The Odyssey Part 1: The Wanderings Comic Strip I am Laertes son

The Odyssey Part 1: The Wanderings Comic Strip
I am Laertes son…
Summary: The poem
starts with Odysseus on
Calypso’s island. (1047)
I am Laertes son…
Summary: Odysseus
trades his story for a ship.
The Lotus Eaters
Summary: Odysseus
drifts for 9 days, on the
10th they land on the
Island of the Lotus
Eaters. (1048)
The Lotus Eaters
The Cyclops
Summary: Men eat the
lotus flower and forget
their homeland.
Odysseus ties them down
on the ship and leaves the
island. (1049)
Summary: They land on
Cyclops island. Cyclops
are lazy, solitary, barbaric,
violent, and have no
culture. (1050)
The Cyclops
The Cyclops
The Cyclops
The Cyclops
The Cyclops
Summary: Odysseus and
12 of his best men set out
to explore Cyclops Island.
Odysseus takes
STRONG wine with him.
Summary: Cyclops
realizes Odysseus and his
men are in the cave.
Cyclops eats some of the
men. Odysseus goes to
kill him, but stops
knowing they would be
stuck in the cave. (1053)
Summary: Odysseus gets
Cyclops drunk. Odysseus
tells Cyclops his name is
“Nobody”. They drive the
spear into Cyclops eye.
Summary: Polyphemus
yells that “Nobody” was
hurting him, none of the
other Cyclops came to
help him. Odysseus and
his men escape under the
bellies of sheep. (1059)
Summary: Odysseus
taunts Polyphemus as
him and his men sail
away. Polyphemus throws
boulder and asks
Poseidon for vengeance.
(1060) *Fatal Flaw
Land of the Dead
Land of the Dead
Land of the Dead
The Sirens
Summary: Circe, a
sorceress who turns men
to pigs and who Odysseus
and his crew stay with for
a year, tells Odysseys to
seek Tiresius in the land
of the dead (1064).
Summary: Tireseus
comes forward and tells
Odysseus he has many
trials ahead, keep yourself
and your crew in check or
else suffer many
consequence. (1068)
Summary: Tireseus tells
him to avoid Helios’s
cattle or else all around
you will die, go to a place
without the sea and make
a sacrifice to Poseidon.
Summary: Odysseus tells
his men to plug their ears
with wax, but to tie him to
the mast so that he alone
may listen. (1071)
Scylla and Charybdis
Scylla and Charybdis
Scylla and Charybdis
The Cattle of the Sun God
Summary: The crew
encounters Charybdis
who creates a whirlpool
they have to avoid. (1074)
Summary: The crew also
has to avoid Scylla who is
a cliff dwelling monster
feasting on ship’s crews.
Summary: The crew
escapes but loses men to
Scylla. (1076)
Summary: Odysseus and
his crew get stranded on
an island, Odysseus warns
his crew not to eat Helios’
cattle. The food soon
runs out. (1076)
The Sirens
Summary: Passed the
sirens without casualties
or mishaps. (1072)
The Cattle of the Sun God
Summary: The crew, led
by Eurylochus, kill the
cows and feast while
Odysseus sleeps. (1077-8)
The Cattle of the Sun God
The Cattle of the Sun God
The Cattle of the Sun God
The Cattle of the Sun God
Summary: Helios appeals
to Zeus to punish the
crew for eating the cattle,
Zeus blows up Odysseus’
last ship. (1079)
Summary: The ship sinks
and all Odysseus’ crew
dies, leaving him alone
and drifting the ocean.
Summary: Odysseus goes
back through Charbydis
and Scylla, yet he
survives. (1081)
Summary: Odysseus
drifts on the ocean for 9
days and ends up on
Calypso’s island AGAIN!
The Odyssey Part 2: The Return Home Comic Strip
Twenty Years Gone
Twenty Years Gone
Twenty Years Gone
Twenty Years Gone
Summary: The suitors
have taken over
Odysseus’ house and are
plotting to kill
Telemachus. (1090)
Summary: Athena
instructs Odysseus to plot
with his son, Telemachus,
to kill the suitors. (1090)
Summary: Telemachus
and Odysseus create the
plan to battle the suitors
and kick them out. (1093)
Summary: Odysseus will
dress up as a beggar,
Telemachus should
remain silent while he is a
beggar. Telemachus will
round up all the weapons
and hide them leaving
aside two swords.
Summary: Odysseus sees
his dog who was a puppy
when he left, he is now
old. Argus recognizes
Odysseus, then dies.
Odysseus comments on
how bad he has been
treated. *Argus
symbolizes the tendency
to forget things that leave.
Summary: Odysseus and
Antinous have a
disagreement because
Antinous is a jerk and
doesn’t want to share.
Odysseys Revenge
Summary: Odysseus,
Telemachus, and
Eumaeus and other
herdsman kill all the
suitors, even though they
plead for mercy. (1110)
Summary: Penelope
sends for Odysseus (the
beggar) after he was
abused by Antinous.
Penelope’s Test
Summary: Odysseus is
accepted by the house,
but Penelope is
suspicious. (1112)
Summary: Penelope has
been tricking the suitors
by unraveling the death
shroud. Penelope and
Odysseus (the beggar)
talk, he assures her that
her husband will soon
return. (1103)
Penelope’s Test
Summary: Odysseus tells
Penelope that the bed was
carved out of a tree and
the room built around the
bed. (1114)
The Challenge
Odysseys Revenge
Summary: Penelope
challenges the suitors to
string Odysseus’s bow
and shoot through ax
handles. All suitors fail,
Odysseus (the beggar)
succeeds in the challenge
Summary: Odysseus
shoots Antinous through
the neck with an arrow –
the blood bath begins.
Odysseys reveals himself.
The Ending
Answer the EQ
How did Odysseus’
fatal flaw (hubris)
change/effect the
Summary: Odysseus is
reunited with his father.
Athena demands peace.
Odysseus regains his
family and kingdom.