WRITING CRITIQUE WORKSHOP Presented by the Student Success Team at the Community College of the District of Columbia Agenda The Writing Process Writing Tips Get feedback on your work The Writing Process Prewriting Drafting Reread (or have someone else) and think about how you can improve your writing Editing Outline your ideas, write a rough draft Revising Brainstorm ideas, choose topic Check spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc. Publishing Create a final draft Writing Tips Start early and budget your time. Clearly understand the assignment. Make sure to answer the question! Don’t be afraid to ask your professor for clarification. Organize your research materials and your thoughts. Highlight key points Take notes Organize your thoughts in an outline Tips borrowed from: http://www.studentnow.com/features/essayswritingtips.html Writing Tips, continued Learn by Example. Read, read, read! Get a sample paper from your professor Don't Plagiarize. Keep track of any quotes or citations. You must properly site any idea that is not your own (even if it’s not a direct quotation!) Writing Tips, continued Write a quick draft all the way through. Get your ideas on paper. You can edit later. Write multiple drafts. Think about structure and order of ideas Include an introduction and conclusion Read your paper aloud. Have someone else read your paper. Write as many drafts as you have time for—they will only improve! Writing Tips, continued Format and Presentation Count Everything must be perfectly typewritten. Always use Spell Check. Have someone proofread your paper before turning in. Make sure you know what format your professor requires (margins, line spacing, number of pages, citation style, font, etc.) Get Feedback Get feedback from a SSS Waiting Review your turn? handouts/apply tips Have another student take a look at your work. Give each other feedback Additional Resources http://www.tedmontgomery.com/punctuation/index.html http://www.informatics.sussex.ac.uk/department/docs/punctuation/node00.html http://www.lrcom.com/tips/punctuation.htm http://writing2.richmond.edu/writing/wweb/started.html http://www.studentnow.com/features/essayswritingtips.html http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/10/ APA Style Guide http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/ MLA Style Guide