Writing Strategies: Avoiding Academic Fraud

Writing Strategies: Avoiding Academic Fraud
Trenholm State Technical College: Student Success Center
Dr. Rebecca Ball-Coats (334)420-4464
Mr. Damon K. Blythe (334)420-4463
Stages of the Writing Process
 Pre-writing: understanding / analyzing the assignment, brainstorming, free writing, mapping
 Composing: research, thesis statement, outline, 1st draft.
 Revise: review, revise, proofread
Understanding the Assignment:
Read the assignment carefully; If it was given oral, write it out and analyze it until you are confident you understand. Ask instructor
assignment related questions.
Brainstorming / Freewriting, mapping:
Make the assignment your own by deciding what you want to say about the topic. What do you already know about the topic?
Relate the topic to something you are familiar with. Based on what you know, write as much as you can about the topic.
Research: Conduct research on the topic to become more familiar with it.(readings, interviews, videos)
Thesis Statement: Develop a statement that will serve as the main idea of your essay / academic writing.
Thesis Generator
Outline: Using your free-writing / brainstorming or mapping, organize your ideas such that your writing
will be clear, concise and flow with ease.
Outline Maker
1st Draft: A good intro paragraph goes from general to specific, typically ending with your thesis
statement. Capture the readers attention!!! You body paragraphs include main ideas, supporting ideas and
supporting details. Use transitional words and phrases to connect paragraphs and re-enforce ideas.
Transitional words and phrases
Review: Does my paper have : clear thesis, clear ideas, good organization, paragraph structure,
supporting details, a conclusion that restates the thesis and overviews the main ideas?
Revising: Refocus > Reorder >Add > Delete
Proofreading: Does my paper have: a professional style, proper spelling, punctuation, vocabulary, clear
and concise sentences? Ensure you proofread at least 3 times and let at least two other people proof it for
Avoiding Academic Fraud in Writing
What is Plagiarism? Plagiarism
What are some of the challenges of Plagiarism? Challenges
Why do students Plagiarize?
Lack of understanding the rules
Lack of confidence
Poor time management skills
Failure to understand the importance of an assignment
Lack of good writing skills
How to Avoid Plagiarizing
To avoid plagiarism you must correctly utilize and reference source material.
3 methods of properly using source material:
Quoting, Paraphrasing and Summarizing: Purdue OWL Resources
MLA resources: MLA overview
APA resources: APA Overview
Questions / Evaluation
Please complete our Presentation evaluation: Presentation Evaluation
Trenholm State Technical College: Student Success Center
Dr. Rebecca Ball Coates, Coordinator 334)420-4463
Mr. Damon K. Blythe, Retention Specialist 334)420-4464
“Operation Graduation”