Worksheet #2

This Web Quest is dedicated to the Earth and Science strand of
the grade six science curriculum. This strand can be located in
the Science and Technology curriculum document (1998) on
pages 99-100.
Presented by Pamela Atchison
You have been chosen by NASA to go on a space odyssey,
and you will have an opportunity to do some research for
them while you are in space! Would you like to find out
how hot the planet Mercury is? Do you know where to find
Orion’s Belt? Is the moon’s surface smooth? Well, NASA
wants you to find out! On this odyssey you are going to
have the opportunity to learn about the Solar System. Your
mission, should you succeed, will provide you with all of
the information you need to answer NASA’s pressing
questions. We are about to take off so fasten your seatbelts
and hold on…
Background Info
The Constellations
were given names in
ancient times. The
We know that our Solar System has nine
Constellations also
planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
have their own
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and
stories. These
Pluto. We will learn about some of these
stories are also
planets in more detail.
known as myths.
Our Solar System also
has comets, asteroids,
The Ozone Layer is a
stars such as the Sun,
thin shield that
and the Milky Way.
protects all living
things on Earth from
The pollution we have created here on
the sun’s harmful
Earth has damaged our Ozone Layer.
ultraviolet rays.
Without the protection of the Ozone
Layer, we get sick a lot easier.
Solar System Diagram
The Task
At the end of this odyssey you will have answered the following questions. By the time
you have completed this work you should be familiar with different aspects of the Solar
System such as the surface of the moon, and the atmospheric characteristics of the
Earth, etc. You should be familiar with the myths regarding the constellations and be
able to recognize constellations located in our night sky. You should have also learned
about, and be familiar with, the Ozone Layer and the rules of sun safety.
Describe, in as much detail as possible, the physical components of the Earth, the
Sun, Saturn, and Mercury (the diameter, min. and max. surface temperatures,
atmospheric components, and the highest point on the surface, etc., if available).
Name 6 of the constellations and briefly explain 3 of them.
Choose one of the constellations and explain the myth associated with it in as much
detail as possible.
Name four types of stars. In your own words, explain five things about 2 different
types of stars.
How many stars are visible to the naked eye?
List 6 facts about the moon. Which fact is the most interesting to you? Why?
Why should we be cautious when going out into the sun? List and explain some of
the safety rules you should follow when you are going out into the sun.
These are the resources you are permitted to use to complete your
task. You only have to click once on them to access the desired
website. Take your time to find the information that will best answer
the questions you have been given.
Question 1
Characteristics of the Solar System
Question 4
Question 2
Question 3
The Constellations
Myths of the Constellations
Question 5
Question 6
Twinkle, twinkle little star... All About the Moon
Moon Facts
Question 7
Fun in the Sun...and Safety Too!
Other Resources…
Birth month Constellations (This link will help you with worksheet #2)
A Diagram of the Solar System
All about the Solar System
Ozone Facts
Ozone for Kids
Windows to the Universe
The Process
•You will need to choose a partner to work with for these
activities, but both of you will have to hand in your own
work for marking. You should choose someone you work
well with.
• There are three worksheets that you will need to
complete as well as the sheet of questions you have been
provided with. Please write in full sentences and print
• You will have until Friday to complete this assignment
so that gives you five periods to complete and hand in all
of your work.
• Do not copy information word for word from the
Internet. I expect you to use your paraphrasing skills that
we have been working on in Language Arts.
• Use only the resources I have given you to find your
•Put your name on all of your work.
•If you finish early, I have given you websites where you
can do activities related to this project.
Space Odyssey Rubric/Evaluation
This project will be out of 100 marks and it will be worth 15% of your final mark in
Science and Technology.
Name: _________________
Date: _____________
Grade 6:
Work Habits/Use
of Class Time
Level 5
Level 4
Student worked quietly,
and used class time well.
Student worked quietly
and almost always used
class time well.
20 19 18 17 16
Uses and
Knowledge of
Knowledge and
Understanding of
The Quality and
Accuracy of
24 23
Level 3
Level 2
Student worked
somewhat quietly and
sometimes used class
time well.
15 14 13 12 11
Student rarely worked
quietly and rarely used
class time well.
10 9 8 7 6
Level 1
Student did not work
quietly and did not use
class time well.
4 3
The student uses
appropriate vocabulary,
including correct science
terms, in describing
his/her research with
clear understanding.
25 24 23 22 21
The student uses
appropriate vocabulary,
including correct science
terms, in describing
his/her research with
20 19 18 17 16
The student uses
appropriate vocabulary,
including correct science
terms, in describing
his/her research with
some understanding.
15 14 13 12 11
The student uses
appropriate vocabulary,
including correct science
terms, in describing
his/her research with
limited understanding.
10 9 8 7 6
The student does not use
appropriate vocabulary in
describing his/her
research and had no
understanding of material.
5 4 3 2 1
The student describes the
physical characteristics of
the components of the
solar system with
virtually no errors.
25 24 23 22 21
The student describes the
physical characteristics of
the components of the
solar system with few
20 19 18 17 16
The student describes the
physical characteristics of
the components of the
solar system with several
minor errors.
15 14 13 12 11
The student describes the
physical characteristics of
the components of the
solar system with several
major errors.
10 9 8 7 6
The student is unable to
describe the physical
characteristics of the
components of the solar
5 4 3 2 1
The student paraphrases
and summarizes the
information researched
demonstrating an
understanding of the topic
Information is relevant to
the topic.
25 24 23 22 21
The student paraphrases
and summarizes the
information researched
demonstrating a good
understanding of the
topic. Information is
mostly relevant to the
20 19 18 17 16
The student paraphrases
and summarizes the
information researched
demonstrating somewhat
of an understanding of the
topic. Information
somewhat relevant to the
15 14 13 12 11
The student does not
paraphrase information,
rather, the student copies
and pastes information
from other sources.
Information has mostly
no relevance to the topic.
10 9 8 7 6
The student does not
provide relevant
information to the given
topic. Information has no
relevance to the topic.
5 4 3 2 1
Welcome back Earth!!! You have successfully
completed this mission if you have:
– answered the questions on the sheet I have provided
for you in full sentences.
– completed all three worksheets in a detailed,
organized, and legible manner.
– handed in your completed work to me with your
name on every page.
I hope you had fun on your mission. With all of the
information you have gathered, you can now consider
yourself a Solar System Expert!!!
Fun and Games
When you have completed all of your work, click here for …
Solar System Simulator
Sun Safety Games and Activities
Windows to the Universe: Fun and Games
Remember to have fun, but be safe!
Odyssey Question Sheet
Name: _________________
Date: ______________
Instructions: Use a separate sheet of lined paper to write down your answers to these questions. Make sure to
number your answers according to the number of the question on this sheet. Print your answers neatly, and answer the
questions in full sentences. Remember to write your name on your work. Use appropriate units of measure where
1. Describe, in as much detail as possible, the physical components of the Earth, the Sun, Saturn, and Mercury (the
diameter, min. and max.surface temperatures, atmospheric components, and the highest point on the surface, etc., if
Earth –
Sun –
Saturn –
Mercury –
2. Name 6 of the constellations and briefly explain 3 of them.
3. Choose one of the constellations and explain the myth associated with it in as much detail as possible.
4. Name four types of stars. In your own words, explain five things about 2 different types of stars.
5. How many stars are visible to the naked eye?
6. List 6 facts about the moon. Which fact is the most interesting to you? Why?
7. Why should we be cautious when going out into the sun? List and explain some of the safety rules you should
follow when you are going out into the sun.
Worksheet #1 – Multiple Choice
Student’s Name ____________________
Date: _______________
For each of the following questions, circle the letter that represents the most correct answer.
1. The moon’s surface is/has:
6. Mercury’s diameter in kilometers is:
a) Craters
b) Smooth
c) Flat
d) Very Hot
a) 7884 km
b) 4787 km
c) 8748 km
d) 4878 km
2. This causes many of the tides in the Earth’s oceans : 7. The Sun’s maximum surface temperature is:
a) Mars
b) Jupiter
c) Sun
d) Moon
a) 4700 K
b) 7500 K
c) 5700 K
d) 7400 K
3. This larger constellation in our sky is known as
“The Twins”:
8. Saturn has ________ atmospheric components:
a) Orion
b) Gemini
c) Andromeda
d) The Big Dipper
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
4. This constellation resembles a dog:
9. What is the highest point on the Earth’s surface?
a) Cygnus
b) Gemini
c) The Big Dipper
d) Canis Major
a) The CN Tower
b) Mount Everest
c) The Egyptian Pyramids
d) The Empire State Building
5. There are _______ stars visible to the naked eye:
10. The Earth has ________ atmospheric components
a) 2,000
b) 4,000
c) 6,000
d) 8,000
a) 3
b) 4
c) 1
d) 2
Worksheet #2 – The Constellations
For this worksheet you are required to use one of the specified links to locate your birth month. Once you have
located it, you are to draw and label 4 of the constellations within that month. Make sure to provide a lot of
detail in your drawing and be sure to do a rough draft first. Take your time to do a neat and organized job
especially when you work on your final copy. Your rough draft and final copy are to be handed in to me when
they are complete.
Student’s Name: ____________
Date: __________
Worksheet #3
Fun in the Sun and Safety!
Draw a detailed and colourful picture that demonstrates someone or a group of people following all of the sun
safety rules! This picture will also count towards your art mark so take your time to do a job well done.
Student’s Name: ____________
Date: __________