Target Heart Rate Worksheet

Target Heart Rate Worksheet
Part I- Calculate your HR Zones using both formulas
Use the Maximum HR Formula to get the HR zones:
Calculate your Resting Heart Rate (RHR) __________ (For one minute)
 To find your true RHR, take it first thing in the morning upon waking and before getting out of bed.
Calculate your estimated Maximal Heart Rate (MHR) _________
 (220 – Age = MHR)
Calculate your Target Heart Rate Zone (THRZ) 50% _______ and 85% _______ of your MHR.
 (MHR X .50 = 50% of MHR) and (MHR X .85 = 85% of MHR)
Use the Karvonen Formula to get the HR zones:
Calculate your Resting Heart Rate (RHR)__________ (Same number as above)
 RHR should be taken first thing in the morning upon waking and before getting out of bed.
Calculate your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR)________ (Same number as above)
 (220 – Age = MHR)
Calculate your Target Heart Rate Zone (THRZ) at 50%_______and 85%_______ of your HRR (Heart Rate
 [(MHR – RHR) X .50] + RHR and [(MHR – RHR) x .85] + RHR
Use this space if needed.
Part II- Perform the following activities and write down your HR response
Perform each activity. Take your heart rate at the end of each activity. Use your carotid or radial artery and
count the beats for 6 seconds. Add 0 to the number that you count.
Heart Rate
THRZ (Y or N)
Laying (Resting HR)
Medium Paced Walk (3 min.)
Push Ups (10 reps)
Plank (15 secs.)
Lunges (10 each side)
Jumping Jacks (1 min.)
Jogging (3 min.)
Plank (15 secs.)
Post-Workout Stretching (3 min.)
Activity Reflection Questions:
1. Why is it important to calculate your resting HR? How do you TRULY get your resting HR?
2. Which activities produced the lowest Heart Rates? Why do you think this is the case?
3. Which activities got you close, but not quite, in your THRZ? What could you do during these activities to
get you in your THRZ?
4. Which activities got you right in your THRZ?
5. Calculate the target heart rate zone using both formulas for someone who is 25 years old with a resting heart
rate of 90.
6. What do you think happens to your RHR over time if you have a regular workout program? Why?
7. What happens to your THRZ over time if you have a regular workout program? Why?
8. What is the average length and frequency of exercise per week that you should maintain for optimal
cardiovascular fitness?