PGES: USING ASSESSMENT IN INSTRUCTION Amy Cody Clancy WVMS- Grade 8 National Board Certified- EA/ELA PGES DOMAINS INVOLVED: BASICS OF ASSESSMENT IN INSTRUCTION STIGGINS Why Assess? Assess What? Assess How? Communicate How? From Classroom Assessment for Student Learning. Stiggins, Arter, Chappuis, Chappuis2004. 1. IDENTIFYING LEARNING OUTCOMES Core Ability statements Measurable/Observable skills and knowledge “I Can” Statements These are done for you in various venues… DECONSTRUCTED CCS- KY “LEARNING OUTCOMES” -deconstructed-standards.aspx %20Standards/8th%20grade%20ela.htm (with “I Can” statements) Benefit: Knowledge and reasoning targets (learning outcomes) have already been defined. CURRICULUM MAPS ns/Curriculum%20Maps/2012_2013/CM_Mid_EL A.html I Can Statements, activities for learning, Sample Performance Tasks, Sample Activities, RTI, Key Vocabulary, Formative Assessment TEACHER GUIDANCE K-5 Provides “teacher guidance” link Skills for students/strategies for teachers, sample task and key vocabulary for each standard. 2. IDENTIFYING ASSESSMENT METHODS Formative assessment techniques monitor student learning during the learning process. The feedback gathered is used to identify areas where students are struggling so that instructors can adjust their teaching and students can adjust their studying. VS. Summative- high stakes, end of a unit, measures student achievement of learning outcome(s). A DIAGNOSTIC CONTINUUM Preassessment Formative Assessment (Finding Out) (Keeping Track & Checking -up) Summative Assessment (Making sure) PRE-ASSESSMENT provides data to determine options for students helps determine differences before planning helps teacher design activities that are respectful and challenging allows teachers to meet students where they are identifies starting point for instruction identifies learning gaps makes efficient use of instructional time PRE-ASSESSMENT What do the students already know? What instruction/learning opportunities are needed for mastery? What needs re-teaching/further practice? What grouping can result? (small groups, partners, whole class, etc.) TYPES OF PRE-ASSESSMENT Pre-test Graphing for Greatness- self monitoring charts Inventory KWL Checklist Observation Self-evaluation Questioning FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT depicts student’s life as a learner used to make instructional adjustments alerts the teacher about student misconceptions “early warning signal” allows students to build on previous experiences provides regular feedback provides evidence of progress aligns with instructional/curricular outcomes TYPES OF FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Entrance/Exit Slips List two important concepts or ideas from today’s lesson Explain--- How is X different from Y? Explain one idea (concept, skill) you still don’t understand. Define- Quick, informative, helps you to plan your lessons or re-teach. CHECKS FOR UNDERSTANDING Mini Whiteboards for response Thumbs up, down or sideways Active Response systems (clickers) “Try it” – individual- non-graded attempt at showing what they are able to do/what they know. Pre-tests See printed list of others ASSESSMENT RESOURCES Mastery Connect PARCC- NAEP Questions Tool h.aspx?subject=reading EQuIP- (CCS vetted units and reading models Grade 3-12) ON DEMAND CCPS Literacy Wiki B/On_Demand_Training_Materals_%2858_grades%29.html Grades 5-8 from start to finish materials and prompts. PD 360- On Demand Community 3. TRACKING RESULTS Students Keep Track- see forms in packet Quarterly or unit by unit reflection Teacher keeps track • Plus/Minus; scores; grade book (New IC features), Group by high/medium/low Checklists by skill/standard Conferencing Assessment stations Exit Slips How do you keep track of student progress? 4. USING RESULTS Re-teaching Whole Class Small Group • Clarifying misconceptions, mini-lesson(s) • Differentiation • Moving on or scaffolding instruction EXAMPLE Pre-test on grammar- parts of speech Those who scored well- small groups using parts of speech in challenging way (“Jabberwocky”) Those who were not quite there- practice in small groups and/or with partners with quick test out when they feel they are ready. Those who do not know it all- practice in small group, to partner, to individual- teacher small group instruction- short assessments leading to whole assessment. RESOURCES: Achieve the Core Common Corezilla Jefferson County Public School- The Gheens Academy for Curricular Excellence and Instructional Leadership English Companion Ning Corestand RESOURCES AND PPT POSTED AT: http://mscodysclass.wikispace KCTELA2014