Collision Detection lecture

Geometry Primer
Lines and rays
 Planes
 Spheres
 Frustums
 Triangles
 Polygon
 Polyhedron
Lines and Rays
Given 2 points, we can parametrically define
a line which passes through these two points
 P(t)
= (1-t)P1 + tP2
The line segment between these two points
corresponds to all values of t between zero
and one
A ray is defined parametrically as
 P(t) = Po + tV
 Where t is greater than or equal to zero
 Allowing
negative values of t will give a valid
equation for a line
Plane equation
 Ax
+ By + Cz + D = 0
A, B, and C are the respective x, y, and z coordinates of a
vector normal to the plane
D = -N.Po
If N is a unit vector, the equation
N is the plane normal vector
Po is an arbitrary point on the plane
d = N.Q + D
Gives the distance from the plane to an arbitrary point Q
If d > 0, Q lies on the positive side of the plane. Otherwise Q
lies on the negative side of the plane.
Use this to test for path-plane collision
A Different Plane Equation
Point – normal form
 N.(P
– Po) = 0
P and Po are arbitrary points on the plane
 Stored
as a point and a normal in many applications,
or calculated on the fly from three points.
Given by equation
 Line
N.Q + D = 0
– Plane intersection
Sphere equation
- x0)2 + (y - y0)2 + (z - z0)2 = r2
 r is the radius, and is centered at (x0,y0,z0)
 (x
In an application, store the center point
and the radius.
A frustum as a volume of space containing
everything visible in a scene.
A frustum can be defined by a:
 Near
plane (or near plane distance)
 Far plane (or far plane distance)
 Field of view
FOVx or FOVy?
 Aspect
Alternatively, it can be described by the six
planes which bound it.
Frustum Illus.
Convex polyhedrons are also known as
polytopes, and are often used to
approximate non-convex meshes where
speed is an issue.
 Also known as brushes.
Applied Geometry
Collision models for games can be
approximated using fundamental shapes
 E.g.
Use boxes for limbs of characters, 3
spheres for an ant…
Visibility Determination
*Bounding box test
 Bounding sphere test
Bounding Box
Axis aligned, or AABB
Find minimum and maximum points and use these to construct
Oriented, or OBB
Find natural axes for points
 Compute dot product of each vertex position with unit vectors R,
S, T of the natural axis and take the minimum and maximum
Planes are given by:
<R, -min{Pi.R}>
<-R, max{Pi.R}>
Collision Detection
Sphere – Sphere
 Sphere - Plane
 *OBB – OBB
 *Box – Plane
 Ray – Plane
 Ray – Triangle
Ray – Triangle Intersection
 Investigate other methods
 Badoul’s
 Moller-Haines’ algorithm
 D3DX
D3DX common source
Usage / Examples
Detecting when a user has clicked an
 Determining if, when, and where objects
have collided
 Decide
how to respond to collision
Chapters 4, 5, 7, 8 in Mathematics for 3D
Game Programming and Computer
Graphics cover the material presented