Supervised on campus clinical assessment means:

Student Practice Clinic
Information Booklet
These terms & conditions have been prepared in order to provide you with information
on the clinical component of your Certificate IV in Massage Therapy Practice, HLT40312
and the Diploma in Remedial Massage, HLT50307.
Supervised clinic is undertaken at the times specified on the College timetable. Four hour
and three hour shifts are to be undertaken.
Certificate IV of Massage Therapy Practise = 56 hours of clinic
You will complete a minimum of 15 hours in the supervised clinic classroom and once you
are found competent enough to go into the private clinic you spend 26 hours in the
private clinic room getting simulated workplace experience. Once you have completed
your 26 hours in the simulated clinic, you finish your clinic experience with full supervision
for 15 hours.
48 hours is required for the Diploma plus 20 hours on Non Supervised Community Service
The pre-requisites for undertaking of supervised clinics are listed on the Subject Flow Chart.
You will be required to work on and provide consultations to members of the Public at
this clinic, provide services to their requirements, take case histories and record your work.
Supervised clinic will give you valuable experience in a clinical environment, building self
confidence and gaining feedback from clients.
These clinical trainings will enable the College to assess whether or not you are ready to
become a qualified practitioner. Registration is required for this subject by signing the
terms and conditions acceptance form attached to this clinic information guide. Students
will not be accepted into Supervised Clinic until the acceptance form is signed and
returned to reception.
Supervised clinic times are only held on the dates and times specified in the timetable
and must be completed at the College. Day and weekend clinics are available.
Occasionally some hours are allowed at OSC open days and community
programmes. (OSC chair massage team). 100% attendance is required for completion
of supervised clinic.
You will have to nominate for a four hour block in which you will be allocated a
table to work from. You will need to book in advance to secure your place after
submitting your registration form.
You can book your shifts through the office during office hours 10.00am- 6:00pm
Monday - Friday. Please quote your mobile number when booking. Only one shift is
available per student per day. This is to prevent fatigue and to minimise any overuse
issues. You may, however, book Fridays and Saturdays if you wish but only for four
hour shifts at a time. Please book in to complete a minimum of 2 back to back
massages in your shift.
Note: If your shift is combine with a practical assessment, you must be present for the
entire shift.
When you arrive you will need to report to the Student supervisor or front office
who will allocate you a table for you to occupy for your entire shift.
First time clients are allocated 10 minutes maximum for a case history and then a 45
minute treatment session. Repeat clients are usually given a 50 minute treatment or
thereabouts. Due to time constraints, clients will be asked their preference of type of
massage and body parts to be massaged. Sometimes chest, face and stomach body
parts are omitted from the sessions due to 45-50 minute sessions. First time clients
will be advised that their first session may be shorter e.g. -45 minutes due to a case
history interview being undertaken.
A first time client case history is detailed by the client in the waiting area and then
confirmed and expanded by you in the table. The client is then draped, massaged,
session given, etc. These same protocols will be undertaken if there is no public client
available and you will have to work on a fellow student.
After the session has concluded a client is debriefed and is shown a seat for recovery,
if required. Remember, a very relaxed client may not be able to drive immediately
after the session and some may need a glass of water and some time out to “reenergise”. Client details are then filed in the purple filing boxes provided (please file
existing files and hand new client forms to supervisor
During your shift your supervisor will assess that competencies are being met e.g.
professional draping, etc.
Please find attached a typical assessment sheet that the supervisor has to fill out
during your shift. If you are not sure of any items on this sheet please ask the duty
supervisor for clarification.
You will be required to bring to the clinic all towels, sheets, hand towels, etc and any
other items associated with your shift. It is your responsibility to provide clean tidy
and appropriate linen, towels etc. Since this is a required competency the duty
supervisor will be noting this in your file. The OSC will provide oils and balms.
If you have a fellow College student who has booked in as a client for clinic, or you
are working on them due to a “no show” you may, with their permission, offer to
practise Remedial techniques at any time during your clinic according to their wishes,
observing contra-indications and precautions.
If working on a fellow student as a client they will be required to fill out a feedback
form on you or a generic assessment form –see the front office or supervisor for spare
Your dress wear will be as per the College dress code for clinic and strictly adhered
to. This includes the Om Shanti College T-shirt, black dress pants or black dress capris
(no tracksuit pants) and black enclosed shoes.
Please find attached sheets on infectious diseases policy, non-attendance policy, and
conduct code protocols, etc. Please make special note of the non attendance policy
that will be strictly enforced. You will have to sign that you understand these policies
and procedures before commencing clinic.
1. An infectious disease is generally accepted to be transmittable to another individual. It
can be transmitted by one of the following mechanisms:
Via sharing of body fluids, e.g. blood, semen, vaginal secretions or saliva.
Direct spread from skin or mucous to membrane to another individual’s skin or
mucous membrane, e.g. herpes.
By inhaling the infective organisms via respiratory droplets, e.g. influenza.
By ingesting the infective organisms, e.g. polio, hepatitis A.
Examples of infectious diseases include:
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
Hepatitis A, B, C, D, or E
Herpes simplex
Epstein Barr Virus
2. Many people believe HIV to be the most feared of infectious diseases. However, there
is more likelihood of being infected with Hepatitis B or herpes that HIV.
3. In accordance with current knowledge, see table at the end of this document, which
gives the mode of transmission of three infectious agents – the viruses known as HIV,
Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C.
1. Staff or students, who are HIV positive, or a carrier of a Hepatitis virus, must not be
discriminated against in any way.
2. No staff member or student is obliged to inform any other individual at the College or
clinic that they are carrying HIV, Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C.
3. A student or staff member who has an infectious disease that could enter an
individual’s body by the respiratory or gastrointestinal system, e.g. influenza or
Hepatitis A must not attend the College or clinic until a practitioner has verified that he
or she is no longer infectious. Absence from the College for any length of time due to
such an illness should be discussed with the student counsellor. This will be kept strictly
4. If a staff member or student does wish to inform another individual of the nature of an
illness (of any kind), that individual must not, in any circumstance, reveal that
information to any other person without their permission.
5. If a student/staff member who is a client of the student clinic, confides in the Supervisor
or any student that they carry HIV, Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C virus, no individual privy
to this information must reveal it to anyone else, without their permission. This
confidentiality is naturally essential for all aspects of a consultation.
6. All students involved in bodywork studies should be treated equally with regard to the
transmission of body fluids to other individuals. That is, it should be assumed that all
students have body fluids, which are potential sources of infection.
Students must therefore:
Cover any breaks and all cuts in the skin with a waterproof dressing.
Cover those areas in a protective and hygienic manner, if a student has any skin
abrasions or cuts on their hands or arms, whilst massaging or touching a client.
Some authorities suggest the wearing of two pairs of gloves. Alternatively, they
may choose not to massage or have body contact at that time.
make sure the cut is covered
The area of the cut or abrasion should not be touched or massaged, nor the
area immediately surrounding it. This is due to, not only protecting the body
worker, but also the possibility of spreading the problem (whether it be a
simple infection or as serious as a skin tumour).
The student therapist may choose to wear gloves while massaging the client,
even if he or she does not massage any particular damaged area.
If a student, acting as a client in bodywork class, has a break or cut in the skin.
Ensure that if any body fluids are spilled during class or during clinic, they are
wiped up with paper towels while wearing gloves.
Clean the surface areas with a neutral detergent.
Change towels for each student or client.
NOTE: if you observe a fellow student or others who are not adhering to
hygienic practices it is your duty of care to others to report such incidents to the
tutor or supervisor, who then may take remedial action.
To Summarise - Providing you adhere to the recommended hygiene practices, you cannot
be infected by HIV, Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C, while performing tactile therapies.
Remember that you are in the healing profession. Please have the respect for the rights
and privacy of individuals.
Remember hygiene is also a pre-requisite for clinic. Always remember to wash your hands
and your oil bottles.
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Lower risk less than
HIV & Hepatitis B
Lower risk less than
HIV & Hepatitis B
Present in small
Present in small
Transmission may be
possible if cuts/
abrasions are present
in both the
concerned, thus
allowing blood
Transmission may be
possible if cuts/
abrasions are present
in both the
concerned, thus
allowing blood
Via sharing toothbrushes /
Low Risk
Low-moderate risk
Via placenta, breast milk or
Possible low –
moderate risk
Only if blood to
blood contact
Uncertain – possibly if
there is blood to
blood contact
Via blood
Via semen
Via vaginal secretions
Via sharing needles
Via saliva
Via cuts/abrasions in skin
and mucous membrane
Unsafe tattooing and body
 = Higher Risk X = Moderate Risk
Uncertain – probably
very low
N/A = Insufficient Information
Hepatitis B is significantly more transmissible than HIV.
HIV in only transmissible via semen, vaginal secretions and blood. Although it may
be present in other body fluids in small numbers, it is in too small a quantity to
spread to another individual. It requires the addition of blood products to those
secretions, in order for the virus to be transmitted to another individual.
For example, if individuals have cuts or abrasions on the mouth, kissing involving
the sharing of saliva could possibly allow transmission of the virus.
As the clinic is training students in professional standards it is necessary for students to be
responsible for the clinic times for which they have booked.
If unable to attend, please phone the College at least 10 days before to allow for a
replacement to be found. It is up to you to find a replacement. Once you list for clinic
hours it is up to you to be responsible for your shift.
If absence is due to illness without 48 hours notice a Doctor’s certificate is required. If
this supporting documentation is not presented an additional 12 hour clinic session
must be completed with additional fees payable or payment for the full session, i.e.
Non-attendance twice without notice or documentation will result in the cancellation
of your current clinic module(s) and loss of clinic hours to date. You will be required
to present for an interview with the College principal who will determine whether it
will be in both parties interest to conclude studies at the College.
Please do not attend the College or clinic if you have an infection such as a cold or flu.
The duty supervisor has been instructed to send such students home or for medical
advice. Please ring the College at the earliest opportunity if you are not able to attend
activities due to such circumstances. Genuine sick or emergency cases are treated with
respect by the College and each case is treated on its own merit.
You are required to phone in the day before to reception to confirm your shift
Your name should be marked on the attendance roll on arrival (see supervisor or front
Clothing must be to Om Shanti College dress code (refer student handbook) – the
standard OSC t-shirt must be worn during your clinic session. Students may not
remove shoes in the clinic due to occupational health and safety regulations. Any
student who arrives at clinic not in uniform will not be able to undertake clinic.
Penalties will be as per non-attendance policy.
You will need to arrive ½ hour early for your first clinic session. This is essential, as
your supervisor/front office will need to explain the general clinic procedures. For
each subsequent session you are required to arrive 10 minutes early to prepare for the
start of your clinic session.
Punctuality, attitude, appearance and professionalism are all part of your clinic
Treatment spaces are to be kept tidy at all times, your bag can be placed under the
table. If this is unsuitable for any reason see your Supervisor. Do not leave valuables
in the clinic room.
You are responsible for providing all towels, sheets and linen for the clinic and for
ensuring they are properly clean and “sanitised” for use in the clinic. Single sheets are
required with large bath sheet towels as well.
No food or drink (except water) to be consumed in the treatment rooms.
Plastic bottles or cups should be removed at the end of your session. Please leave
room tidy for the next person.
Report oil spills to your Supervisor/front office.
Treatment forms must be filled out for each client; this is a requirement of law,
remembering that clients can request a copy at any time.
Your supervisor takes ultimate responsibility for clients during your clinic session.
Before referring clients to other practitioners or giving advice on other therapies please
speak to the supervisor first.
Please ensure that all client forms are completed, checked by your supervisor and filed
back into the filing system.
The preparing of rooms, tidying of treatment rooms and many other small jobs are part of
clinic training. These duties you would have to do in your own clinic or if you were
sharing a clinic or in a group practice. These duties are part of your assessment and have
been prepared in accordance with the basic industry expectations in relation to your
course. Professional associations and accrediting bodies expect it to be part of clinical
Sexual Harassment
The clinic has important procedures in place if sexual harassment occurs, your safety
and well being is important to Om Shanti College.
If an incident occurs with a client or fellow student it is not necessary to continue with
the treatment session. Leave the room and inform your supervisor. It is important to
do this otherwise OSC is unaware of the issue.
The clinic has incident report forms which must be filled out in these circumstances.
OSC does not give out student phone numbers to clients. It is recommended that you
inform your Supervisor if a client is asking for your phone number or wants you to go
to their place to give them a treatment.
At the end of your shift you will debrief with your supervisor. Allow an extra 15
minutes at the end of the shift to debrief with the supervisor. Conversely arrive at the
clinic one half hour before your shift to set up. You will need this time to set up your
It is your duty of care to be responsible for hygienic procedures at the clinic. If there is
a procedure or protocol that you observe as not being followed please report your
findings to the duty supervisor who will then take remedial action. In this way you will
be providing for the health and well being of not only yourself but others who may
not be aware of the situation.
Supervisors are in clinic to support and assist students as required. This support includes
any situation or difficulty with a client whether it is asking for a procedure beyond your
training or sexual harassment.
To complete your training you must be deemed competent in the clinic which is an
essential component of your course. Supervisors assess students during their time in
clinic and therefore will be visiting each massage table at every session. Please advise
your client accordingly.
Clinic training is more than just finishing the allocated clinic hours; the supervisor must
sign off on all competencies listed on the assessment form.
Supervisors can allocate further hours if a student is deemed non-competent in any area
of clinic training. This will be referred to the Principal.
Student Clinic telephone number is 6295 2323
Clinic Contract
Sign and date both copies and hand one to your clinic supervisor at the commencement of
your first clinic. You are required to keep a copy of this information with your logbook.
This is to certify that I, ……………………………….. , have read and fully understand the
following information on what is expected of me in all aspects of assessments for massage
clinic ………
Signed: ……………………….
Date: ……………………….
This is to certify that I,…………………………………….. , have read and fully understand
the following information on what is expected of me in all aspects of assessments for
massage clinic ………
Signed: ……………………….
Date: ……………………….
Median line-vertical
Plantar flexion
Lying face down (on stomach)
Lying on back (on spine)
Dissects body into RIGHT LATERAL and
At the back
At the front, or in front of
Closer to centre or attachment
Away from
Toward the heart or centre of the body
Away from the heart or centre of the body
Above. Facing superiorly – facing the head
Below. Facing inferiorly – facing the feet
Lateral movement, draws away from
Medial movement, draws towards median
Decreases angle of a joint
Increases angle of a joint
Pressing together between two fixed points
Inward twisting movement towards median
Outward or lateral twisting movement
A cone shaped movement using many
Circular movement, either clockwise or
Outward (lateral) twisting movement of
Inward (medial) twisting movement of
Flexion of dorsal surface of foot. Toes to
Flexion of plantar surface. Point toes
Application of touch/pressure to the surface
of the body to examine underlying tissue
+, positive, negative
→ – through
ie. 1→7
ant. – anterior
ceph. – cephalic
dist. – distal
Fx. – fracture
< – less than
> – greater than
↑ – increase
↓ – decrease
Adh. – adhesion
ASIS – Anterior
Superior Iliac
CFS – chronic
fatigue syndrome
DP – direct
C 1→ 7 – cervical
vertebrae 1
through 7.
c/o – complains
DTF – Deep
HA – headache
AE – Active
caud. – caudal
inf. – inferior
gastroc –
int. – internal
L – left
lat. – lateral
lev. scap – levator
med. – medial
LF – Longitudinal
meds –
o/e – on
pec - pectoralis
MVA – motor
vehicle accident
PA – postural
prone. – prone
prox. – proximal
QL – quadratus
Sp – spasm
supe. – superior
Tx – treatment
R – right
scol – scoliosis
spr. – sprain
ten. – tension
X – times
delt – deltoid
ext. – external
Hx – history
ITB – Ilio Tibial
lats – latissimus
lord. – lordosis
kyph. – kyphosis
mj & m – major
and minor
OA –
PSIS – Posterior
Superior Iliac
RA – rheumatoid
SI – sacroiliac
mm – muscle
str. – strain
TP – trigger point
XFF – cross fibre
supi. – supine
traps – trapezius
LB – low back
M – massage
P – pain
post. – posterior
pt. – patient
ROM – Range of
SL. – sidelying
A Therapy Plan:
1. includes the aims/goals of the treatment
2. includes the time allocation for each massage treatment
General examples of aims/goals of a massage treatment:
Decrease pain
Increase Range of Motion and flexibility
Increase mechanical and neurological functioning
Increase general and psychological well-being
Decrease muscular contraction
Decrease the rate of muscular atrophy
Specific examples of aims/goal of a massage treatment:
Decrease lateral epicondylitis pain (can use pain scale)
Increase circulation to L. gastrocnemius/soleus
Increase awareness of T.M.J. tension and decrease muscle contraction in masseters
A therapy plan is modified from treatment to treatment depending on the aims and goals,
results of previous and current treatments and any new presenting conditions.
When preparing therapy plans, information from the client’s history should be considered.
The student therapist needs to ask him/herself:
What do I wish to achieve?
The student therapist ultimately aims for client independence and education
Need to consider:
1. client’s available time and money
2. limitations of massage therapy
3. benefits of other therapies
Information that should be recorded in the client file:
3. is an ongoing process designed by the student therapist specifically for each client
and their individual needs
Relevant health history such as conditions and medications. You may need to
research and write a brief summary of information that can be added to the client
file to aid future treatment of a client.
Gait analysis & results (remedial & advanced).
postural analysis/assessments performed and results (remedial & advanced).
Special Tests performed and results.
ROM and results both before and after (remedial only).
PNF stretches used, why and results.
Body positions used.
Advanced techniques used.
The use of heat or ice.
Decreases in pain.
Decreases in muscular tension.
Suggestions/ recommendations (stay within your training).
Self-massage advice.
Client comments.
Please do not use smiley faces or any other inappropriate symbols or language in your
treatment plan and outcomes. The client forms are a legal document and the client has
access under the Privacy Law.