Hitler Surrenders

Germany Surrenders
The End of Hitler
By: Luca Franceschetti and
Rudy Szwarc
Battle of Stalingrad 1942-43
Was a decisive and major battle in WW2.
Nazi Germany and the Soviet army fought over the city of Stalingrad in the
southwestern Soviet Union.
It was close-quarters combat and is among one of the bloodiest battles in the
history of warfare with an estimated 2 million casualties.
During the battle as the Russian winter set in the Germans faced cold, starvation
and continuous soviet attack. This lead to Germany’s lose.
After the Battle of Stalingrad, German forces never recovered to their earlier
strength and became a much weaker force.
Soviet Advance 1944
Starting from the summer of 1944 to the winter of 1944-1995 the Soviet
Union recaptured Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania from the German Forces on the
Eastern Front.
The Soviets invaded Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Yugoslavia and eastern
The Soviet army was gaining strength at a rapid pace and the German forces
were growing weaker daily losing large amounts of territory and falling back to
protect their mother country (Germany).
The Total area seized by Germany in WW2
Eastern Front Map 1944
1944 Nearing the end of the war
• During August of 1944 the German empire was facing certain defeat from
enemy forces.
• The Soviet victory at Stalingrad ended Germany’s advance in eastern
• In following months the Soviets drove the Germans out of most of eastern
• Hitler has no intention of surrendering and continued to send troops to
defend Germany.
• German casualties were increasing by the thousands daily.
Hitler Commits Suicide
• Days before his death Hitler continued to command German forces to
guard and protect Berlin, the last remaining Nazi Settlement.
• Hitler and his wife Eva Braun took refuge in the Reich Chancellery bunker
under the center of Berlin.
• After realizing that the war had been lost and his days were numbered
Hitler chooses death instead of capture
• On April 30th , 1945 Hitler committed suicide by shooting himself and his
wife Eva Braun bit a cyanide capsule.
Diary Entries
Victory in Europe (Ve-day)
• On Tuesday, May 8th 1945 it was ‘Victory Day’ (VE)
• Germany was defeated and Europe and North America were celebrating
with the end of Hitler and the second World War.
Work Cited
Walter , White. "World War 2 and Europe. The death of Hitler." The History Place . The
History Place, n.d. Web. 9 Apr 2013.
"Adolf Hitler." Wikipedia. Wikipedia, n.d. Web. 9 Apr 2013.
David , Stewart. "The End: Hitler’s Germany, 1944-45." History Today. History Today, n.d.
Web. 9 Apr 2013. <http://www.historytoday.com/blog/2012/01/end-hitler’s-germany1944-45>.
"Adolf Hitler 20th Century History." About.com. About.com, n.d. Web. 9 Apr 2013.