Texas Politics & Government

Texas Politics & Government
Chapter 20
O’Connor and Sabato
American Government: Continuity and Change
Texas Politics & Government
In this chapter we will cover…
Roots of Texas Politics & Government
Texas - Its People: Past and Present
Ideological Context
Texas Economy
Wealth & Poverty
Roots of Texas
Politics and Government
Texas is big – 267, 339 square miles
Texas is bigger than most states
Texas has every major land form
Texas and Its People
20.9 million +
Second largest state in population
Percentage in the populations
69 %
12 %
13 %
52 %
African Americans 12 %
32 %
Population Trends in Texas
Native Americans
Few Native American tribes left
Native Americans – small percentage of
Texas population
Little political influence
Current issues- gambling on tribal property
Spanish cultural legacy (sixteenth century)
values: equalitarianism, sense of duty,
respect for physical prowess, gallantry
1836 (Texas independence) only 7000 to
8000 Spaniards
Political clout growing: e.g., year 2000 – 1855
elected officials, more than any other state
Most Hispanics elected are Democrats
African Americans
Few during Spanish rule (Mexico opposed
Slavery legalized in Republic of Texas
African American population rapidly grew to more
than 20% by 1840
Most live in cities (Houston & Dallas)
Elected officials roughly equal to population
Prominent African Americans: Mayor Brown of
Houston & Mayor Kirk of Dallas
Asian Americans
First Asian Americans - 1869
1900s - Japanese helped develop rice industry
Asian Americans include: Vietnamese, Chinese,
Indians, Filipinos, Koreans
Houston has largest Asian-American population
of any city in Texas
2000 census – almost 600,000 Asian
Americans in Texas
Early Anglos from Tennessee, Kentucky, etc.
Legalization of slavery in Texas Republic
increased Anglo population
Anglos have dominated politics and
government since 1836
All governors have been Anglo as well as
virtually all state-wide officials
As population composition changes - Anglo
dominance challenged also
Contemporary Texas
Mostly urban
Rapid minority population growth
Hispanics becoming principal ethnic group
Issues: jobs, education, public policy (tax)
Ideological Context
Texas Creed
Ideas that identify Texans (individualism,
equality, constitutionalism)
Political Ideas - liberalism and conservatism
Texas politics is about economics…
Economy of Texas
Then: cotton, cattle, and oil
Now: more diverse, including construction,
high technology, and service
Texas economy has been become globalized
Wealth & Poverty in Texas
Unequal distribution
Gap between rich and the poor increased
More poverty in Texas
Poverty highest among Hispanics
The poor are not “players” politically
Texas is wealthy – Texans are not
Share of Income by Fifths in Texas