Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research New Faculty Orientation Office of Research Development Services Finding Funding 2 Research Development Finding Funding • Searchable Databases • Limited Submissions • Internal Funding Searchable Databases Search, Save, Alert, Track, & Match • Pivot-COS - • Search, Save, Alert, Track, Match • Grant Resources Center - • Login: uic Password: awards • Search, Save, Alert, Funded Proposal Library • Grant Forward • Search, Save, Alert Limited Submissions • Sponsor limits on institutional submissions • Weekly massmail and web updates • Always an LOI Sometimes White Paper Peer reviewed approval • MUST have prior authorization to submit • See Internal Funding Opportunities Funding to: • Develop new pilot data • Jumpstart new architectural, artistic, or humanities scholarship • Initiate multidisciplinary research • Craft a major external proposal • Bridge gaps between grants OVCR Pilot Grants Award: Up to $20,000 over 1 year Purpose: • Develop preliminary data • Leverage extramural funding Eligibility: • FT tenure or tenure track faculty • Assistant Professors must be within 8 years of terminal degree • Engineering, Basic Life, Clinical, Natural, & Social Sciences Deadline: • LOI: Fall, 2014 • Application: Fall, 2014 OVCR Pilot Grants for Architecture, Arts, and Humanities This new OVCR initiative is currently in development and scheduled for an Autumn 2014 release. Chancellor’s Discovery Fund for Multidisciplinary Research Awards: Up to $40,000 over 2 years Purpose: • • • • Foster pilot research using the expertise of 2+ disciplines Nurture career trajectories of promising early-stage investigators Leverage extramural funding Encourage new or early stage collaborations Eligibility: • FT tenure or non-tenure track faculty • Minimum two Principal Investigators • 1+ PI must be within 8 years of first faculty appointment FY 15 Deadline: • LOI: Fall 2014 TBD • Application: Winter 2015 TBD Bridge Funding Program Purpose: Short term support to sustain research programs, laboratories, and momentum of productive researchers during funding gaps to give them a chance to regain extramural funding. Eligibility: • Full time (at least .8 FTE) senior faculty. Preference will be given to Associate Professors • Must have been PI on a grant funded at least three consecutive years (the same grant or project) by a national agency with a bona fide scientific peer-review process (e.g. NSF, NIH, AHA) Funding: 20K for one year or less. Must be matched 1:1 Next deadline: TBD, Typically 2-3 times annually Ignite Proposal Development Program Purpose: Spark proposal planning or development process Eligibility: • Lead PI must be tenured or tenure track faculty and have a full-time (at least .8 FTE) UIC appointment • Project must involve 3 or more colleges Awards: 20K for a six month term AY 2014 deadlines: TBD RDS Contact Information Room 310 AOB 1737 West Polk Street Phone 312-996-7036 Email: URL: Office of Research Services (ORS) What is ORS? • • The Office of Research Services (ORS) is the central University office responsible for all pre-award and non-financial postaward sponsored project activities for the Chicago, Rockford and Peoria campuses of the University of Illinois. ORS supports faculty from development to award stage. ORS Responsibilities • Review proposal submissions including budgets • Provide technical assistance on electronic research administration • Negotiate and execute all award documents/contracts • Monitor sponsor guidelines and policy updates • Ensure compliance with sponsor and University guidelines and policies • Conduct educational outreach (workshops, seminars and open forums) Sponsors and Activities • Sponsors may include, federal, state, municipalities, foundations, private sector (e.g. associations, international, bio-medical, pharmaceuticals). • Types of activities may include: Research, Instruction, Public Service, Technical Testing, Clinical Trials, SBIR/STTRs, Data Use Agreements, Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreements, Collaborative Agreements, Material Transfer Agreements. ORS Authority • ORS is the authorized institutional representative for sponsored project activity and provides institutional endorsements on proposal submissions. • ORS has delegated Board of Trustees signature authority to bind the university on sponsored research agreements and award acceptance. ORS on the Web • • UIC Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research – Sponsored Programs • Preparing a Proposal • Award/Contract Processing & Acceptance • Award Administration • Award Closeout • UIeRA Pre-Award System • Forms & Contract Templates • Policies • Education & Training • I'm Looking for... Office of Research Services Room 304 AOB 1737 West Polk Street Phone 312-996-2862 Email: URL: Questions? Office for the Protection of Research Subjects (OPRS) Goal of the UIC Human Subjects Protection Program To ensure a comprehensive Human Subjects Protections Program (HSPP): • Utilizing the highest ethical and professional standards • Affording the highest possible protections for our human subjects • Minimize risk to subjects; and • Maximize benefits of the research. Keys to Successfully Navigating the IRB Review Process… Utilize Resources Contact OPRS: 312-996-1711 or On-line Help: “Preparation for Submission” Link: rted.shtml Preparation for Submission – Includes information about: “Human Subjects Research” “Key Research Personnel” Investigator Training requirements The role of the UIC IRB The types of protocol review, including: Determinations Exemptions Expedited IRB Review Convened (full) IRB review Others: Amendments, CR, Prompt Reports Decision Trees (e.g. medical record review research) Tips for obtaining informed consent Helpful links Complete Investigator Training ASAP Initial Investigator Training (Investigator 101) • On-Line CITI “Basic Course”; or • In-Person “Investigator 101” HIPAA Research Training (if research involves PHI) • On-Line via LMS; or • In-Person Note: UIC cannot accept applications unless PI training has been completed and is current. Link to Education and Training: Training Questions: Sign-up for the OPRS Newsletter Sent electronically • News for Investigators • Tips for Investigators • QIP Corner • Continuing Education Opportunities • UIC Data Security Policy Information Archived on OPRS Web-site Sign up: Contact OPRS Assistant to the Director, Nora Cortes: Consider Attending Boot Camp Sponsored by UIC Center for Clinical and Translational Science and the OVCR. Three-day training programs: Clinical Research Boot Camp: October 10th, 17th & 24th S-B-E Research Boot Camp: Spring 2015, dates pending. See Flyer for more information. 28 OPRS Contact Information West Side Office: Room 203B, AOB, • 1737 West Polk Street • Phone 312-996-1711 • Email: East Side Satellite Office (M,W 2 – 4 pm) • Room 3108A, BSB • Phone 312-996-7742 OPRS URL: Questions? Office of Animal Care and Institutional Biosafety (OACIB) Office for Animal Care and Institutional Biosafety OACIB provides administrative support for the review and approval of research protocols (experiments) involving animals, recombinant DNA and infectious agents, and ensures compliance with regulations related to the use of controlled substances in animal and laboratory research. The goal of the office is to facilitate the protocol writing/review process and navigation of the regulatory issues to ensure compliance with the regulations for the protection and welfare of animals, protection and safety of investigators, and the University. Animal Care Committee (ACC) Oversight for all use of all live vertebrate animals in Research Testing Teaching Animal Care Committee (ACC) OLAW/NIH USDA AAALAC SPONSOR GUIDE ILAR DEA IDPR Office for Animal Care and Institutional Biosafety OACIB provides administrative support for the review and approval of research protocols (experiments) involving animals, recombinant DNA and infectious agents, and ensures compliance with regulations related to the use of controlled substances in animal and laboratory research. The goal of the office is to facilitate the protocol writing/review process and navigation of the regulatory issues to ensure compliance with the regulations for the protection and welfare of animals, protection and safety of investigators, and the University. Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) Oversight of all research involving rDNA Infectious agents/toxins Select Agents (EHSO) Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) OBA CDC USDA Office for Animal Care and Institutional Biosafety Who needs a protocol? Protocols are needed if research involves the use of animals, rDNA, &/or infectious agents and is conducted at UIC, or is conducted by UIC students &/or paid personnel, or is conducted using funds administered by UIC including subcontracts and consortiums. Responsibilities? Protocol approval is required prior to Prior to initiation of any use of animals JIT or acceptance/transfer of a funding award proposing the use of animals simultaneous with the initiation of some rDNA work (e.g. in vitro BSL 1) prior to the initiation of some rDNA work (e.g., all viral vectors, use in animals, use in humans) prior to the initiation of all infectious agent work Office for Animal Care and Institutional Biosafety Who needs to be on the protocol? Personnel need to be listed on a protocol if they are: PI PI of a grant supported by the protocol (must be Co-PI on the protocol. PPG, Form G protocol exceptions) Working in any capacity with live animals or with rDNA/IA Research Coordinators who need to receive copies of correspondence from OACIB related to protocol issues. Responsibilities? Know what is approved on the protocol species/strains specific procedures specific experiments specific endpoints or monitoring no migration Have expertise or get appropriate training in techniques/procedures to be performed Get approval for changes prior to initiation Office for Animal Care and Institutional Biosafety Facilitating excellence in research at UIC ACC Forms and Training Protocols Form A* Form B Form C Form G Appendix 1a, 1b, 1c Appendix 2 Appendix 3* Modifications Form D Training ACC Project Specific Process and Timing Protocols ~ 6 weeks No expedited Review Vet Subcommittee Full Committee Modifications Administrative - 3-7 days Designated Reviews - 1-6 weeks Full - 1-6 weeks Office for Animal Care and Institutional Biosafety Facilitating excellence in research at UIC IBC Forms and Training Protocols Form A Form B Form D Appendix 1 BSL1 Manual BSL2 Manual Modifications Form C Training BBP DOT/IATA Select Agents Process and Timing Protocols 2 weeks Prereview Expedited Full Modifications Expedited - 3-7 days Full -1-4 weeks Office for Animal Care and Institutional Biosafety Facilitating excellence in research at UIC Post-Approval Post-Approval ACC IBC Animal Facility Orientation Occupational Health Card Access Lab Inspections BSC Certifications Account Creation Animal Orders Approved Unapproved DEA Licenses Modifications Form D Annual Renewal Triennial Review Modifications Form C Annual Training Triennial Review Office of Animal Care and Institutional Biosafety Web Sites ACC: IBC: Controlled Substances: Meeting Dates Forms Education/Training Policies/Guidance FAQs Online Resources Contact Information Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research Facilitating excellence in research at UIC Chemicals X-rays Office of Animal Care and Institutional Biosafety Regulations Pertaining to Research Animals rDNA Infectious Agents Toxins- Biological Controlled Substances Select Agents Humans Chemicals Radionucleotides X-rays/Irradiators Lasers Embryonic Stem Cells Conflict of Time/Commitment Conflict of Interest Import/Export Material Transfer Contact Us Office of Animal Care and Institutional Biosafety Mary Bowman, PhD, Director Room 206 AOB 1737 W. Polk Phone: 312.996.1972 Email: Questions? Conflict of Interest (COI) Conflict of Interest The Changing Environment • Federal regulations • University Policy Main Points • COI Defined • COI and RNUA • Reporting and Managing Conflicts • COI Resources Conflict of Interest What is financial conflict of interest? “A ‘conflict of interest’ arises when an academic staff member is in a position to influence either directly or indirectly University business, research, or other decisions in ways that could lead to gain for the academic staff member, the staff member's family, or others to the detriment of the University's integrity and its missions of teaching, research, and public service.” “Family" is defined as one's spouse or domestic partner, parents, siblings and children. Conflicts reside in a situation, and do not imply improper behavior. Conflict of Interest Who is covered by the policy? “All paid academic staff members, whether part time or full time, of the University of Illinois. The academic staff includes the faculty ranks of professor, associate professor, assistant professor (and all of the foregoing whose appointments contain such terms as 'research,' 'adjunct,' 'visiting,' or 'clinical'), instructor, and lecturer, as well as academic professionals and postdoctoral associates.” • Any paid, non-0% appointment. • Students, including medical residents, are not considered academic staff. Conflict of Interest Report of Non-University Activities (RNUA) Annual Reporting of Non University Activities is the implementation of conflict of interest policies and regulations for both conflict of interest and conflict of commitment. • All academic staff complete the form, even if there are no outside activities to disclose. • 24/7 during the contract period. Resolution always begins with RNUA disclosure and sometimes involves a combination of conflict management techniques. Conflict of Interest PHS FCOI Regulations (2011) These regulations require HHS, PHS, and NIH Investigators and senior/key research personnel to: •Disclose significant financial interests (SFIs) at the time of proposal submission •Disclose sponsored or reimbursed travel at the time of proposal submission •Update disclosures within 30 days of any newly acquired or discovered SFIs •Manage Financial Conflicts of Interest (FCOI) prior to execution of an award or continuing review •Complete mandatory University training on Financial Conflicts of Interest (FCOI) Conflict of Interest How to report and manage COI Annual Disclosure •Annual Report of Non-University Activities (RNUA) RNUA-Management Plan (RNUA-MP) for situations that require more management (e.g., faculty involved in start-up companies). •HHS/PHS/NIH – Significant Financial Interest – Disclosure and Management Plan: Part I SFI-DMP: Part II when University designated officials determine SFI represent a FCOI Transactional Disclosure • PAF – COI Certification • IRB protocols applications – COI section Conflict of Interest How to report and manage COI Unit Executive Officer Holds primary responsibility for working with the academic staff members to manage conflicts. UIC Conflict Review Committee (CRC) Advisory to the Vice Chancellor for Research. Reviews RNUA-management plans and other management plans as needed COI-Human Subject Research (COI-HSR) Committee Expedited review of COI disclosures on IRB protocols Makes recommendations to the IRB. Conflict of Interest COI Resources Online All RNUA materials (forms, instructions, more) Managing conflicts (templates, instructions, committee info) Policy, rules, regulations FAQs In Person Phone, email help Strategy, guidance, and oversight meetings Educational presentations Contact US Jacquelyn Jancius, COI Director Phone: 312-996-4070 Email: Scott MacEwen COI Coordinator Phone: 312-996-3642 Email: Questions? Research Integrity You have recently initiated a working relationship with a new collaborator. One day, as you enter the collaborator’s lab, you overhear his two post-docs talking about your joint research project. They sound defeated and annoyed. One said< “This study is no different than all the others we have done. Again, we need to figure out how to get the results he wants to demonstrate.” The other responds, “we just will have to figure out what data points to omit so that he gets the results he wants. I really thought this time it would be different because his new collaborator is so well-respected by his post-docs. Research Integrity at UIC • Goal promote compliance with the highest scholarly standards • Purpose provide impartial fact-finding and fair adjudication of allegations research misconduct • Policy UI Policy and Procedures on Integrity in Research and Publication PHS Policies on Research Misconduct 42 CFR 50 and 93 (rev. 2005) Research Integrity at UIC Research Misconduct includes fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results. • Fabrication: making up data or results and recording/reporting them • Falsification: manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes, or changing or omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record • Plagiarism: appropriation of another person’s ideas, processes, results or words without giving appropriate credit • Does not include honest error or difference of opinion • Any other conduct that constitutes a serious deviation from accepted ethical guidelines and professional standards in scholarship and research Research Integrity at UIC Section V.B • Any member of the University community who has information related to potential Research Misconduct has a duty to report such information to the Respondent’s UEO or to the RIO… Section V.B .1 • Institutional members…have an obligation to provide evidence relevant to Research Misconduct allegations to the RIO or other institutional officials. Contact Us Mark D. Grabiner, PhD Associate Vice Chancellor for Research and Research Integrity Officer Phone: 312-996-2757 Email: Website: Questions? Research Resources Center (RRC) • Assures accessibility of shared resources to all researchers in the UIC community • Serves >1,000 investigators, $160M 013 grants • $8 M operating budget, 45% subsidy • 60 staff; full-time PhD lab directors in each facility • Faculty Academic Directors • East and West Campus central facilities Recent Advancements • $13M new capital equipment since 2010 • New Imaging Center: Latest Confocal, Multiphoton, TIRF Scopes, Vectra tissue imaging • Aberration-corrected STEM: very high resolution EM • Small animal imaging: 9.4T MRI, IVIS live animal imager, VEVO Echo • New Mass Specs: Orbitrap Velos Pro, AB Sciex 5500, 6500 • Genomics Center: High-throughput Genotyping; Next-Gen sequencing; digital PCR • Informatics Center • Drug Discovery Center: High-throughput Screening • Nanotechnology Facility: Atomic Force Microscope; laser 3-D nano printer Center for Structural Biology Ben Ramirez, Director • • • • Most advanced NMR in Chicago: 600, 750, 800, 900 Mhz X-ray Crystallography Biacore molecular interaction analysis Analytical Ultracentrifugation, Calorimetry, Fluorescence • Production and purification of proteins Flow Cytometry Service FCS: Balaji Ganesh, Director Seven flow cytometers: • new Astrios 6 way sorter •Beckman MoFlo sorter •Bio-Plex multiplex quantitative assays •5 flow cytometry analyzers: CyAn, BD Fortessa, Beckman Gallios Becton Dickinson Fortessa Beckman Coulter MoFlo Transgenic Production Service: Roberta Franks, Director A resource for investigators seeking to generate transgenic and gene-targeted mice for their research activities. NEW: Genome Editing Facility using CRISPR/CAS Imaging: Cellular and Molecular Microscopy: Peter Toth, Director Newly renovated 2500 sq ft microscopy suites State-of-the-art imaging technology for fixed, live cells & tissues. Imaging techniques: live-cell, confocal, FRET, FRAP, FLIP, TIRF, PhotoActivation, and real time recording of micro- injection. Two new Zeiss LSM710 confocals, VivaView live-cell long-term imaging, Prairie Systems Multiphoton microscope, TIRF System Newly upgraded ELECTRON MICROSCOPY SERVICE: Alan Nichols, Director Scanning (SEM), transmission (TEM) and scanning transmission (STEM) electron microscopes as well as Raman spectroscopy and surface analysis (XPS) Two laboratories: E5, Medical Sciences Building - SEM and Life Science TEM Room 116, SES - Materials Science TEM/STEM, Microprobe, Surface Analysis & Raman NEW: JEOL JEM-ARM200CF TEM/STEM with cold field emission source CEOS probe aberration corrector Animal Imaging and phenotyping Preclinical MRI Facility: 2,000 sq. ft. animal imaging laboratory equipped with a new Agilent 9.4 Tesla MRI system that is able to image small animals and samples up to 7.5 cm in diameter. The Xenogen IVIS® Spectrum in vivo uses optical imaging technology to non-invasive longitudinal monitoring of disease progression, cell trafficking and gene expression patterns in living animals. CCVR: Surgical services: Trans aortic constriction; Coronary artery ligation; Osmotic plant implantation Imaging: VisualSonics Vevo770 ultrasound Biorepository • Institutional resource for processing and storing human tissue samples for research purposes. • LN and -85 freezers house blood, serum, plasma, urine, nucleic acids, & PBMC specimens • IRB-approved opt-in protocol; Investigator protocols- 15 current • Pathologists, Path assistants, clinical coordinator assist investigator studies SERVICES INCLUDE: •Separation of serum, plasma, PBMCs, urine, and saliva. •Nucleic Acid isolation •Opt-in or PI protocol; all samples bar coded and annotated •Specimen management database; Secure storage Research Histology and Imaging Core (RHC): Andy Hall, Director, Histology; Ryan Deaton, Director Imaging • • Instrumentation and services for tissue specimen processing, staining and imaging. VECTRA and Aperio imaging instruments Center for Genomic Research Staff: Co-Directors, 8 full time technicians, 4 students Services: • Next-Generation Sequencing: Ion Torrent PGM/ Proton/ Illumina • Microbiome analysis, Whole genome, Target-capture, ChIP-seq • CE Sequencing • Quantitative analyses- QPCR/Digital • Automated Nucleic Acid purification • Gene expression analysis: RNAseq, Affymetrix microarray, Quantigene • High Throughput Genotyping, CNV • Cytogenomics BioInformatics Service- CRI Director: Neil Bahroos, Chief Research Information Officer For analysis of big datasets from Genomics/Sequencing, Clinical Resources Integrated with Genomics, Clinical Data Warehouse, computing IT and Biorepository Staff: 16 total • 4 Bioinformaticians specializing in analysis of genome sequencing, gene expression, genotyping, pathways • 4 Clinical data analysts, natural language processing Computing resources • Mixed cluster (GPU/CPU) • HPC: 3,000 core/ 1.1Pbyte storage • UIUC computing resources New 3,000 sq ft facility in CME Mass Spectrometry, Metabolomics and Proteomics Richard van Breemen, Academic Director; Alex Schilling, Director Services Provided • LC-MS and LC-MS-MS • MALDI MS and MS-MS • Quantitative Analysis • Structure Elucidation • Protein Identification • Metabolite Identification Thermo Velos Orbitrap Pro funded by NCRR Fitted with Chip Cube Thermo LTQ-FT LC/MS/MS Informatics Tools 2 Agilent 6410 Triple quads ChipCube system Waters Synapt QTOF MS; ion mobility New Triple-Quad Trap ABSciex 5500 & 6500 Nanotechnology Core Facility: Tony DiVinere, Director Access, training, service and process guidance on fabrication and characterization equipment. Application of integrated circuit and fiber optic technology to improve manufacturing methods for MEMS/Nano devices, BioMEMS, Microfluidic, Electromechanical, Mechanical, Chemical, Optical, Photonic and multi-functional devices NEW: Atomic Force Microscope; laser 3-D nano printer Scientific Instrumentation Shop: Eric Schmidt, Director Design and construction of instruments; Instrument repair Scientific Supply Center: Jennifer Beck, Manager Media, enzymes, chemicals, glassware at discount prices Contact US William Hendrickson Director, RRC Phone: 312-996-5600 Email: Website: Questions? Biologic Resources Laboratory (BRL) Biologic Resources Laboratory • • UIC’s Centralized Animal Research Facility Oversight of the institution’s animal care and use program • • • • • • • Support research Daily care and husbandry of all laboratory animals Procurement of all animals Ensure animal welfare Ensure compliance with regulatory agencies Ensure the health status of animal colonies Train students, staff, and faculty Biologic Resources Laboratory Program Scope •UIC’s Animal Care and Use Program has been continually accredited by AAALAC International since 1970. •137,000 sq. ft. •10 satellite facilities •House over 20 species •Ave. daily census 32,000 animals • Mice 30,000 Biologic Resources Laboratory Program Scope • Staff - 62 • • • • • • 10 vets – 5 board certified, 5 post-docs 7 veterinary technicians 37 husbandry staff 6 administrative staff 1 enrichment specialist 1 machinist Biologic Resources Laboratory Animal Based Research Scope •275 investigators •700 active research protocols •Types of studies • • • • • • • • Cancer Immunotherapy Radiobiology Infectious disease TransplantationHeart Disease Diabetes Neurologic disease Retinal diseases Biologic Resources Laboratory Services • To gain access to any of the facilities • Listed on an approved ACC protocol • Orientation with one of the veterinarians • Visit employee health and enroll in the occupational health and safety program Biologic Resources Laboratory Services • • • • • • • • • • • Centralized surgery Diagnostic laboratory Radiology section Antibody production service Cross foster rederivation program Support Good Laboratory Practice Studies Support bio and chemical hazard work Irradiator Metabolic cages Rodent quarantine Resource Biologic Resources Laboratory • • Main phone number 312-996-7040 Website • Key contacts • Fee schedule Animal per diem rate Diagnostic lab services Surgery services • Jeffrey Fortman, Director Biologic Resources Lab • 312-996-1220 • Questions?