Final Report: EDEX 963 Scoring Guide STANDARD NOT MET (1 pt

Final Report: EDEX 963 Scoring Guide
(1 pt)
The report does not
indicate that the writer
gathered insufficient
relevant background
information (CC8; S1).
It is not evident that the
Practiced within the CEC
Code of Ethics and other
standards of the
profession (CC9S1).
Upheld high standards of
competence and
integrity and exercise
sound judgment in the
practice of the
professional (CC9S2).
Acted ethically in
advocating for
appropriate services.
Demonstrate sensitivity
for the culture, language,
religion, gender,
disability, socioeconomic status, and
sexual orientation of
individuals (CC9S6).
Use verbal, nonverbal,
and written language
effectively (CC9S8).
The report indicates that
the writer:
Used of functional
behavioral assessments
Administered nonbiased
formal and informal
assessments (CC8S2).
Used technology to
conduct assessments
(CC8S3). Interpret
information from formal
and informal
assessments (CC8S5).
Assess appropriate and
problematic social
behaviors of individuals
(2 pts)
The report fairly well
indicates that the writer
gathered sufficient but not
excessive relevant
background information
(CC8; S1).
It is reasonably evident that
the writer:
Practiced within the CEC
Code of Ethics and other
standards of the profession
Upheld high standards of
competence and integrity
and exercise sound
judgment in the practice of
the professional (CC9S2).
Acted ethically in
advocating for appropriate
services. (CC9S3).
Demonstrate sensitivity for
the culture, language,
religion, gender, disability,
socio-economic status, and
sexual orientation of
individuals (CC9S6).
Use verbal, nonverbal, and
written language
effectively (CC9S8).
Use research findings and
theories to guide practice
(3 pts)
The report very clearly
indicates that the writer
gathered very thorough
relevant background
information (CC8; S1). It
is very evident that the
Practiced within the CEC
Code of Ethics and other
standards of the
profession (CC9S1).
Upheld high standards of
competence and integrity
and exercise sound
judgment in the practice
of the professional
Acted ethically in
advocating for
appropriate services.
Demonstrate sensitivity
for the culture, language,
religion, gender,
disability, socio-economic
status, and sexual
orientation of individuals
Use verbal, nonverbal, and
written language
effectively (CC9S8).
The report fairly well
indicates that the writer:
Used of functional
behavioral assessments
Administered nonbiased
formal and informal
assessments (CC8S2).
Used technology to conduct
assessments (CC8S3).
Interpret information from
formal and informal
assessments (CC8S5).
Assess appropriate and
problematic social
behaviors of individuals
with emotional/behavioral
disorders. BD8S2.
The report very clearly
indicates that the writer:
Used of functional
behavioral assessments
Administered nonbiased
formal and informal
assessments (CC8S2).
Used technology to
conduct assessments
(CC8S3). Interpret
information from formal
and informal assessments
Chose and administered.
Assess appropriate and
problematic social
behaviors of individuals
disorders. BD8S2.
The report does not
Practiindicate that the writer:
Identified and prioritized
areas of the general
Objeccurriculum and
tives with
Indicators accommodations for
individuals with
exceptional learning
Made and needs (CC7S1).
Developed and
tives Met
(Academic and longitudinal
individualized programs
in collaboration with
team members (CC7S2).
Involved the individual
and family in setting
instructional goals and
monitoring progress
Sequenced, implemented,
and evaluated
individualized learning
objectives (CC7S6).
Evaluated instruction and
monitor progress of
individuals with
exceptional learning
needs (CC8S8).
Prepared assessment
reports on individuals
disorders based on
information BD8S1).
The report does not
indicate that the writer:
AssessDeveloped or modified
assessment strategies
Recommendations for
the Child
Family to
The recommendations
are not consistent with
the assessment and
instruction recently
The report does not
indicate that the writer:
Reported assessment
results to all
stakeholders using
with emotional/behavioral
disorders. BD8S2.
The report fairly well
The report very clearly
indicates that the writer:
indicates that the writer:
Identified and prioritized
Identified and prioritized
areas of the general
areas of the general
curriculum and
curriculum and
accommodations for
accommodations for
individuals with
individuals with
exceptional learning needs
exceptional learning
needs (CC7S1).
Developed and
Developed and
longitudinal individualized longitudinal
programs in collaboration
individualized programs
with team members
in collaboration with team
members (CC7S2).
Involved the individual and Involved the individual
family in setting
and family in setting
instructional goals and
instructional goals and
monitoring progress
monitoring progress
Sequenced, implemented,
Sequenced, implemented,
and evaluated
and evaluated
individualized learning
individualized learning
objectives (CC7S6).
objectives (CC7S6).
Evaluated instruction and
Evaluated instruction and
monitor progress of
monitor progress of
individuals with
individuals with
exceptional learning needs
exceptional learning
needs (CC8S8).
Prepared assessment reports Prepared assessment
on individuals with
reports on individuals
with emotional/behavioral
disorders based on
disorders based on
information BD8S1).
information BD8S1).
The report fairly well
indicates that the writer:
Developed or modified
individualized assessment
strategies (CC8S4).
The report very clearly
indicates that the writer:
Developed or modified
individualized assessment
strategies (CC8S4).
The recommendations are
reasonably consistent with
the assessment and
instruction recently
The report fairly well
indicates that the writer:
Reported assessment results
to all stakeholders using
The recommendations are
extremely consistent with
the assessment and
instruction recently
The report very clearly
indicates that the writer:
Reported assessment
results to all stakeholders
using effective
encouraged to be
with the
effective communication
skills (CC8S7).
Monitor intragroup
behavior changes from
subject to subject and
activity to activity
applicable to individuals
with emotional/behavior
disorders (BD8S3).
Practiced within the CEC
Code of Ethics and other
standards of the
profession (CC9S1).
Used verbal, nonverbal,
and written language
effectively (CC9S8).
Maintained confidential
communication about
individuals with
exceptional learning
needs (CC10S1).
Fostered respectful and
beneficial relationships
between families and
professionals (CC10S3).
effectively with families
of individuals with
exceptional learning
needs from diverse
Teach parents to use
appropriate behavior
management and
counseling techniques
Does not use verbal,
Presentati nonverbal, and written
language effectively.
effective communication
skills (CC8S7).
Monitor intragroup
behavior changes from
subject to subject and
activity to activity
applicable to individuals
with emotional/behavior
disorders (BD8S3).
Practiced within the CEC
Code of Ethics and other
standards of the profession
Used verbal, nonverbal, and
written language
effectively (CC9S8).
Maintained confidential
communication about
individuals with
exceptional learning needs
Fostered respectful and
beneficial relationships
between families and
professionals (CC10S3).
Communicated effectively
with families of
individuals with
exceptional learning needs
from diverse backgrounds
Teach parents to use
appropriate behavior
management and
counseling techniques
communication skills
Monitor intragroup
behavior changes from
subject to subject and
activity to activity
applicable to individuals
with emotional/behavior
disorders (BD8S3).
Practiced within the CEC
Code of Ethics and other
standards of the
profession (CC9S1).
Used verbal, nonverbal,
and written language
effectively (CC9S8).
Maintained confidential
communication about
individuals with
exceptional learning
needs (CC10S1).
Fostered respectful and
beneficial relationships
between families and
professionals (CC10S3).
Communicated effectively
with families of
individuals with
exceptional learning
needs from diverse
backgrounds (CC10S10).
Teach parents to use
appropriate behavior
management and
counseling techniques
Use verbal, nonverbal, and
written language effectively
reasonably well.
Use verbal, nonverbal, and
written language
effectively throughout the
instructional period.