What is the EM Spectrum 0 We learned in section 1 that all EM waves travel at the same speed in a vacuum (empty space), but their wavelengths and frequencies are different. 0 Because of these differences each type of wave have different properties. 0 There is an inverse (opposite) relationship that exist between WL and F. 0 As the length of a wave decreases its frequency goes increases. 0 The EMS is placed in order from lowest frequency (Radio waves) to the highest frequency (Gamma Rays) Radio Waves 0 Radio waves: are EM waves with the longest wavelength and lowest frequency. These waves are used to broadcast signals for radio and television. 0 A Radio will absorb the Radio wave and transform the wave into an electrical signal Microwaves 0 Microwaves: are Radio waves with the shortest WL and highest frequencies. 0 Microwaves are used to heat food, cell phone communication, and radar 0 Radar (radio detection and ranging), this system uses reflected radio waves to detect objects and measure their distance and speed. Infra[red] 0 Infrared waves are detected through heat given off by an object. 0 These waves are used by fast food industries to keep food warm 0 Thermogram is an image that shows regions of different temperatures in different colors. The blue/purple colors would be the coolest and the yellow/orange/red areas are the warmest Visible Light 0 These are the waves that you can see 0 The VL waves with the longest wavelength appears Red while the VL wave with the shortest wavelength appears Violet. 0 The colors in order from longest to shortest wavelengths are R O Y G B (I) V 0 These colors are seen when White light waves from the sun are refracted and the light separates into those colors. Ultraviolet Rays 0 This wave carries enough energy to damage or kill living cells. UV lamps are often used by hospitals to kill bacteria on hospital equipment. 0 Small doses are useful. They can cause your skin cells to produce Vitamin D which is needed for healthy bones and teeth. 0 To much exposure can cause skin cancer and damage your eyes. 0 To prevent wear sunblock and sunglasses X-Rays 0 These rays carry enough energy to penetrate most matter except dense matter like Bone and Teeth, and the lead vest the doctor will lay across you when taking X-rays 0 Too much can cause cancer 0 X-rays also have industry uses (the Hubble telescope uses X-rays to detect black holes and far off galaxies) Gamma Rays 0 These rays have the shortest wavelength and highest frequency. 0 These rays can penetrate any substance because of there high energy level 0 Hospitals use Gamma rays to kill cancer cells inside the body 0 Our atmosphere blocks out gamma rays