Benito Mussolini

Benito Mussolini
Chapter 16 – Section 3
Do Now: Friday 4/5/13
 Take out “Ripple Effect” worksheet
from yesterday – we will discuss it
 Have Mussolini HW on desk – I’ll be
checking it!
Mussolini’s Rise to Power
 son of a Socialist blacksmith & a
 socialist in his youth
 rejected socialism after the war &
replaced it with Nationalism
 1919: organized veterans and
other discontented Italians into
the Fascist party.
 In Rome they symbolized unity
and authority
 Mussolini was a fiery and
charismatic speaker set on ending
corruption and replacing turmoil
with order.
Mussolini Gains Control
 supporters were organized into “combat squads”
 The Black Shirts
 goal of the Black Shirts:
 rejected the democratic processes in favor of violent action.
 March on Rome: Mussolini marched his men to Rome
demanding the removal of the government
 Fascist Government goal:
 crush communism & lower unemployment
 Fearing civil war, King Victor Emmanuel III asked Mussolini
to become Prime Minister
 Named 27th Prime Minister
 Rumor  Violent overthrow
 Reality  King Emmanuel allowed it
Il Duce’s Power
 1925: assumed more power & took the title Il Duce meaning
“The Leader”
 Suppressed rival parties, muzzled the press, rigged
elections, & replaced elected officials with Fascist
 Fascist Vatican City:
 Mussolini recognized Vatican City as an independent state
 Critics of the dictatorship were exiled, executed, thrown into
 Secret police and propaganda
 All political parties outlawed – except FASCIST
 Totalitarian State
Mussolini: Italy's Nightmare