Sponge: Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 61 Topic: 7.2 Skeletal Organization 7.2 Skeletal Organization 2.1 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules What is the MAJOR difference between the axial and appendicular skeleton? Essential Question: What is the MAJOR difference between the axial and appendicular skeleton? GET OUT CLINICAL APP. HW FROM YESTERDAY 60 Background Knowledge: Bones I know!!! Video notes (x 2) Top ½ of Pg. 60 With your table: list ANY bones in the human body that you know Bones of the Human Body PRACTICE!!!!!!!!!!!! • Send someone up for the human skeleton labeling sheet • Be on the side that says “practice” • Using your own prior knowledge and the key at the bottom of the pg., please label as many bones in the body that you can (in PENCIL) 4 Pg. 209-239 • Now correct your paper • Circle the bones you got RIGHT • Erase wrong answers • Please make sure to write CORRECT ANSWERS 5 • Skeletal Organization – Usually 206 bones in the body • Actual number varies from person to person/age • Babies are born with about 270 bones that will fuse over the first few years of their life P. 61 Axial Skeleton: consists of boney and cartilaginous parts that support and protect the organs of the head, neck and trunk. Includes: •Skull •Hyoid bone (supports the tongue) •Vertebral column •Vertebrae (spine) •Sacrum (Lower spine) •Coccyx (tailbone) •Thoracic cage (rib cage) •Ribs •Sternum (breast bone) 7 Appendicular Skeleton: Anchors the limbs to the axial skeletonenables movement •Pectoral girdle •Scapula (Shoulder blade) •Clavicle (collarbone) •Upper limbs •Humerus ( upper arm bone) •Radius (forearm-thumb) •Lower limbs •Femur (thigh) •Ulna (forearm- pinky) •Tibia (shin) •Carpals (wrist) •Fibula (side-leg bone) •Metacarpals (hand) •Patella (knee) •Phalanges (fingers) •Tarsals (ankle) •Pelvic girdle •Coxae (cox-ee) (hip bones) •Metatarsals (foot) •Phalanges (toes) •pelvis 8 Bottom ½ of pg. 60 Video Notes Skeletal System Organization (3m-6m50s) The Skeletal System: Crash Course A+P 9m28s 5 bullets 15 bullets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDGqkMHPDqE 9 Frontal bone Skull Clavicle Scapula Humerus Mandible Sternum Costal Cartilage Ribs Radius Carpals Vertebra Ilium Ischium Ulna Metacarpals Coccyx Calcaneus Phalanges Femur Patella Fibula Tibia Tarsals Metatarsals Phalanges