File - COSEE Florida

Fig. CO7
Ocean currents
Large-scale moving seawater
 Surface ocean currents
 Transfer heat from warmer to cooler areas
 Similar to pattern of major wind belts
 Affect coastal climates
Deep ocean currents
 Provide oxygen to deep sea
Affect marine life
Types of ocean currents
Surface currents
 Wind-driven
 Primarily horizontal
Deep currents
 Driven by differences in
density caused by
differences in
temperature and salinity
 Vertical and horizontal
Measuring surface currents
Direct methods
 Floating device tracked through
Fig. 7.1a
 Fixed current meter
Indirect methods
 Pressure gradients
 Radar altimeters
○ Satellites measuring bulges which
are due to shape of ocean flow
and currents
 Doppler flow meter (Acoustic
Doppler Current Profiler)
○ Measures shift in frequency of
sound waves to determine current
Measuring deep currents
Floating devices tracked through time
 Chemical tracers (radioactive isotopes)
 Tritium
 Chlorofluorocarbons
Characteristic temperature and salinity
 Arrays of bottom monitors and cables
Surface currents
Frictional drag between
wind and ocean
 Wind plus other factors
such as…
Distribution of continents
Coriolis effect cause
Gyres or large circular
loops of moving water
Ocean Gyres
World’s 5 subtropical gyres:
○ North Atlantic Gyre
○ South Atlantic Gyre
○ North Pacific Gyre
○ South Pacific Gyre
○ Indian Ocean Gyre
When talking about location of currents,
we refer to the ocean basin – not the
 For instance, the Gulf Stream is a Western
Boundary current of the North Atlantic
○ Even though it runs along side the eastern US
Ocean gyres
Subtropical gyres
 Center of each is about 30o N or S
Major parts
Equatorial currents flow west
Western Boundary currents flow north or south
Northern or Southern Boundary currents – push water east
Eastern Boundary currents flow north or south
Other surface currents
Equatorial countercurrents flow east, counter to equatorial currents in the subtropical
 As trade winds push equatorial current of subtropical gyre west, water builds
up in western part of ocean basin
 Since coriolis effect is minimal at equator, that build-up of water then flows
east at equator
Subpolar gyres flow eastward
Fig. 7.5
Other factors affecting surface currents
Ekman transport
Geostrophic currents
Western intensification of subtropical gyres
 All of these are connected
Fig. 7.5
Ocean Circulation
Ekman spiral and transport
Surface currents move
at angle to wind
 Ekman spiral describes
speed and direction of
seawater flow at
different depths
 Each successive layer
moves increasingly to
right (N hemisphere)
○ Initial push of water and
then Coriolis effect
comes into play
Ekman spiral and transport
Average movement of seawater under
influence of wind affected by Coriolis effect
 90o to right of wind in Northern hemisphere
 90o to left of wind in Southern hemisphere
Ekman Spiral and Coastal Upwelling/Downwelling
Geostrophic flow
Ekman transport piles
up water within
subtropical gyres
 Surface water flows
downhill (gravity) and
 Also to the right (Coriolis
Balance of downhill and
to the right causes net
geostrophic flow around
the “hill”
Fig. 7.8
Western intensification
Top of hill of water displaced toward west due
to Earth’s rotation
  water piles up on western side of gyre
 Western boundary currents intensified
 Faster
 Narrower
 Deeper
 Warm
Eastern Boundary Currents
Eastern side of ocean basins
 Tend to have the opposite properties of
Western Currents
 Slow
 Wide
 Shallow
 Cold
Ocean currents and climate
Warm ocean currents
warm air at coast
 Creates warm, humid
air on coast
 Humid climate on
adjoining landmass
August temperatures
February temperatures
Cool ocean currents
cool air at coast
 Cool, dry air
 Dry climate on
adjoining landmass
Fig. 7.9
August temperatures
February temperatures
Diverging surface seawater
o winds move surface
seawater away from
geographical equator due
to Coriolis effect
Deeper seawater (cooler,
nutrient-rich) flows up to
replace surface water
o Equatorial Upwelling
o High biological
Fig. 7.10
Converging surface seawater
o surface seawater moves
towards an area
o Surface seawater piles up
Nutrient depleted surface
water moves downward
o Downwelling
o Low biological productivity
Occurs at center of gyres
Fig. 7.11
Coastal upwelling and
Winds blowing down
 Ekman transport moves
surface seawater…
 onshore (downwelling)
 offshore (upwelling)
Fig. 7.12
Upwelling at higher latitudes
 Remember there is no pycnocline at the
○ Therefore, water moving towards the poles
cools and becomes more dense, like all of the
other water at the poles
○ This allows there to be significant vertical
 Very productive waters – this is where large animals
(such as whales) go to feed
Antarctic circulation
Fig. 7.14
Antarctic Circumpolar
Current (West Wind Drift)
 Encircles Earth
 Transports more water
than any other current
East Wind Drift from
polar easterlies
Antarctic Divergence from
opposite directions of
west and east wind drifts
Antarctic Convergence
piles up and sinks below
warmer sub-Antarctic
Atlantic Ocean circulation
North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre
Gulf Stream (GS)
North Atlantic Current
Canary Current (C)
North Equatorial Current (NE)
○ Merges with S. Equatorial current
to form Antilles and Caribbean
currents 
○ Converge to form Florida Current
(F) thru Florida Strait
○ May form Loop current into Gulf of
 Atlantic Equatorial Counter Current
(EC) – between North and South
Equatorial currents
North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre
 Sargasso Sea
○ Center of gyre – eddy
○ Sargassum “weed” accumulates
in convergence
○ Provides habitat for many
marine animals
Fig. 7.16
Atlantic Ocean circulation
Fig. 7.14
South Atlantic
Subtropical Gyre
 South Equatorial
Current (SE)
 Brazil Current (Br)
 Antarctic
Circumpolar Current
 Benguela Current
Gulf Stream
Best studied
Meander is a bend in
current  may pinch off
into a loop
o Warm-core rings form
to north
o Cold-core rings form to
Unique biological
Fig. 7.17b
core ring
Cold core
core ring
Core ring vertical profiles
Warm core ring off
“Loop Current” in the Gulf of Mexico
In 2005, winds of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita increase
as they pass over warm loop current in Gulf of Mexico
Other North Atlantic currents
Labrador Current
 Irminger Current
 Norwegian Current
 North Atlantic Current
Climate effects of North Atlantic currents
Gulf Stream warms East
coast of U.S. and
Northern Europe
 North Atlantic and
Norwegian Currents
warm northwestern
 Labrador Current cools
eastern Canada
 Canary Current cools
North Africa coast
Pacific Ocean circulation
North Pacific
subtropical gyre
North Pacific Current
California Current
North Equatorial
 Alaskan Current
Fig. 7.19
Figure 7.19
Pacific Ocean circulation
South Pacific subtropical
 East Australian Current
 Antarctic Circumpolar
 Peru Current
 South Equatorial Current
 Equatorial Counter Current
Atmospheric and oceanic disturbances in Pacific Ocean – El
Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
Relationship of sea surface temp and high altitude
 Normal conditions
 Air pressure across equatorial Pacific is higher in eastern Pacific
 Strong southeast trade winds
 Pacific warm pool on western side
 Thermocline deeper on western side
 Upwelling off the coast of Peru bring nutrient-rich waters to surface
As, you are looking at these
figures pay attention to
where thermocline is
(remember that raising
thermocline leads to
upwelling which brings
nutrients and oxygen-rich
waters up to surface for
Normal conditions
Fig. 7.20a
El Niño-Southern
Oscillation (ENSO)
 Warm (El Niño)
○ High pressure in eastern
Pacific weakens
○ Weaker trade winds
○ In strong El Nino events, trade
winds can actually reverse
○ Warm pool migrates eastward
○ Thermocline deeper in eastern
○ Downwelling  lowers
biological productivity in East
 Corals particularly sensitive
to warmer seawater
 Fish kills
El Niño and La Niña
El Niño-Southern
Oscillation (ENSO)
 Warm (El Niño)
○ Produces heavy rains and
flooding in equatorial western
South America
○ Droughts in western Pacific
○ Droughts in Indonesia and
Northern Australia
 Cool phase (La Niña)
○ Increased pressure difference across equatorial Pacific –
overshoots return to normal from El Niño
○ Stronger trade winds
○ Stronger upwelling in eastern Pacific
 Shallower thermocline
 Higher biological productivity
 Cooler than normal seawater
○ Higher than normal hurricane season in Atlantic
El Niño-Southern
Oscillation (ENSO)
Cool phase (La Niña)
Fig. 7.20c
ENSO events
El Niño warm phase about every 2 to 10 years
 Highly irregular
 Phases usually last 12 to 18 months
Fig. 7.22
ENSO events
Strong events effect global weather
 1982-83, 1997-98
 Mild events only effect weather in equatorial South Pacific
 2002-2003, 2004-2005, 2006-2007
 Effects of strong event can vary
 Can be drier than normal or wetter than normal
 Can be warmer than normal or cooler
○ Can produce thunderstorms and tornados in midwest
○ Can produce droughts in west
○ Pushes jet stream eastward, pushing Atlantic hurricanes east,
away from U.S.
○ Less hurricanes reach US during El Nino, more during La Nina
Flooding, drought, erosion, fires, tropical storms, harmful effects on
marine life
Examples: coral reef death in Pacific, crop failure in Philippines, increased cyclones in
Pacific, drought in Sri Lanka
Fig. 7.21
“Severe” (1997) and “Mild” (2002) El Nino
Freeze probability lower during La Nina
Freeze probability slightly higher during El Nino
Thermohaline circulation
Caused by density
differences due to
temp and salinity in
different areas
 Below the pycnocline
 90% of all ocean
 Slow velocity
Thermohaline circulation
Bottom water formation
 Movement caused by differences in density (temperature
and salinity)
 Formed by freezing saltwater  dense brine sinks
○ Cooler seawater denser
○ Saltier seawater denser
Thermohaline circulation
Originates in high latitude
surface ocean
Near Greenland & Iceland in
North Atlantic
Weddell Sea  Antarctic Bottom
Water (coldest)
Forms densest oceanic water 
flows on bottom
Moves north in all three ocean
 Once surface water sinks (high
density) it changes little
 Deep-water masses identified on T-S
Thermohaline circulation
Fig. 7.26
Thermohaline circulation
Selected deep-water masses
 Antarctic Bottom Water
 North Atlantic Deep Water
 Antarctic Intermediate Water
 Oceanic Common Water
Cold surface seawater sinks at polar regions
and moves equatorward
Conveyor-belt circulation
Combination deep ocean currents and surface
Fig. 7.27
Ocean Circulation
Deep ocean currents
Cold, oxygen-rich surface water to deep ocean
Dissolved O2 important for life and mineral processes
Deep ocean currents do bring water across the equator
Changes in thermohaline circulation can cause global
climate change
 Example: warmer surface waters with increased
melting of ice caps  less dense surface waters
○ Bottom water will not form and sink  Gulfstream
may be altered  long-term cooling, particularly in
northern Europe
○ less oxygen deep ocean
Earth events taking place within the
global environment are not
interconnected, such as El Nino is not
important to people living in the
 Humans are the only cause of global
 The greenhouse effect will cause all
living things to die.
Ocean Literacy Principles
1c - Throughout the ocean there is one interconnected circulation system powered by wind, tides, the
force of the Earth’s rotation (Coriolis effect), the Sun, and water density differences. The shape of
ocean basins and adjacent land masses influence the path of circulation.
1d - Sea level is the average height of the ocean relative to the land, taking into account the
differences caused by tides. Sea level changes as plate tectonics cause the volume of ocean basins
and the height of the land to change. It changes as ice caps on land melt or grow. It also changes as
sea water expands and contracts when ocean water warms and cools.
3a - The ocean controls weather and climate by dominating the Earth’s energy, water and carbon
3b - The ocean absorbs much of the solar radiation reaching Earth. The ocean loses heat by
evaporation. This heat loss drives atmospheric circulation when, after it is released into the
atmosphere as water vapor, it condenses and forms rain. Condensation of water evaporated from
warm seas provides the energy for hurricanes and cyclones.
3c - The El Niño Southern Oscillation causes important changes in global weather patterns because it
changes the way heat is released to the atmosphere in the Pacific.
3d - Most rain that falls on land originally evaporated from the tropical ocean.
3f - The ocean has had, and will continue to have, a significant influence on climate change by
absorbing, storing, and moving heat, carbon and water.
3g - Changes in the ocean’s circulation have produced large, abrupt changes in climate during the last
50,000 years.
Sunshine State Standards
Classify and compare substances on the basis of characteristic physical
properties that can be demonstrated or measured; for example, density, thermal or electrical
conductivity, solubility, magnetic properties, melting and boiling points, and know that these properties
are independent of the amount of the sample.
Analyze the causes of the various kinds of surface and deep water motion within
the oceans and their impacts on the transfer of energy between the poles and the equator.
Describe heat as the energy transferred by convection, conduction, and
radiation, and explain the connection of heat to change in temperature or states of matter