blood type AB could pass either an ____ or a ___ allele
 This couple could have children of either blood type _____ (O from mother and A from father)
or blood type _____ (O from mother and B from father).
Remember the father has a greater genetic influence than the mother!
Rh+ = Rh+/Rh+ or Rh+/Rh-
Rh-= Rh-/Rh-
 Just like the ABO alleles, each _____________________ parent donates one of their two Rh alleles to their child.
 A mother who is ____- can only pass an Rh- ____________
 A father who is ____+ could pass either an Rh+ or Rh- ______________
 This couple could have ____+ children (Rh- from mother and Rh+ from father) or ____- children
(Rh- from mother and Rh- from father).
Chances of having a specific blood type:
Partner Activity
1. Sit still and quietly for 3 minutes, then count and then record the number of breaths you take while you time 1 minute.
2. Walk briskly round the classroom three times and then count and record the number of breaths you take in 1 minute while still
3. Do more vigorous form of exercise (e.g. star jumps, running). After 1 minute, count and record the number of breaths taken in
further minute while exercising.