Ch 12 DNA 12.1 1. The genetic material found in the nucleus that

Ch 12 DNA
1. The genetic material found in the nucleus that stores genetic information is called________.
2. What are the two main components of a chromosome?___________ and _____________.
3. ___________ _____________ was the scientist that suspected that genetic info could be
transmitted and proved it with mice experiments.
4. Griffith injected mice with live r cell and dead s cells and the mice ________.
5. Griffiths conclusion was that something in the dead s cells was ___________ to the live r cells
and transformed them.
6. In 1944 Oswald Avery concluded that the transforming substance was __________.
7. Did everyone believe in Avery’s conclusions? ______.
8. In 1952, what two scientist proved that it was DNA that could transform cells.
______________ and ______________.
9. To form a chromosome, DNA coils around a protein called ______________.
10. This forms _______________ which then coil more to form ______________ __________.
11. Chromatin fibers then super coil to form ________________ but only when cells are
12.2 Replication of DNA
1. Semi-conservative replication is when a ______________ strand of DNA separates or “unzips” and one strand becomes the ___________ or mold to be copied.
2. The goal of DNA replication is to produce 2 strands, a parent strand and a ____________
3. Replication of DNA happens in _____________ of mitosis and meiosis I.
4. The process of replication takes place in ____ main stages.
5. List the three main stages of DNA replication 1.______________ 2,_______________
6. An enzyme called ________________ unzips the two DNA strands.
7. DNA helicase breaks ____________ bonds
8. The 2 separated strands of DNA can be referred to as the top and bottom strands or the
_______________ strand and the lagging strand.
9. A special protein keeps the two strands separated after they un zip and is called _________
_________ binding protein.
10. In order to build a new DNA chain, base pairing starts with an enzyme called _______
11. RNA primase works by adding short segments of _______ to each DNA strand.
12. These short segments are now called _______ primers.
13. Another enzyme, _______ polymerase takes over replication by hooking onto RNA primer
segments in order to build a new DNA chain.
14. So RNA Primase starts replication and DNA _____________ takes over.
15. DNA polymerase runs along the DNA strand adding _________ and is why this stage is
called the base pairing stage.
16. In which direction does DNA polymerase run?
17. In summary, DNA is copied in _____________ and not from one end to the other.
18. Which strand runs continuously?
Which strand runs in short bursts?
19. Together, the leading and lagging strand results in DNA being copied ______________ in
segments called _____________ fragments.
20. DNA _________ is the enzyme that links the 2 segments to form new DNA.
21. DNA replication occurs in ____ directions and in multiple areas.
22. Bubbles in DNA strands is where DNA _______________ is taking place.
12.3 DNA, RNA and Proteins
1. The central dogma in Biology is the _________ acts as the template to make __________. In
other words, the blueprint or recipe.
2. The flow is DNA makes RNA in order to make _________.
3. DNA codes for ________ to make proteins.
4. RN is different in ___ ways.
5. RNA is a _________ strand of nucleotides while DNA is a double strand
6. RNA has ___ oxygens binded to the sugar while DNA has just one.
7. DNA is called de oxy because it has one less _________ compared to RNA.
8. In RNA, the base thymine is replaced by _____________.
9. RNA can leave the ____________ but DNA cannot.
10. How many types of RNA are used to make a protein?
11. What type of RNA can leave the nucleus to carry DNA code to ribosomes where proteins are
12. rRNA or ribosomal RNA is makes up ______ % of a ribosome.
13. Ribosomes are where proteins are put together by forming __________ bonds between
amino acids.
14. The type of RNA used to transfer amino acids to the ribosome is called ___________ .
15. Transcription means to copy codes from DNA onto _______ to be used to build proteins.
16. The section of DNA being copied is called the __________________ unit.
17. The strand of DNA being copied that now acts the code to be read by RNA polymerase is
known as the ______________ strand because it acts as a template to make new proteins.
18. mRNA becomes the _______________ strand to the template strand.
19. The DNA strand not copied or used is called the _____ ______________ strand.
20. _______________ is the enzyme that unzips the DNA helix.
21. Single strand binding ____________ keep the two strands separated.
22. RNA ________________ binds to a promoter region on the DNA to get replication going.
23. The promoter region is also known as the _________ box because of the repeating thymines
and alanines.
24. RNA polymerase is responsible for making _____________ RNA or mRNA as it is written.
25. __________ copies DNA segments on the top strand or leading strand.
26. mRNA also converts thymine to ______________ since thymine is not a base for RNA.
27. RNA polymerase keeps copying until it reaches a ______________ signal.
28. When copying DNA is done you now have a single ___________ of RNA that is ready to
leave the nucleus and contains the code for making some protein.
29. What two things are added to the ends of mRNA before it can leave the nucleus
____________ and _____________ .
30. Is the mRNA that copied the DNA the same length after copying? ______
31. mRNA edits out useless information when it copied DNA…this is called ___________ and
results in a shorter strand.
32. RNA splicing occurs because DNA has some useless info that does not become code to leave
the nucleus and these codes are called ____________ and stay in the nucleus.
33. Introns represent un-needed info and stay ___ the nucleus.
34. __________ are proteins that recognize the useless information to be spliced out by mRNA.
35. _____________ do the actual editing to splice out the introns.
36. The stuff left after editing that becomes useful information and it leaves the nucleus on
mRNA and is called ____________.
37. ______________ is the process of making a protein from the code carried by mRNA
38. The code is also called the _______________.
39. DNA uses ____ to code for a single amino acid.
40. This three base code is called a ______________.
41. When coding for an amino acid, what two things do you need? 1.____________ and
42. The start codon is _______.
43. There are 3 different stop codon, they are _______, _______ and _______.
44. Translation occurs in the _____________ of cells.
45. ________ interprets the codon and uses an anti-_______ to read it.
46. __________ also transports amino acids to the ribosome to be assembled into proteins.
12.4 Gene Regulation