Clinical Robotic Surgery Association

Clinical Robotic Surgery
Clinical Robotic Surgery Association
 Founded March 2009
 Goals:
 To consolidate general surgery sub-specialty robotic
associations under one universal worldwide association
 To become the credentialing authority for robotic general
 To create a worldwide wired-network of robotic surgery
1st Worldwide Congress 2009
 Location: Chicago – Swissotel [October 9 – 10]
 Institutional Sponsor: University of Illinois at
Chicago, University of Illinois Medical Center
 Attendees: 217 robotic surgeons from 23 countries
 Program Highlights:
Live Video Feeds from UIC and Medical Center to Swissotel
from Operating Rooms, Practice Lab and East Campus
Strong Academic Program
Joint Cooperation of Intuitive Surgical: Hospital CEO
Executive Conference, da Vinci Si display model, da Vinci
connect installation, Vespar demonstration
UIC, UIMC Congress Benefits
 News Coverage from Reuters
 Sponsorship communicated to 217 worldwide
 U of I faculty participated in four surgical procedures
demonstrating leadership in the field
 U of I Campus and Personnel identified as
technologically capable of executing complex video
 Result: UIC and UICMC identified as leader in
robotic general surgery
UIC, UIMC Post Congress Benefits
 Congress demonstrates UIMC position as “Most
 UIMC faculty and staff recognized as leaders in the
 UIC faculty recognized as significant contributors to
scientific community
 Conclusion: Congress raised the profile of the
institutions in global surgical field
Department of Surgery Benefits
 Post Congress Offers of Collaboration:
Mini Fellowships in Robotic Surgery with Chinese Surgeons
through Chindex
US Institutions interested in sending residents and fellows for
robotic training (Philadelphia)
Individual Physicians interested in visiting for training and
fellowships (Primarily US, Latin America and Europe)
Estimated Potential Revenue from congress: $1m+
2009 Congress Problems
Problem: Time between creation of association and
congress was short, making it difficult to execute
Internal tensions at UI, UIMC executing the technical portion
of the program
Difficult to communicate leadership support to personnel
Problem: Lack of financial support from home
Resulted in financial difficulties post congress
Damaged reputation and credit worthiness with CRSA
members and Board
2009 Congress Conclusion
 Despite the difficulties and tension the staff at UIC
and UIMC executed a nearly flawless technical
 Commitment from staff at both institutions was
highly commendable
 CIO support in difficult circumstances was highly
 Lower Level Staff Commendations: UIMC: Vikas
Patel, Neel Sheth UIC: Alberto Camarena, Miguel
CRSA - Chicago 2010
 CRSA Board agreed to hold 2nd Congress in Chicago,
consolidating U of I as a permanent destination.
(Ultimately the congress will rotate between three
 Despite strong proposals from rival cities for 2010,
who were promising full financial and resource
support for the congress from home institutions
CRSA Support Request
 Asking UI and UIMC to provide the following
resources to at least in part match the strong
commitments from other institutions:
Leadership Support and Participation in the Congress
Access to UI, UIMC resources to assist in executing the onsite
technical program
Financial Assistance to Execute the Congress
Resource Requirements
 Primarily technical support to execute the Audio-
Visual Communications between the congress site
and the campus
Was executed in three weeks in 2009 thanks to tremendous
efforts of staff at UI, and UIC
Would like leadership affirmation that this will be supported
without DOS cost implications in 2010
Financial Support
 Estimated Total Cost of Congress was $200k+
 CRSA was partially industry supported, but ended
$90,000 in deficit.
 No financial support for onsite execution,
Department of Surgery bore the entire costs
 Asking for the institution to provide some financial
support, inline with commitments made by other US
institutions for future congress
Current Economy
 We will have some industry sponsorship, registration income, and
exhibit income
 Looking for $100,000 maximum financial commitment so we can
declare to the CRSA board that we have at institutional support
from the home location and secure U of I as a permanent site
 If we can secure increased attendance and further industry support
we will not call on the commitment, but we need to demonstrate
that our home institution is at least willing to underwrite the event
 We already have an unsecured potential commitment from Intuitive
Surgical for $150,000 which would mean we would not need any
further support.
UIC Benefits
 Enhances Reputation
 Strong Scientific Content will be coupled with CME
Continue to attract leading physicians to train at UIC Lab
Publicity will be used to promote surgical program to
attract more student application to the college
Will be exploring cross campus collaborations and
participation with east Campus and potentially UrbanaChampaign
Support Deans project to develop telemedicine
UIMC Benefits
 2010 will focus more efforts on local media
 Greater marketing exposure at the congress,
worldwide exposure for the medical center
 Inclusion of nursing in scientific portion of the
program, presenting medical center nurses and
industry leaders
 Support Medical Centers commitment to wired
technology at the medical center
The Future for CRSA
2011: Florida or Texas
2012: Chicago
Chicago will be in permanent rotation to align with ACS
Current Potential Market: 1,000 Institutions
Future Potential Market: All surgeons
CRSA primary goal is to become the authority on
credentialing for robotic surgery, and having U of I as a
permanent rotation would ensure the reputation of the
Conclusion: We are looking for resource support for onsite
activities, and a financial commitment (promise to
underwrite) the congress for 2010