Mole Day Extra Credit Project Celebrated annually on October 23 from 6:02 a.m. to 6:02 p.m., Mole Day commemorates Avogadro's Number (6.02 x 1023), which is a basic measuring unit in chemistry. Mole Day was created as a way to foster interest in chemistry. Schools throughout the United States and around the world celebrate Mole Day with various activities related to chemistry and/or moles. In each class on Thursday, April 23 we will celebrate HALF WAY TO MOLE DAY and you will present your Mole Day projects. Each student who wishes to join in on our celebration can make a mole and present it on this day for 10 extra credit points on their lowest Test grade. Choose from the following options (mandatory): 1. Make a stuffed mole (pattern available – sewing required) This is a good option to show your creativity. Your mole should have a name that contains the word “mole” and should be dressed in an outfit (clothing) that matches the name. Example (please make up your own): “Holy MOLEy – mole dressed in halo, angel wings, robe etc. (See below for further instructions & rubric. Pattern is attached.) Stuffed Mole Rubric Name & class period must be visible Must be sewn, stuffed, & look like a mole Must have visible name & outfit to match the name Originality, creativity Overall Effort (neatness and completeness) 2. “How Big Is A Mole?” Poster. This is a full-size poster to illustrate to your classmates how big a mole really is. It should be colorful, illustrative, descriptive and informative. Sample topic (make up your own): How long would it take the population of Earth to consume a mole of Skittles if each person consumed 1bag/day? (see below for further instructions & rubric) How Big Is A Mole?” Poster Name & class period must be visible Poster size minimum 24 x 17 Title must be in the form of a question List of resources in MLA format on front of poster Question (problem) must be solved correctly using dimensional analysis, all work shown Originality, creativity Overall Effort (neat and organized) 3. Compose a Mole Day song or poem. The song or poem MUST be performed in class and must accompany music. Please include a hard copy of your poem or song lyrics and a digital recording of your song/poem formatted to be played using Windows Media player.(see below for further instructions & rubric) Compose a Mole Day Song or Poem Name & class period must be visible Hard copy of song lyrics or poem must be neatly typed Digital recording of song/poem with accompanied music (must be formatted to play in Windows Media Player) Song/poem must be Mole Day related, and must reflect an explanation of Mole Day or the unit Mole. Originality, creativity Extra points: You may bring in one Mole Day food item for extra points. This is optional. Sign up with me if you intend to bring in food. The food MUST be mole related and made at home (not store bought). A few ideas: guaca-mole, pie-ala-mole, molasses cookies, other ideas- see me for approval. In each class on Thursday, October 23 you will present your Mole Day projects. Each student who