Lesson and Practical teaching ideas
Review of the last lecture
• Role-play is any speaking activity when you either put yourself into somebody else's shoes, or when you stay in your own shoes but put yourself into an imaginary situation!
• It is widely agreed that learning takes place when activities are engaging and memorable. Jeremy Harmer advocates the use of roleplay for the following reasons:
• It's fun and motivating. It maximizes student talking time
• Quieter students get the chance to express themselves in a more forthright way.
• The world of the classroom is broadened to include the outside world
- thus offering a much wider range of language opportunities.
• students who have to travel to an English-speaking country are given a chance to rehearse their English in a safe environment. Real situations can be created and students can benefit from the practice.
Mistakes can be made with no drastic consequences
Expression obligation with ‘must’: a lesson plan
• Level: Elementary, approximately 90 hours of English
• Aims: To present, practice and produce some forms of the present tense of must for expressing obligation.
To develop listening skills for specific information.
To check or teach certain vocabulary items: visa/valid/passport/to carry/ a gun/ an employer / a vaccination
Exponents: Must I ? Yes you must.
You must/mustn’t
When/where/what must you…..
Time : 60 minutes
Expression obligation with ‘must’: a lesson plan
Aids : Picture, Cassette, 3 sets of handouts, 2 sets of cards, 2 OHP transparencies, OHP, BB, Cassette player,
Anticipated Problems: Students may spontaneously say you mustn’t to the question Must I?, although this form is not taught. The teacher will not correct this during the lesson, as the contrast between must and need will be the focus of the next learning point on the syllabus.
Warm up :
--T puts picture on BB and elicits from the class his possible name/age/job/ nationality, prompting if necessary.
--T writes most suitable suggestions under picture.
--T asks Ss to listen to cassette dialogue and compare their suggestions with the information given on the cassette.
Expression obligation with ‘must’: a lesson plan
---T plays cassette.
---Report back.
--T elicits from Ss any other information they can remember about cassette content.
--T teaches or checks vocabulary needed for second task (passport/to carry
/ a gun), writes it on BB and does a quick pronunciation/ repetition drill on same.
---T distributes handout 1 (will show you at the end) and allows Ss one or two minutes to read it through.
---T sets scene for task; Ss must pretend they are 006 and listen to their boss giving them instructions for their next mission.
--T gives instructions for task; Ss must take note in their diaries (i.e handout
1) as if there were 006.
Expression obligation with ‘must’: a lesson plan
• T gives dummy run of activity, if needed, using an identical copy of handout 1 on OHP transparency (or on BB)
• T plays cassette and Ss complete task.
• Ss check answers in pairs.
• --Repetition drill of answers using OHP (or BB) as cue, done in chorus and individually.
• --Concepts check: (in L1 if necessary) T asks ss;
• Is 006 going to Moscow by choice or obligation? Who is obliging him?
What word shows he is obliged? How do you say must in your language.
Tell me some of the things you must do even if you don’t want to. What is the forbidden to do? What word shows this?
Expression obligation with ‘must’: a lesson plan
----T distributes handout 2 (will you later) and Ss read it through.
---T instructs Ss to complete the dialogue in pairs by filling in the blank spaces with appropriate sentences.
--Ss listen to tape to check their answers.
--Reports back; Ss tell T how to complete OHP copy of handout 2.
Expression obligation with ‘must’: a lesson plan
Preparation for role play
--T sticks imaginary country cards on BB with blue-tacks and asks Ss to imagine that they want temporary holiday work in one of these countries, but they haven’t yet decided which.
----T conducts quick pronunciation/repetition drill on names of countries.
---T distributes handout 3 A and writes on BB contents of one of 3 B cards.
---T elicits suitable dialogue for role play using handout and BB as prompts.
--Repetition drill of dialogue
--Open pair practice of dialogue
--Closed pair practice of dialouge
Expression obligation with ‘must’: a lesson plan
--Ss are divided into embassy officials and students wishing to work abroad
, one third embassy officials and the rest students.
---The embassy officials are each given one of the 3B cards and are asked to sit at the desk where the teacher has put the appropriate country name card.
--T does dummy run of activity with two good Ss.
Expression obligation with ‘must’: a lesson plan
Students wishing to work abroad visit each embassy and make necessary enquiries. They may have to wait their turn in the queue, this is normal at embassies. As they receive the required information, they write it on their memo pad (i.e. handout 3A).
--Each of the prospective visiting students decides which country to go to and why.
---Report-back: Ss say which countries they have decided to visit and why---
--at this stage , embassy officials can try to get them to change their minds if they wish to for any reason.
Home Work
Ss write a letter to a friend inviting the friend to come on holiday with them and explaining which country they have decided to go and why
this handout could be on BB and ss asked to copy it to save paper on handouts.
Must Mustn’t
Jumbled Sentences and blank filling
• 1. Ah! Moscow! I have got a girlfriend there!
• 2. Which passport must I use?
• Where must I stay?
• What must I take with me?
• What must I do?
Employer: This is a very important mission 006
Employer: you must go to Moscow on tonight’s plan.
Employer: We know that, but you mustn’t visit her.
Jumbled Sentences and blank filling
• Employer: You must go to the airport hotel, stay in your room and wait.
• 006:________________________________________________
• Employer: Your Swiss passport, and you must speak Swiss German all the time. They mustn’t know your nationality.
• 006:___________________________________________________
• Employer: Well, you mustn’t carry your gun, but take a lot of warm clothes. Good luck 006.
Possible dialogue for preparation of role play
• A: Good morning
• B: Good morning, can I help you?
• A: Er………..yes, I’d like to work in Oceania during the summer.
• B: Hmm………I see….
• A: Well, er….what must I do?
• B: Well, first you must find a job.
• A: Hmm…find a job, before I go?
• B: Yes, and you must have a letter from your employer and you mustn’t stay more than 30 days.
• A: Must I have a passport?
• Yes, you must have a valid passport.
• Hmm. Well er…………thank you. B: You are welcome…Bye.
Handout 3 A could easily be written on BB and Ss asked to copy it to save paper on handouts
Tick or Cross as appropriate
A job before arrival
An employers’ letter
A valid passport
A visa
Ruritania Oceania Orangeland Spartugal Toisity Zeelacks
Money on arrival
Must I ? Yes you must.
You must/mustn’t
When/where/what must you…..
• To present, practice and produce some forms of the present tense of must for expressing obligation.
To develop listening skills for specific information.
To check or teach certain vocabulary items: visa/valid/passport/to carry/ a gun/ an employer / a vaccination
Picture, Cassette, 3 sets of handouts, 2 sets of cards, 2 OHP transparencies, OHP, BB, Cassette player
Warm up :
--T puts picture on BB and elicits from the class his possible name/age/job/ nationality, prompting if necessary.
--T writes most suitable suggestions under picture.
--T asks Ss to listen to cassette dialogue and compare their suggestions with the information given on the cassette.
Production: role play