Future and Emerging Technologies Proactive Initiatives in FP7 WP 2009-2010 FET - Proactive jose.fernandez-villacanas@ec.europa.eu What is FET proactive? Bringing new science into technology! Biology & Life-sciences Components Systems Materials Sciences Core ICTs Communication, Physics, IT, Interfaces Miniaturisation! Chemistry Cognitive sciences Co-evolution of societal and technological change Social Sciences Intelligence Bio-inspiration! Managing Complexity! FET Proactive – WP 2009-2010 Call 4 8.2 Quantum Information Foundations & Techn. (15M€, IP) 8.3 Bio-Chemistry based Information Techn. (7M€, Strep) Call 5 8.4 Human-Computer Confluence (15M€, IP) 8.5 Self-Awareness in Autonomic Systems (15M€, IP/Strep) 8.6 Towards Zero-Power ICT (7M€, Strep) Call 6 8.7 Molecular Scale Devices and Systems (15M€, IP/Strep) 8.8 Brain Inspired ICT (15M€, IP/Strep) 8.9 Coordinating Communities, Plans & Actions in FET Proactive Initiatives CSA 1,5M€ 0,5M€ 8.10 Identifying new research topics, Assessing emerging global S&T trends for future FET Proactive Initiatives 8.1 Concurrent Tera-Device Computing (15M€, IP/Strep) CSA 8.9 Coordinating Communities, Plans & Actions in FET Proactive Initiatives transformative and foundational research 8.10 Identifying new research topics, Assessing emerging global S&T trends for future FET Proactive Initiatives Coordinating Communities, Plans and Actions in FET Proactive Initiatives What is expected? ICT-2009.8.9 – Supporting targeted research communities • Increase visibility and collective impact of scientific community, industry & public • Consolidation of research agendas • Foster coordination of national, regional and international programmes and activities • Encouraging establishment of new educational curricula – Actions specifically aiming at networking of research activities at national or regional level • Should involve national or regional research programme owners • Coordination of national, regional or international programmes and activities • Preparation and implementation of joint trans-national calls • ERA-NET plus action in subsequent phase Research communities can be linked to existing initiatives (based around running projects), or communities that are new to FET. Coordinating Communities, Plans and Actions in FET Proactive Initiatives ICT-2009.8.9 • Coordination action: • Specific support action: – Typical: funding around 500K€, 3-6 partners, duration 3 years – At least 3 partners – A large representation of scientific groups is often better achieved through a scientific board. – Typical: funding around 100K€, 1-2 years – can be only 1 partner support of cooperation events community building linking to national and regional programmes research research agenda roadmap international cooperation Promotion of activities And results in media identifying drivers of future research criteria to assess research results Identifying new research topics, Assessing emerging global S&T trends in ICT for future FET Proactive initiatives ICT-2009.8.10 What is expected? Efforts towards definition of future FET Initiatives, either: • Identifying new research topics – Position paper with need for action, research challenges and impact foreseen in science, technology and society. should not be at project level but at proactive initiative level! or: • Assessing emerging global S&T trends in ICT – That could lead to the definition of research topics, to overcome roadblocks and set the future picture – assess the potential of recent breakthroughs in FET related research Projects should provide first inputs by Spring 2010! ‘Identifying new research topics, Assessing emerging global S&T trends in ICT for future FET Proactive initiatives ICT-2009.8.10 Coordination Actions Involvement of different groups (3-5) Specific Support Actions Could be just one group 6-12 months duration Call Budget of 500 K Euro to be split into New research topics 100 K Euro per proposal* Trend assessment 200 K Euro per proposal* (*rough expected EU contribution per proposal) In both cases a clearly motivated idea and assessment of the impact are expected Contact points for 8.9 and 8.10 • 8.9 Contact: wide.hogenhout@ec.europa.eu • 8.10 Contact: jose.fernandez-villacanas@ec.europa.eu Concurrent Tera-Device Computing ICT-2009.8.1, a FET proactive challenge in FP7 Call 4 • Budget: 15 M€ • Funding schemes: STREPs, IPs (>50%) • Contact: jean-marie.auger@ec.europa.eu wide.hogenhout@ec.europa.eu • Background document - FET workshop ‘Massive ICT Systems’ ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/ict/docs/fetproactive/massict-01_en.pdf…/massict-02_en.pdf Concurrent Tera-Device Computing rationale and objectives • Rationale Integrated circuits and tightly-coupled systems will integrate up to 1000 billion devices by the year 2020. This will lead to better performances if architectures and software can deal with: – – – – Higher concurrency Heterogeneous architectures for specific applications Variability and failure of components Efficient power consumption • Objectives Radically new methods and tools for architecture, design and programming of chips and systems beyond 2020 Concurrent Tera-Device Computing research topics 1. Radically new concepts, design paradigms, methods and proof of concepts addressing design, compilation and run-time complexity of many-core (100+) heterogeneous systems 2. Methodologies and approaches to the design of dependable systems coping with critical levels of components, failures and variability, both software and hardware. 3. Radically new design and programming paradigms for effective programming (scalability, portability, dependability) of many-cores tera-scale systems. IPs to tackle at least 2, STREPS at least 1 Concurrent Tera-Device Computing Expected impact The initiative should prepare the future (beyond 2020) challenges for industry by 1. supporting the design, programming and management of concurrent computing systems 2. extending European industry’s strength to future application domains 3. facilitating scalability and portability of applications Quantum Information Foundations & Technologies (QI-FT) ICT-2009.8.2, a FET proactive challenge in FP7 Call 4 Courtesy of EQUIND • Budget: 15 M€ • Funding schemes: IPs only (at least 2 RT) • Contact: werner.steinhoegl@ec.europa.eu • Background document ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/ict/docs/fetproactive/qipcqt-01_en.pdf Quantum Information Foundations & Technologies rationale and objectives • Rationale – – • Technologies exploiting the quantum nature of information offer novel modes of computing and communicating. They have strong potential to circumvent some of the bottlenecks associated with the extrapolation of present-day information processing and technologies. General objective Advance the state-of-the-art of QI-Technologies and contribute to the transition of the field from upstream research to application-oriented research. QI-FT: Quantum Information Foundations & Technologies Target Outcomes: 1. Scalability of Quantum Processing Systems FP6 QIPC 2. Long-Distance Quantum Communications & Interconversion of qubits 3. Quantum Information Theory, Algorithms and Paradigms New! 4. Entanglement Enabled Quantum Technologies Atomic Scale Techn. Quantum Information Foundations & Technologies Expected Impact The research should Courtesy of MICROTRAP • enable the scalability of QI-Technologies in the presence of environmental decoherence and facilitate their real-world deployment • develop reliable technologies for the different components of quantum architectures • identify new opportunities fostered through the transfer of entanglement technologies from laboratories to industries Bio-chemistry-based Information Technology ICT-2009.8.3, Call 4 • Budget: 7 M€ • Funding schemes: STREPs only • Contact: wesley.van-dessel@ec.europa.eu jose.fernandez-villacanas@ec.europa.eu • Background document - FET workshop ‘Designing Alternative BIO-inspired ICTS’ ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/ict/docs/fet-proactive/livtecbioict-01_en.pdf Bio-chemistry-based Information Technology rationale and objectives • Rationale Biological cells are highly sophisticated, chemical information processing systems, capable of responding to changing conditions. The information processing capabilities of such systems could be exploited by future information technologies if this ‘information chemistry’ could be ‘programmed’. • General objective Develop the foundations for a radically new kind of information processing technology inspired by chemical processes in living systems. Bio-chemistry-based Information Technology research topics exploit information handling capabilities of bio-inspired chemical systems by developing appropriate mechanisms to direct, control and analyse their processes • exploit their ability to adapt/evolve/flexibly reconfigure by merging information handling processes and processes that create or reconfigure the physical system (function and shape) Requirements • experimentally (physically) demonstrate major steps towards realizing advanced information processing systems • be developed alongside a clear vision on the potential implementation and impact on ‘information processing’ • Bio-chemistry-based Information Technology Expected Impact The research should • Enable the development of ICT systems and devices that utilize interactions between components to assemble complex functional information processing materials. • Enable a new generation of systems capable of interfacing with conventional IT systems that are self-replicating, selfrepairing and/or capable of rapid adaptation/evolution as well as flexible reconfiguration in response to changing conditions. Objective 8.4: Human Computer Confluence ICT-2009.8.4, Call 5 • Budget: 15 M€ • Funding schemes: IPs only • (2 RT at least) • Contact: Julian.Ellis@ec.europa.eu Pekka.Karp@ec.europa.eu • Background documents - FET workshop ‘Human Computer Confluence’, Jan. 08 ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/ict/docs/fet-proactive/hcco-02_en.pdf - ‘Shaping future FET Proactive initiatives’, Sep. 07 ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/ict/docs/fet-proactive/shapefetip-sept0701_en.pdf Objective 8.4: Human Computer Confluence • HCC researches new modalities for perception, action and experience in augmented virtual spaces, delivering unified experiences involving radically new forms of perception/action. • proposals should address 2 topics from: – Perception and interaction with massive amounts of data – Seamless merging of real and virtual worlds – New forms of perception and action Objective 8.4: Human Computer Confluence • Expected impact – Better understanding of how sensory information is delivered to, and interpreted by, the brain – New methods and tools to merge real and virtual spaces – New ways for people to understand massive amounts of data Self-Awareness in Autonomic Systems ICT-2009.8.5, Call 5 • Budget: 15 M€ • Funding schemes: STREPs (RT 1. or 2.), IPs (RT 1. and 2., >50%) • Contact: wide.hogenhout@ec.europa.eu martin.ruediger@ec.europa.eu • Background document - FET workshop ‘Overlay Computing & Communication’, Jan. 08 ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/ict/docs/fet-proactive/overlcc-01_en.pdf - ‘Shaping future FET Proactive initiatives’, Sep. 07 ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/ict/docs/fet-proactive/shapefetip-sept0701_en.pdf Self-Awareness in Autonomic Systems rationale and objectives General objective create autonomic computing and communication systems that are able to optimise overall performance and resource usage in response to changing conditions, adapting to both context (such as user behaviour) and internal changes (such as topology). – – nodes need to build up an awareness relating to higher and even global levels. reconsider the tradition of fixing abstraction layers at design time Self-Awareness in Autonomic Systems research topics New concepts, architectures, foundations and technologies for: 1. Creating awareness at the level of autonomic nodes, by allowing them to interactively and selectively collect information about the system, and use it effectively. 2. Dynamic self-expression, namely the ability to autonomically use awareness to adapt the trade-off between abstraction and optimisation. Requirements • usability in larger context • demonstrator Self-Awareness in Autonomic Systems Expected Impact The research should • Lower management costs of large networked systems through the ability to adapt to changing environments and patterns of use, and through a greater degree of, flexibility and reliability • More efficient use of resources such as processing power, energy and bandwidth through autonomic decisions based on awareness Towards Zero-Power ICT ICT-2009.8.6, a FET proactive challenge in FP7 Call 5 • Budget: 7 M€ • Funding schemes: STREPs only • Contact: ralf.stuebner@ec.europa.eu david.guedj@ec.europa.eu • Background document - FET workshop ‘Molecular-Scale Information Systems’ ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/ict/docs/fetproactive/molecsc-ict-01_en.pdf Towards Zero-Power ICT rationale and objectives Rationale • • In Nanoelectronics and ICT, it is particularly important to encourage nano-microscopic mechanisms of energy harvesting and more efficient power generation, as well as work on complete functional nanosystems, e.g. for biosensing. The topic has strong interdisciplinary aspects, as energy harvesting principles are based on physics, chemistry and biology. It is also relevant from a societal point of view as it reduces conventional power consumption and permits new applications in e.g. health care. General objective Explore new disruptive directions for energy-harvesting technologies at the nanometre and molecular scale, and their integration with low-power ICT into autonomous nano-scale devices for sensing, processing, actuating and communication. Towards Zero-Power ICT research topics 1. Foundations of Energy Harvesting at the nano-scale: • Demonstration of radically new strategies for energy harvesting and local storage below the micrometer scale. Exploration and harnessing of potential energy sources at that scale, including kinetic energy present in the form of random fluctuations, ambient electromagnetic radiation, chemical energy and others. Research may also address bio-mimicked energy collection and storage systems. 2. Self-powered autonomous nano-scale electronic devices: • Autonomous nano-scale electronic devices that harvest energy from the environment, possibly combining multiple sources, and store it locally. These systems would co-ordinate low-power sensing, processing, actuation, communication and energy provision into autonomous wireless nanosystems. Towards Zero-Power ICT Expected Impact The research should • Explore the possibility of building autonomous nano-scale devices (from sensors to actuators), extending the miniaturisation of autonomous devices beyond the level of the ‘smart dust’. • Target new applications in a vast number of ICT fields such as intelligent distributed sensing for health, safety-critical systems or environment monitoring. Molecular-Scale Devices and Systems ICT-2009.8.7, a FET proactive challenge in FP7 Call 6 • Budget: 15 M€ • Funding schemes: STREPs, IPs (at least 2 RT, >50%) • Contact: david.guedj@ec.europa.eu werner.steinhoegl@ec.europa.eu • Background document - FET workshop ‘Molecular-Scale Information Systems’ ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/ict/docs/fet-proactive/molecscict-01_en.pdf Molecular-Scale Devices and Systems rationale and objectives • Rationale Modern technology is racing forward with techniques for building systems on atomic and molecular scales. In the near future, devices will be assembled on an atom-byatom basis, and provide means for controlling their dynamics and interactions with unprecedented precision. We can expect, as a result, a vast new range of ICT technologies. • General objective Develop the foundations for radically new kinds of ICT devices and systems based on atomic & molecular precision, control and intrinsic properties. Molecular-Scale Devices and Systems research topics 1. aim at developing physical implementations at the single-molecule level and with small assemblies of molecules for computation, sensing and storage to achieve proofs of concept and demonstrate working, scalable, functional devices and systems. 2. explore and develop supporting technologies for molecular-scale information devices and systems such as : - measurement and control systems - simulation and modelling tools 3. Explore and demonstrate radically new characteristics and functionality of molecular-scale systems by investigating new non-charge based information techniques supported by experimental implementations Molecular-Scale Devices and Systems Expected Impact The research should • Open new avenues and explore new possibilities in ICT devices and technologies at the molecular scale. • Reach experimental demonstration of principle and feasibility of such devices. • Offer new perspectives on potential applications with concrete advantages (e.g. energy consumption, data and operation integrity, speed,...) Brain Inspired ICT ICT-2009.8.8, Call 6 • Budget: 15 M€ • Funding schemes: STREPs (RT 1. or 2.), IPs (RT 1. and 2., >50%) • Contact: pekka.karp@ec.europa.eu julian.ellis@ec.europa.eu • Background document - ‘Neuro-Information Science’ workshop, Jan. 08 ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/ict/docs/fet-proactive/nis-01_en.pdf - nEUro-IT.net roadmap, 2006 http://www.neuro-it.net/pdf_dateien/Roadmapv2.0.pdf Brain Inspired ICT rationale and objectives Rationale The way the brain works present many advantages over current ICT systems: • Vastly more adaptable • Much lower power • Fault tolerant • … General objective to exploit advances in ICT and neuroscience in order: 1. 2. to better understand how the brain processes information and/or how it communicates with the peripheral nervous system, to explore potential applications including healthcare Brain Inspired ICT research topics 1. Development of multi-scale models of information processing and communication in the brain and/or PNS. • combining recordings/imaging of brain activity on several spatial and/or temporal scales simultaneously. • should foster joint progress and synergy in ICT and the bio- and neuro-sciences. 2. Hardware Implementations of Neural Circuits that mimic information processing in the brain or PNS. • implementations should demonstrate either the emulation of significant functionality of a neural system or performance of specified processing tasks. Brain Inspired ICT Expected Impact The research should • Improved design principles for bio-hybrid artefacts involving engineered components that directly communicate with the nervous system. • Computational systems that emulate human skills or exploit underlying principles for new forms of general purpose computing. • Improved diagnosis/treatment of neurological disorders • Experimental data archived with sufficient appropriate meta-data to facilitate re-use in another research contexts. http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/programme/fet_en.html Conference Announcement Why not join us for the first ever FET Conference? 21-23 April 2009 Prague Please mark your diaries!