VERITAS Team Homework WEEK OF September Teacher Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1. Bell work 1. Bell work 1. Review closure 2. Notes: One & Two- 2. Class work: #74, 75, problems step equations 81-83 2. Partner test 3. Exit Slip 3. Begin work on HW: Gather notes Knight & Hatton: Chapter 3 #2 and 3 HW: None for partner test Pre-Algebra with time remaining (tomorrow) HW: Study for individual test tomorrow COMMENTS: Chapter 2 Partner Test – Wednesday Individual Test - Thursday Study guide for 9/11/2001 rescue dog “Flowers for “Flowers for videos and research Algernon” test Algernon” test- due project HW: Bring Wednesday HW: Study for highlighters “Flowers for tomorrow Silverman: English Algernon” test tomorrow 10th – 14th Thursday 1. Bell work 2. Work through Chapter 3 #2 and 3 3. Individual Test 4. With time remaining: textbook p. 96 #4, 5, 6, and 7 HW: Finish textbook p. 96 #4, 5, 6, and 7 Friday 1. Bell work 2. Pattern problems HW: None - Highlight main ideas in 9/11 rescue dog articles - Paraphrase highlighted information onto note cards HW: finish the above work if not done in class - Take paraphrased information and write your 9/11 rescue dog obituary. Due at the end of the class period. HW: Period 1 needs to finish & turn in Monday. Most other classes finished. COMMENTS: Procedure Presentations 1. Finish presentations 2. Constitution Journal 3. Roman/American numbers 4. Picking out tough words (vocabulary) 1. Permission slips/information 2.Roman numeral practice 3.Amendment vocab 4.Summarize Bill of Rights HW: Return field trip/t-shirt/5K forms Lab time Create two slide PowerPoint on one amendment. HW: Return field trip/t-shirt/5K forms & remember…Book Project due 9/20 Collect permission slips Students chose each of their five options for their book project HW: Book Project due Thursday; Permission slips due Wednesday. Monday 1. Review – distribution of powers 2. What’s Federalism, again? Tuesday 1. 9.11.2001 – video, discussion, reflection Wednesday 1. Federalism animoto, practice, and notes 2. Intro to the 3 branches of Thursday 1. Intro to 3 branches Friday No Homework DS: Literacy Lab COMMENTS: Teacher Fountain: Social Studies HW: None QUIZ TOMORROW – You were able to VERITAS Team Homework WEEK OF September 10th – 14th 3. Pop quiz government bring your binder HW: Start reflecting home! Quiz over on 9.11.2001 – how HW: Quiz over Federalism, vocab old were you when Federalism & 6 you learned about vocab terms on what actually FRIDAY happened? COMMENTS: Work on Competition Events Design experiments to identify the competitive threshold for variables that affect the outcome of the event. Calfee: Science Match the hypothesis with the procedure. Do we have a controlled experiment? Compare data to the hypothesis. Evaluate experimental design for bias. Collected data for designed experiments. Determine whether or not proving a hypothesis also means you can draw valid conclusions. No HW. What are we measuring in each event? No HW HW: If you said you were going to bring in materials to use in the experiments, bring them tomorrow. Plan to take those materials home on Friday. This will continue for the remainder of the week as we learn how to make claims based on evidence and identify bias in our analysis of the data. No Hw No HW. COMMENTS: See comment below! 8th grade students planning on going on the Washington D.C. trip in May are reminded that Friday, September 14th is the last day to register and get the early-bird special ($25 discount). Have your parents go on line at using tour web code 5857162 to register you and make the initial down payment. Your account balance will be credited $25 next week to reflect your early-bird discount. See Mr. Lax with any questions. VERITAS Team Homework WEEK OF September 10th – 14th