NYS Health Improvement Plan Final 5.6.13 D Luttinger N

Prevention Agenda 2013-2017:
New York State’s Health Improvement
Presentation to the Council of Environmental Health Directors
by the New York State Department of Health
May 2013
Prevention Agenda 2013-2017:
Ad Hoc Leadership Group
• Six members of Public Health Committee and other
leaders from Healthcare, Business, Academia,
Community-based & Local Health Departments.
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
New York is the Healthiest State
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
How Health Improvement is Produced
Dahlgren G, Whitehead M. 1991. Policies and Strategies to Promote Social Equity in Health. Stockholm, Sweden: Institute for
Futures Studies.
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
The Public Health System
Healthcare Delivery
Policy Makers & Elected
Governmental & NonGovernmental Public
Other Governmental
Assuring the
conditions for
public health
Employer’s Businesses &
The Media
Community Based Health
& Human Service
Adapted from : The Future of the Public’s
Health in the 21st Century. IOM 2003
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Framework for Improving Health
& Education
Long-Lasting Protective
Changing the Context to Make
Individuals’ Default Decisions
Socio-economic Factors
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Frieden T., A Framework for Public Health Action: The Health Impact Pyramid.
American Journal of Public Health. 2010; 100(4): 590-595
Prevention Agenda 2013-17 Goals
1. Improve the health status of all New Yorkers and close
health disparities.
2. Advance a “Health in All Policies” approach that
addresses the broader determinants of health
3. Strengthen public health infrastructure
4. Create and strengthen sustainable public-private and
multi-sector partnerships
5. Further strengthen and promote the case for
investment in prevention and public health
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Five Prevention Agenda Priorities
Prevent chronic diseases
Promote a healthy and safe environment
Promote healthy women, infants and children
Promote mental health and prevent substance
5. Prevent HIV, sexually transmitted diseases, vaccinepreventable diseases and healthcare associated
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Cross-Cutting Priorities
1. Access to quality health services and early
identification of health problems
2. Health disparities (including population specific
strategies where applicable)
3. Social Determinants of Health
4. Life course Perspective (including attention to the
aging population)
5. Oral Health
6. Gender perspective (male and female specific
strategies where applicable)
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Prevent Chronic Diseases
Focus Areas
1. Reduce obesity in children and adults
2. Reduce illness, disability and death related to
tobacco use and secondhand smoke
3. Increase access the high quality chronic
disease preventive care and management in
both clinical and community settings
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Promoting Healthy Women, Infants,
and Children
Focus Areas
1. Maternal and infant health
2. Child health
3. Reproductive, preconception, and interconception health
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Promote Mental Health and Prevent
Substance Abuse
Focus Areas
1. Promote mental, emotional and behavioral
well-being in communities
2. Prevent substance abuse and other mental
emotional behavioral disorders
3. Strengthen infrastructure across systems
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Prevent HIV/STDs, Vaccine-Preventable
Disease and Health Care-Associated Infections
Focus Areas
1. Prevent HIV and STDs
2. Prevent vaccine-preventable diseases
3. Prevent health care-associated infections
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Promote a Healthy and Safe
Environment (PHSE)
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
PHSE Scope and Charge
• Focus on factors in the natural and built environments that
influence human health and disease in order to create health
supportive environments in NYS
• Scope: chemical, physical and biological exposures; and injury
and violence prevention
• Membership – representing diverse sectors of the public
health system
• Charge
– Primarily, complete priority-specific action plan
– Action plan should include recommendations on interventions that
can be implemented by other sectors (i.e. beyond DOH and other
governmental PH)
• 3-month timeline
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
PHSE Committee Sector Distribution
Government Public Health
• Nancy Clark/Thomas Matte, NYCDOHMH
• Eric Faisst/Geoff Snyder Madison County HD
• Daniel Luttinger (Co-Chair), NYSDOH
• John Wilson, Neil Muscatiello,
Ken Aldous, NYSDOH Staff
• Aaron Wernham, Pew Charitable Trusts
Government, Other than Public Health
• Ellen Burkhard, NYSERDA
• Pam Hadad-Hurst, NYSDEC
• Maureen O’Neill, US EPA
• Carl Thurnau/Tom Roberts, NYSED
• Tony Perez, DCJS
• Darren Suarez, NYS Business Council
• Steve Rosario, American Chem. Council
Education Sector
• Susan Klitzman (CO-Chair), CUNY SPH
• Blanca Ramos/Bonita Sanchez, SUNY Albany
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Clinical Care Delivery System
• Rosemary Anthony, Arnot Health
• Michael Lax, Occupational Health Clinic Center
• Ana Garcia/Elyse Powell, NY Academy of Medicine
• Rebecca Morley, Natl. Center for Healthy Housing
• Sheila Bushkin, Med. Soc. State of NY
• James Melius, NYS Laborers’ Health & Safety Fund
• Peggy Shepard WE ACT for Env. Justice
• Joyce Hyatt, Chemung Valley Rural Health Network
• Patricia Scalera, NY Rural Water Association
Four Focus Areas
• Air Quality
• Water Quality
• Built Environment (including indoor and
community-scale environments)
• Injuries (unintentional and intentional)
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Climate Change
• Climate change is cross cutting issue, not
related to just one specific goal.
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Focus Area Action Plan
• Define the Problem and Scope
• Identify Goals and Objectives
• Identify Interventions (evidenced-based where
• Identify Key Sectors/Organizations by
• Objectives/Tracking Indicators
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Selecting Interventions
• Identified evidence based, promising and next
policies, programs, and practices for action
• Assessed potential to address health disparities,
ability to measure success, potential reach, and
potential for broad partner support and collaboration.
• Finalized by committees
• Selection serves as starting point.
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Focus Area: Outdoor Air Quality
• Problem/Scope
– Outdoor air quality leads to increase illness and death
– 11 counties out of compliance with the NAAQS
– People with respiratory or cardiovascular disease are particularly at
risk due to poor air quality
– Approx. 10 % of NYers have asthma
– Rates of hospitalizations due to asthma higher among low-income and
– Cardiovascular disease leading cause of death
• Goal
1. Reduce exposure to outdoor air pollutants with a particular focus on
burdened communities
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Focus Area: Outdoor Air Quality
• Develop a media campaign to provide information on public health
effects of air pollutants and their sources
• Consider implementing EPA’s Air Quality Flag program at schools
and other community organizations
• Assess and reduce emissions from sources that may contribute to
local air pollutant levels (e.g., residential wood boilers, residential
boilers using high sulfur fuels)
• Support transportation options that reduce air pollution from
mobile sources (e.g., support public transportation, community
planning incorporating enhanced walkability or cycling, pricing
strategies, greater diversification of transportation fuels)
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Focus Area: Water Quality
• Problem/Scope
– Fluoridated drinking water considered by CDC as one of 10 great public health
achievements of the 20th century
– Number of water systems that fluoridate in NYS is decreasing
– Many rural areas are not served by public water supplies, approximately 20%
of population on private wells
– Aging drinking water infrastructure
– Abandonment of small privately owned community water systems
– Climate change places additional stressors on NY water and water supplies
(e.g., nutrient loading, decreased quantity of water, algal blooms, beach water
• Goals
1. Increase the percentage of State residents that receive fluoridated drinking
2. Reduce potential health risks associated with drinking and recreational water
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Focus Area: Water Quality
• Provide communities interested in implementing fluoridation with outreach
materials and resources to promote fluoridation as a significant health
intervention (Goal 1)
• Develop and promote existing strategies that provide the benefits of
fluoridation to people with private drinking water wells, e.g., fluoride tablets;
obstetricians, pediatricians, WIC programs and others are likely partners (Goal 1)
• Promote or require long-range local level planning, including asset management
planning for the long-term sustainability of water utilities infrastructure (Goal 2)
• Develop enforceable codes for water conservation during extended periods of
drought. Consider model codes adoptable at local levels, or a Statewide
approach that local governments can use for enforcement (Goal 2)
• Work with the real estate industry to promote well testing when a house is
bought or sold (Goal 2)
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Focus Area: Built Environment Quality
• Problem/Scope
– Includes homes, schools, workplaces, transit systems, roadways, parks, etc.
– Can affect health through products/materials used and/or land use, zoning,
infrastructure decisions
– Land use that encourages physical activity and access to nutritious food is one
component to reducing obesity and concomitant health problems
– Many low-income communities and communities of color have
disproportionately less access to public transportation, green space, safe
streets and healthy foods
– Many housing-related issues can pose a threat to human health (e.g., carbon
monoxide, peeling lead paint, fire and electrical hazards, mold, radon, pests
and pesticides, poor indoor air quality)
– Climate change (e.g., extreme weather episodes, increased coastal flooding
and storms) contribute to adverse health impacts of the built environment
• Goals
1. Improve the design and maintenance of the built environment to promote
healthy lifestyles, sustainability and adaptation to climate change
2. Improve the design and maintenance of home environments to promote
health and reduce related illness
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Focus Area: Built Environment Quality
• Implement Smart Growth Public Infrastructure Policy Act, which requires
consideration of smart growth principles when planning and funding
investments, as well as the Complete Streets Law, which requires focused
consideration of bicycle and pedestrian elements in street design (Goal 1)
• Provide accessible, neighborhood cooling centers (Goal 1)
• Provide incentives for sustainable and climate smart planning, zoning and
development, including transportation, e.g., increase the amount and mix
of development within 1/2 mile of commuter rail and bus stations (Goal 1)
• Enhance mechanisms for referrals to support services, such as the Healthy
Neighborhood Program (Goal 2)
• Encourage home and building modifications, such as weatherization, CO
alarms, smoke detectors, fire alarms, and other safety mechanisms (Goal 2)
• Enforce compliance with existing property maintenance, building, fire and
related codes, e.g., boilers, lead paint (Goal 2)
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Focus Area: Injuries, Violence & Occupational Health
• Problem/Scope
– Injuries are a leading cause of death and disability (in NY 20/day die, 453/day
are hospitalized and another 4,295/day are treated and released from ERs)
– Falls are the leading cause of unintentional injury death and disability in
people 65 or older, and a leading cause of injury in children up to age 4
– Violence accounts for approximately 847 deaths, 9,392 hospitalizations and
91,740 emergency visits in NY/year
– In the US, more than 4,000 occupational fatalities, 3 million occupational
injuries and 160,000 cases of occupational illness occur each year
– About 53,000 youth go to the ER each year for job-related injuries
– Climate change has potential to impact workers health (e.g., extreme
temperatures, solar ultra-violet radiation, vector-borne diseases)
• Goals
1. Reduce fall risks among the most vulnerable populations
2. Reduce violence
3. Reduce occupational injury and illness
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Focus Area: Injuries, Violence & Occupational Health
• Train community workers in evidence-based programs for older adults (Goal 1)
• Conduct in-home assessments and interventions to identify and reduce slip and
fall hazards (Goal 1)
• Improve walkability and safety in community and public spaces (Goal 1)
• Expand access to and availability of exercise and information programs in
community venues (Goal 1)
• Develop multi-sector violence prevention programs (e.g., LHDs, criminal justice,
social services, job training, CBOs) such as SNUG, Cure Violence or CEASEFIRE in
high-risk communities (Goal 2)
• Reduce neighborhood environmental risks, e.g., abandoned buildings, no
lighting, deserted street (Goal 2)
• Outreach effort targeting vocational school programs and industries hiring large
numbers of young workers (Goal 3)
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Indicator Development
• Support “Promote a Healthy and Safe Environment” goals and
• Basis for measuring intervention progress
• Primary tracking indicators and supplemental indicators
• Where possible, consistent with HP2020
• Worked with program staff to develop measures and, assess data
availability (spatially and temporally)
• Tracking indicators available at:
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Tracking Indicators
• Outdoor Air Quality
– Reduce the annual number of days with unhealthy air as
measured by the Air Quality Index (AQI)>100 to 0 (Goal 1)
(Baseline: New York City annual average days 5 for ozone and
6 for PM; Rest of State annual average days 5 for ozone and 3
for PM)
• Water Quality
– Increase the percentage of NYS residents served by community
water systems that receive optimally fluoridated water by 10%
from 71.4% (2012) to 78.5% (Goal 1)
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Tracking Indicators
• Built Environment
– Increase the percentage of the population that lives in a jurisdiction that adopted
the Climate Smart Communities pledge by 20% from 26.7% to 32.0% (Goal 1)
– Increase the proportion of people who commute using alternate modes of
transportation, i.e., public transportation, carpool, bike/walk, telecommute, by
10% from 44.7% to 49.2% (Goal 1)
– Improve access to affordable fruits and vegetables among low-income NYS
residents by decreasing the percentage who live greater than 1 mile from a
supermarket or grocery store in urban areas, or greater than 10 miles from a
supermarket or grocery store in rural areas, by 10% from 2.49% to 2.24% (Goal 1)
– Increase the percentage of homes in vulnerable neighborhoods that have fewer
asthma triggers during Healthy Neighborhood Program home revisits by 55% from
12.9% to 20% (Goal 2)
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Tracking Indicators
• Injuries, Violence, and Occupational Health
– Stop the annual increase of the rate of hospitalizations due to
falls among residents ages 65 and over by maintaining the rate
at 204.6 per 10,000 residents (Goal 1)
– Reduce ED visits due to falls among children ages 1 to 4 from
476.8 to 429.1 per 10,000 residents (Goal 1)
– Reduce the rate of assault-related hospitalizations from 4.8 to
4.3 per 10,000 (Goal 2)
– Reduce the rate of emergency room visits for occupational
injuries among adolescents 15-19 years of age from 36.7 to 33.0
per 10,000 (Goal 3)
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Supplemental Indicators
• Outdoor Air Quality
– Implement policies that target vulnerable groups to reduce
exposure to short-term increases in pollutant levels (e.g.,
policies for schools, day cares, children’s camps) (Goal 1)
– Reduce releases of pollutants from stationary sources (e.g.,
outdoor wood boilers, residential boilers using high sulfur fuel,
fast food char-broilers) (Goal 1)
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Supplemental Indicators
• Water Quality
– Upgrade physical infrastructure (source, treatment, and
delivery systems) in 15% of community water systems (Goal 2)
– Develop strategies to address the abandonment of small
community drinking water systems (Goal 2)
– Improve capacity and develop strategies to identify and assess
sources of pollution that potentially affect regulated beaches
(Goal 2)
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Supplemental Indicators
• Built Environment
– Improve pedestrian and bicycling infrastructure by addressing
financial and other barriers to investing in pedestrian and bicycling
networks, especially in low-income communities (Goal 1)
– Reduce health impacts associated with extreme weather
incidents, especially among vulnerable populations (Goal 1)
– Integrate active transportation network to increase accessibility to
destinations, such as grocery stores, schools, shops, and
restaurants (Goal 1)
– Reduce the incidence of elevated blood lead levels among
children in high-risk neighborhoods (Goal 2)
– Increase the number of housing units that contain at least one
functional smoke and one functional CO detector (Goal 2)
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Supplemental Indicators
• Injuries, Violence, and Occupational Health
– Stop the annual increase in the rate of ED visits due to falls
among residents ages 65 and over (Goal 1)
– Reduce ED visits due to falls among children under 1 year of
age (Goal 1)
– Reduce the rate of ED visits due to assault (Goal 2)
– Reduce the impact of climate change on outdoor workers
(Goal 3)
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
• Local (County) Health Department Community
Health Assessment (CHA) & Community Health
Improvement Plan
– Due November 15, 2013; covers years 2014-2017
• Hospital Community Service Plans (CSPs)
– Due November 15, 2013, covers years 2013-15
• Plans need to choose two Prevention Agenda
priorities and at least one needs to address a
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Local Community Health Planning
Guidance 2013
• Informed by:
– NYS PHL Article 6 and Article 28 Requirements
– Experience with Prevention Agenda 2008-12
– Public Health Accreditation Standards
– Affordable Care Act
• Guidance intended to facilitate responses to
these requirements and promote
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Local Health Department CHA-CHIP
Blue = new
Community Health Assessment
1. Description of Community (i.e. Demographics, Health issues)
2. Identification of major health challenges
3. Succinct summary of assets and resources
4. Documentation of collaborative process and methods
Community Health Improvement Plan
1. Identification of at least two community priorities. At least one must
address a disparity.
2,4,5 For each priority – goals, objectives, strategies and practices,
performance measures (process, outcome)
3. Community stakeholder roles and responsibilities
6. Process used to sustain engagement
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Hospital CSP
1. Mission Statement
2. Definition of community served
3. Public Participation (i.e. participants, dates,
4. Assessment and selection of at least two
community priorities. At least one must address
a disparity.
5. 3-year plan of action
6. Dissemination of plan to the public
7. Process to sustain engagement
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
Community Health Assessment and Improvement Process
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013
For More Information on the NYS
Prevention Agenda 2013-17
Local Community Health Planning Guidance
NYS Conference of EH Directors
May 7, 2013