Administrative Professionals Day Luncheon

First Coast Committee Guidelines:
Admin. Prof. Day Luncheon Committee
Committee Name:
Admin. Prof. Day
Date Completed:
Committee Chair:
Julie Smith
Date Approved:
June 2015
Number of Committee Members
This Committee comprises of several members and UNFCE staff members.
Committee Overview
The role of this Committee is to work with UNFCE to plan & prepare for this event
First face-to-face planning meeting:
Julie, Lana & others?
Aug. – Dec. Tim Giles
Julie, Lana & others?
All Exhibitors
FILENAME: Document1
Tim Giles, UNFCE, Sonja Rocha – consultant, Lana
Milesevic – former UNFCE – Sponsors, Robin Henderson,
Julie Smith – Exhibitors and Sponsors, Shirley Durrant –
FCAP Booth and theme basket (?), Various others once
overall planning is in place and for the day of the event
Sponsors: Julie and Lana work on getting sponsors BUT
welcome any others who can help in any way. There’s a PR
piece that will be provided those who wish to assist on this
process. We have 4 categories: Title Sponsor, Gold, Silver
and Bronze. Past sponsors have been (2015 thank you letters
with 2016 commitment ASK, to be invoiced in 1st Qtr. 2016.
2015: Brooks ($1,000); Fickling ($500); Amelia Cons.
($500); Jaguars ($1,000) and Publix (350 attendee
Invoicing & f/u for pmt. Team: TBD
We come up with possible speakers and then
choose based on availability. Tim Giles handles this piece.
Exhibitors: There’s a spreadsheet from past years that we
work from and add as many as possible. There is a space limit
of 25 exhibitor tables – so it’s 1st come/1st serve – Early
registration is being introduced for the 2016 event! Sample
letters and promo attachments available to whomever works
on this portion of the event.
Thank you letters: After each year’s event, a team need to
do thank you letters, include a copy of the current workbook,
ensure they’re on the FCAP website (Web Master), and send a
‘early commitment form’ for the following year’s event. 2016
is the 1st year we offered an early commitment discount!
Invoicing & f/u for pmt. Team: TBD
Door Prizes: Exhibitors are asked to provide one (1) door
prize for a drawing from their exhibitor booth. These will be
picked up after the lunch break and taken into the meeting
NEEDED: Develop and form to be given to each exhibitor for
them to complete and turn in with their door prize.
INCLUDE: Name of company, contents of door prize and 1st
and 2nd name drawn (winner must be present to win!)
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Revised: August 12, 2012
First Coast Committee Guidelines:
Admin. Prof. Day Luncheon Committee
Aug. –
Shirley &
Day of:
Jay, &
FCAP Theme Basket Contest: This started in 2015 and was a HUGE hit.
FCAP members will be asked if they’ll sign up to do them again. Got a LOT
of social media exposure and generated a lot of FCAP interest!
FCAP Booth: FCAP is provided a FREE booth through our partnership with
UNF. There should be 2-3 members responsible for the booth, which
means the tri-fold content, booth freebies, booth door prize, 50/50
drawing, etc.
FCAP Saturday work day: 2015 it was held at Brooks.
FCAP Saturday work day: 2016 May need to happen at UNF. This is
when we ask for FCAP volunteers to come in to
(a) put the Publix bag contents together,
b) prepare the name tags AND agenda on reverse side and insert in holders
(want to look at possible lanyards for 2016),
(c) put the ½ of door prize ticket in back of name tags
(d) put other ½ in box for Tim’s ticket wheel for drawings that day
(e) determine the table assignments
(f) make LARGE readable table tents
(g) assign WHO will handle the placement of the table tents
(h) ENSURE THE DOORS STAY CLOSED until the right time
(i) Determine WHO will be the door monitors and table escorts, etc. (FCAP)
– will need several to do this and need to ensure they know their task,
expectations/responsibilities, etc.
(j) Determine WHO will assist Tim in gathering the exhibitor door prizes
and when, etc.
(k) Determine WHO the door prize runners will be and let them know the
cue is from Tim saying ‘now we’ll have some drawings for door prizes, etc.”
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Revised: August 12, 2012