File - Miss O'Connor's Class

Mussolini founded the Fascist Party, also known as the Blackshirts after World War 1. He
rose to power because:
– Italy suffered during WW1 and they did not get land during the Treaty of Versailles.
– The economy suffered, with high unemployment and inflation.
– Businesses wanted a strong leader to stop the spread of communism.
The Fascist Party grew stronger as they used violence against socialists.
The March on Rome – The Fascists planned a March on Rome to demand a place in
government. The king (Victor Emmanuel) was tired of changes in government, so he asked
Mussolini to be Prime Minister of Italy.
Mussolini developed a dictatorship:
He passed a law that said that the party who got the majority of votes would get two
thirds of the seats in the next parliament. Fascists were the largest party.
The socialist leader was murdered by the Fascists and the Socialist party withdrew
from parliament.
All political parties, other than the Fascist party were banned.
He set up a secret police – OVRA.
He controlled the press and radio.
Propaganda was important to Mussolini:
He called himself Il Duce and promoted himself.
He got the media to promote the Fascist party.
Schools and youth organisations praised Mussolini.
Fascist changes and achievements:
Improved road system – autostrade
Drained the Pontine Marches near Rome.
Promoted the Battle for Grain and the Battle for Births.
The Lateran Treaty made peace with the Catholic Church.
He wanted to expand Italy’s power around the Mediterranean Sea and invaded
Mussolini and Hitler improved their relations through the Rome-Berlin Axis and the
Pact of Steel, which made them allies in war.
Italy was weak in World War II and were supported by the Italians.
When the Allies invaded Italy, Mussolini was captured and killed by Italians who
were opposed to him.