8.1.4: Explain the significance of enslaved and free Africans in the


8.1.4: Explain the significance of enslaved and free Africans in the developing culture and economy of the South and South Carolina, including the growth of the slave trade and resulting population imbalance between African and European settlers; African contributions to agricultural development; and resistance to slavery, including the Stono Rebellion and subsequent laws to control slaves.

Guiding Question: What did Africans bring with them to America?

Question 1:

Why did South

Carolina’s colonial economy depend on slaves?

Question 2:

South Carolina first used indentured servants, then

Native American slaves, then

African slaves.


Question 3:

When African slaves came to

South Carolina, they brought their culture with them.

What, exactly, is



What crop was called Carolina Gold? Why?

Where (what parts of South Carolina) could grow this crop? Why could it only be grown there?

Since rice could only be grown near the coast, where did most wealthy plantation owners live? (Be specific)

What are indentured servants?

Why do you think plantation owners quit using indentured servitude?


What is Gullah?

Where is the Gullah/Geechie corridor?

When did Charleston start heavily importing slaves?

Why is Gullah unique to the Sea Islands off the Coast of South Carolina and Georgia?


Carolina Rice originally came from

Madagascar. Since Madagascar is an island off the coast of Africa, which groups of people were considered experts at the process of growing rice?


What is the process of growing rice?

Is it easy?

How long does it take?

Which group of people had experience growing rice?

Why did plantation owners start using


Native American slaves?

Why do you think plantation owners quit using Native American Slaves?

(3 reasons)

What does the Gullah language sound like?

Where could you go to listen to a Gullah

+ speaker today?

What does Gullah music sound like?

What does Gullah food taste like?

What is the Middle Passage?

Provide a map.

Provide at least one primary source

(painting, journal entry, etc…).

What would it have been like to travel the

Middle Passage?

Why did plantation owners prefer using

African slaves? (3)

What does Gullah art look like?

What is a popular Gullah craft (that can only be found in the Charleston area)?

What cultures are combined together to create Gullah?

(It is more than just African culture)

Question 4:

As early as 1700, white South

Carolinians began worrying that there were too many slaves.

Why would they do that?

Question 5:

Were all of the

Africans living in

Carolina at this time slaves?


What was the population of South Carolina at this time?

Where is the Stono River?

What was the Stono Rebellion?

When did it happen?

Who was part of it?

What is the story?


As a result of the Stono Rebellion, the

Slave Codes were created. This is sometimes called the Negro Act of 1740.

What did these codes say about

Slave gatherings

Reading and writing

Carrying guns



Why did most slave owners ignore the

Slave Codes?

Why were slave owners fined/punished if they were cruel to their slaves?

How much did it cost to purchase a slave?

How much money is that today?

Citations were given for SOME pictures and information.

Wikipedia and/or Google Images were used for the project.



What does manumit mean?

If slaves were so valuable, why would some people manumit their slaves?

Citations were given for MOST pictures and information.

All sources were credible.


If you were a slave and had purchased your freedom, what was required of you?

Only 4% of the freed blacks lived in the

South. Why?

Where were most freed blacks likely to move to (besides the north) and why?

Citations were given for ALL pictures and information.

All sources were credible.


8.1.5: Explain how South Carolinians used their natural, human, and political resources uniquely to gain economic prosperity, including settlement by and trade with the people of Barbados, rice and indigo planting, and the practice of mercantilism.

Guiding Question: How did people make money in colonial Carolina?

Question 1:


Carolina Gold, what other natural resources did


Carolina profit from?

Question 2:

Who is Eliza



Question 3:

What is




What could deer be used for?

In the beginning, Carolinians traded Native

Americans to get deer skins and furs.

What did they trade for?

Why did that trading relationship end?

Who is Eliza Lucas Pinckney?

Where was she from?

Who was her family?

Why did she get control of her father’s plantation? How old was she?

What is a mercantile system?

Why would a “mother country” enforce mercantilism?

Who is the “mother country” of the colonies?


Citations were given for SOME pictures and information.

Wikipedia and/or Google Images were used for the project.



What other natural resources were abundant in South Carolina?


What could they be used for?

What is “pitch and tar?”

Who would want to purchase these natural resources? Why?

If Eliza Lucas Pinckney was not the first person to PLANT indigo, then what did she do?


Who did Eliza Lucas Pinckney share her discoveries with?


What does “lessen dependence on foreign trade” mean?

How did Mercantilism lessen dependence on foreign trade for England?

Citations were given for MOST pictures and information.

All sources were credible.



Why do you think South Carolina had a close trading relationship with Barbados?

Why do you think that Eliza Lucas Pinckney is in the South Carolina state standards?

Why was indigo so important to South


Rice and indigo were on the Enumerated List.

Products on this list could only be sold to

England. Why do you think England wanted control over Carolina Gold and Indigo?

Citations were given for ALL pictures and information.

All sources were credible.

