FCT – FACULTY COMPENSATION TRACKING REFERENCE MANUAL May 1, 2012 Refresher: July 20, 2012 Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 1 End to End Process Flow: Adjunct Payroll Automation & LOE Generation Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 2 CampusVue – Assignments & Impact on FCT CampusVue assignment is the ‘trigger’ for all compensation activity in FCT. FCT does not react to MSS status changes once the term has started. Date of assignment of the instructor in CampusVue drives compensation calculation in FCT and this includes ‘late assignments’ stipends. Primary instructor cannot be replaced unless it is for the remainder of the term. Substitute instructors, due to illness or vacation, must be assigned as “secondary” instructors. Secondary instructors do have access to class grade book. Scheduling teams need to reach out to CampusVue team or the Registrar for assistance. Errors in instructor assignments create undue burden on the compensation system such as over/under payments. Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 3 Designating Overloads Definition of Overload: An ‘overload’ assignment is only applicable to a Full Time instructor. A FT instructor’s teaching load, typically 3 classes per term, is paid through their full-time salary. “Overload” means that you are compensating the instructor for an assignment in excess of their full time salary, that is, through a Letter of Engagement. To designate an overload in FCT, you need to access the corresponding ‘queue’ and search for the specific instructor and assignment that will receive ‘overload’ compensation. Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 4 Designating Overloads Process to follow each term: 1. 2. T-9 Reminder should prompt action to take care of any overload designations in FCT. Once in the queue, initiate an “Advanced Search” for the term and enter the last name of the instructor to whom you wish to assign overload compensation; OR you can enter your last name in the ‘supervisor’ field. Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 5 Designating Overloads Click on the instructor record: Once in the record detail, select the ‘Teaching Assignments” tab; there is a dropdown menu that allows you to select the specific class you wish to designate as an ‘overload’ course. Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 6 Designating Overloads • • Select the ‘edit’ button on the bottom of the screen; which opens up the “overload” field within the assignment. Click the space and a ‘check mark’ should appear; then simply click on ‘save’, also at the bottom of the screen. One last step is critically important, however. Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 7 Designating Overloads • • You must return to the “overview page” (see screen below); Select the “overload” button at the bottom of the screen. This is the critical step that allows the system to recognize that this instructor has an assignment designated for “overload” compensation. Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 8 Assigning Additional Duties Process to follow each term: 1. 2. 3. Additional duties include activities such as: course leads, portfolio evaluations, content development, content revision, mentoring, substitute teaching, etc. They MUST be assigned no later than T-9 so that they can be included in the T-5 Letters of Engagement. Not doing so jeopardizes Faculty Payroll’s ability to compensate the instructor properly. Access FCT, and select the “Additional Duties” item to assign any duty to your instructor(s) for the term. Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 9 Assigning Additional Duties Do an advanced search for the instructor, at minimum, by last name Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 10 Assigning Additional Duties Select the instructor, click on the “Add additional duty” button at the bottom of the screen… Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 11 Assigning Additional Duties Proceed to complete all required fields. Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 12 Assigning Additional Duties Batch Processing: When multiple instructors will be receiving the same additional duty, batch processing can be used to process 25 – 30 instructors at one time. In the “last name” search field simply list multiple last names separated by a semi-colon “ ; “ . When the search results are displayed, mark the check box for each applicable instructor and then click the additional duty button. Follow instructions for inputting additional duty information and save by clicking the “apply” button. Repeat process as needed until list is completed. Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 13 Assigning Additional Duties Viewing, editing, and deleting Additional Duties Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 14 Faculty Workload Policies Kaplan University policies regarding faculty workload are as follows: Weekly workload – adjunct instructors are part-time employees. Kaplan designates a part-time employee as one who works 37.5 hours or less per week. Adjunct assignments must always take into consideration the weekly hours that an adjunct instructor will work. Hence, cross-track teaching is not allowed. Exceptions must be approved by the School Dean. Overloads – FT Instructors or FT employees who teach are only allowed two (2) overloads per calendar year; that is, they can only teach two courses in addition to their full-time load or job responsibilities. Exceptions must be approved in writing by the School Dean or designated Academic leader. Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 15 Faculty Workload Policies Kaplan policies regarding faculty workload are as follows: Adjunct Term load -- the approved teaching load for an Adjunct instructor is 2 courses per term. Exceptions must be approved in writing by the School Dean or designated Academic leader. Adjunct YTD Load – Adjunct instructor are allowed a maximum of 15 combined teaching assignments and additional duties in a calendar year – January 1st through December 31st. Exceptions must be approved in writing by the School Dean or designated Academic leader Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 16 FCT – Workload Violations Workload violations will be triggered in FCT whenever assignments exceed the established policies established by Kaplan University. The Faculty Analyst will contact the Department Chair whenever a violation is flagged by the system. In order to override the violation, the Chair must either: a. assign the course or additional duty to another instructor; or b. provide written approval to their Payroll Analyst to override the exception with the appropriate explanation. Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 17 Late Assignment Stipends Kaplan policy, as outlined in the Faculty Handbook, is that all instructors are entitled to a late assignment stipend if a class is assigned at certain timeframes, and will be included in the LOE. FCT will automatically calculate a late assignment stipend whenever an instructor is assigned in CampusVue, even if the instructor was notified of the class earlier, as follows: a) b) $125 – if the assignment date in CampusVue is between T-4 and T-1; and $200 – if the assignment date in CampusVue is on the day the Term starts or any time thereafter. Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 18 Cancellation Stipends Kaplan University policy, as outlined in the Faculty Handbook, establishes that all instructors are entitled to a cancellation stipend if a class is cancelled after certain timeframes. FCT will automatically calculate a cancellation stipend whenever a class is cancelled in CampusVue 4 days prior to a term start or any time thereafter. The cancellation stipend, in the amount of $200, will be added to the instructor’s LOE. IMPORTANT: Scheduling errors in CampusVue may trigger both late assignment and cancellation stipends inadvertently and the system will add to the LOE. Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 19 Emergency Instructor Replacements Please ensure you notify your Payroll Analyst of any and all instructor replacements. It helps us monitor and audit system calculations. When an instructor is replaced in CampusVue, FCT will pro-rate compensation for both instructors based on the number of days worked or days remaining in the term and the school’s pay scale. If the replacement is due to an involuntary termination, please: - Consult with your HR Business Partner, Gloria Siebert; - Notify immediately your Payroll Analyst – we must ensure we comply with State labor laws in terms of issuing final paycheck; - Process the MSS transaction with appropriate termination code and submit a ticket to the Help Desk for proper de-provisioning of system access. Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 20 Emergency Instructor Replacements If you determine you wish to compensate a replacement instructor for more than what FCT will calculate, you need to: Notify your Payroll Analyst in writing; and Submit an Additional Duty transaction in FCT for the appropriate amount, under “MISC” type and with all details in the “Activity Description”. Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 21 Changes impact FCT In the new automated environment, any change impacts FCT calculations. Please ensure you communicate to Faculty Payroll any intended changes at least 3-4 weeks in advance to ensure we can review and can be accommodated. Promotions, demotions – can only be approved with the start of a term Course transfers between schools Pay scale changes – need at least 4-5 weeks notice in order to determine how to implement Job code changes New Courses created in CampusVue Name changes to Schools in WPONet Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 22 Financial Controls in FCT Financial controls are in place in the system and adjunct payroll activity is now closely monitored by the Finance Department. Below a listing of typical instances they audit for: Overrides of system calculations Unusual compensation amounts Faculty workload violations Late assignment stipends Excessive number of overload assignments Additional duty activity Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 23 Frequently Asked Questions 1. When do/will I receive an LOE? Letters of Engagement are issued every term as follows: • Five days prior to term start (T-5) and based on assignments scheduled in our system at that point in time. • After add/drop to allow for changes, student enrollment increases, late assignments, cancellations, etc. – again, based on schedules in our system. • If you have been given an assignment by your Department Chair and yet, you have not received a Letter of Engagement, please contact them directly. Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 24 Frequently Asked Questions 2. When will I receive my next paycheck? Please refer to your Letter of Engagement (LOE) which lists the term’s biweekly pay dates. Total compensation for the term is disbursed evenly across six (6) bi-weekly pay dates for A, B, and C tracks and four (4) bi-weekly pay dates for D track. Pay dates and tracks are clearly outlined in your LOE. 3. Why is my LOE missing an assignment? The LOE only includes assignments and information in the system at the time it was issued. If your assignment was not scheduled in the system until after the first LOE release, it will be included in a revised LOE when the second wave of LOEs are generated after add/drop. Please note that you need to accept or decline the original LOE in order to receive a revised copy. If you do not receive a revised LOE after add/drop, please call 954-515-3351 between the hours of 10:00 am and 4:00 pm EST. Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 25 Frequently Asked Questions 4. Why is my pay less than normal? Please note student enrollment at the time the LOE was delivered. If your course classifies as low enrollment, a low enrollment compensation scale will apply. If student enrollment increases or the class becomes fully enrolled, you will receive a revised LOE to acknowledge the increased compensation. For specifics or an explanation regarding your school’s pay scale, or low enrollment compensation, please contact your Academic Department Chair. Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 26 Frequently Asked Questions 5. What should I do if I’m a full-time instructor or a full-time KU employee and I qualify for overload compensation? It is the instructor’s Chair’s responsibility to ensure that they designate a specific assignment in the system as ‘over and above full-time load”. Once this is done, the system will automatically generate an LOE for the overload assignment and compensation will be paid accordingly. If you do not receive an LOE for the overload assignment either at T-5 or after add/drop, please contact the Department Chair in charge of the course to make sure that your overload has been approved and processed. Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 27 Frequently Asked Questions 6. Whom do I contact for direct deposit, lost checks or tax issues? For tax withholding W-4, W-2 issues, lost checks, and direct deposit issues, please contact Kaplan University’s Payroll Department at: payroll@kaplan.edu or by phone at: 877-586-9729. For Employment Verifications, please navigate to: http://intranet.kaplan.edu/HRPortal/Pages/VerificationofEmployment.aspx 7. What should I do if I cannot access my LOE as outlined in the notification email? Please call 866-348-1196 for the Faculty Support Help Desk. Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 28 Faculty Compensation Tracking For general questions, issues or exceptional situations, please contact: • Denise Alvarado, Manager of Faculty Payroll, at dalvarado@kaplan.edu • Thomas Petroski, Faculty Payroll Analyst, at tpetroski@kaplan.edu or • Zully Francisco, Executive Director of Faculty Operations at zfrancisco@kaplan.edu. Proprietary and Confidential. For Internal Kaplan Use Only. 29