EC Mole Day Projects!!! Pick one or a few of the following assignments to build up to 20 pts. EXTRA CREDIT!!! All points given with teacher discretion based on quality of work!!!! All mole day projects must be turned in by 10/22. Food will be allowed in class on that day. NO food to be brought on mole day! Section A Bring in “Mole”-themed food to snack on during pre-Mole-Day activities (ie: Guaca-mole-e, Moleasses cookies, Chocomolate brownies, Mole Chow, CarMole candies, etc) – be sure to include a new label indicating the Molerific name for your snack. (5 pts – ONLY 1 food item & enough for the class) If it does not have a completely new label it does not receive credit. Section B Create a Mole themed board game or PPT game – come up with questions and answers (at least 15 questions) that test your peers’ mole knowledge. (10 pts) Make a Mole-orama-use the Mole template to make a stuffed mole that is in a themed costume and background. (15 pts) Create a Mole Day T-shirt – Design a future theme for mole day and create a decorative t-shirt to wear for that mole day. (15 pts) Create a Chemistry Help Poster - that describes a difficult Chem. Concept that we have learned so far (ie: naming and formula writing, % error, % composition, empirical or molecular formulas, etc.) to be hung in the room as an extra resource. (5 pts) Write a Mole Day poem or comic strip – write an original 15 line poem about Moles or design a comic book about Mole concepts we learned in class. It can be a parody from your favorite poem or comic strip. (5 pts) Mole tune – Write a song/rap about Moles. Songs can be recorded to the music you desire that is school appropriate. Be sure to print out your lyrics and send me the video. (10+ pts) EC Mole Day Projects!!! Pick one or a few of the following assignments to build up to 20 pts. EXTRA CREDIT!!! All points given with teacher discretion based on quality of work!!!! All mole day projects must be turned in by 10/22. Food will be allowed in class on that day. NO food to be brought on mole day! Section A Bring in “Mole”-themed food to snack on during pre-Mole-Day activities (ie: Guaca-mole-e, Moleasses cookies, Chocomolate brownies, Mole Chow, CarMole candies, etc) – be sure to include a new label indicating the Molerific name for your snack. (5 pts – ONLY 1 food item & enough for the class) If it does not have a completely new label it does not receive credit. Section B Create a Mole themed board game or PPT game – come up with questions and answers (at least 15 questions) that test your peers’ mole knowledge. (10 pts) Make a Mole-orama-use the Mole template to make a stuffed mole that is in a themed costume and background. (15 pts) Create a Mole Day T-shirt – Design a future theme for mole day and create a decorative t-shirt to wear for that mole day. (15 pts) Create a Chemistry Help Poster - that describes a difficult Chem. Concept that we have learned so far (ie: naming and formula writing, % error, % composition, empirical or molecular formulas, etc.) to be hung in the room as an extra resource. (5 pts) Write a Mole Day poem or comic strip – write an original 15 line poem about Moles or design a comic book about Mole concepts we learned in class. It can be a parody from your favorite poem or comic strip. (5 pts) Mole tune – Write a song/rap about Moles. Songs can be recorded to the music you desire that is school appropriate. Be sure to print out your lyrics and send me the video. (10+ pts)