Chapter # 4 Cost accounting Cost concept uses and classification (to find out total cost and classification cost) For find out the 1. 2. 3. 4. P.C = (Prime cost) T.C = (Total cost) M.C = (MFG cost) C.G.S = (Cost of goods sold) We use different formulas. Question # 1: Bid calculation the shipper company is to submit a bid on the production of (10,000af) unit it is estimated that the cost of material will be (7500af) & D. labor cost is (10100af) F.O.H is to be applied at Rate of (5af) per Direct labor House in the {Molding Department} and F.O.H is to be applied at (120%) of D. labor in the {Finishing Department} it is estimated that (800af) House will be on {Molding Department} and (4300af) of D. labor cost will be on {Finishing Department} the company wishes a bid price consisting charge of (40%) Mark up total production cost. Requirement: 1. 2. 3. 4. Total cost? Prime cost? Conversion cost? Bid price? Prepared by Eraj afshar REQ 1: for finding out the Total cost we need for (D. labor/D. material/ F.O.H cost) in question we have the D. labor and D. material cost so we need to find the F.O.H cost. In this question we have two departments {Molding Department} and {Finishing Department} so we have to find out the both departments F.O.H costs then we plus them. Then we have the real F.O.H cost. 4300 × 120 ÷100 = (5160af finishing department) 800 × 5 = (4000af Molding department) NOTE: Now we can find out the total cost because we have the (F.O.H , D. labor, D. material costs) D. material cost = (7500af) D. labor cost = (10100af) F.O.H cost = M= (4000af) F = (5160af) TOTAL COST = (26760af) REQ 2: for finding out the Prime cost we use a formula. (P. cost = D.M + D.L) NOTE: Combinations of D. labor and D. material is equal to prime cost. D. material = (7500af) D. labor = (10100af) Prime cost = (17600af) Prepared by Eraj afshar REQ 3: Conversion cost for finding out the conversion cost we use a formula which is. {Conversion cost = D. labor + F.O.H cost} NOTE: Conversion cost is the combination of (D. labor + F.O.H cost) D. labor cost = (10100af) F.O.H cost = (9160af) Conversion cost =(19260af) REQ 4: Bid price for finding out this we need for two things (total cost + Mark up) so we have the Total cost but we have to finding out the Mark up(bank charges) so we use a formula for this. {Mark up = Total cost × percentage of charges ÷ 100} {Mark up = 26760 × 40 ÷ 100 = 10704af} NOTE: now we can find out the Bid price because we have both the total cost and Mark up so we plus them. Total cost = (26760af) Mark up = (10704af) Bid price = (37464af) Question # 2: The Florida company has the following inventory on October 1, material = (24000af) W.I.P = (12000af) F. goods = (36000af) During the month material purchases = (56000af) D. labor cost = (40,000af) at the Rate of (6.40af) per house, MKT and Admin Expenses (10%) of sells October 31, inventory material = (20,000af) W.I.P = (8000af) and F. goods = (40,000af) net sells for October (200,000af) F.O.H is applied on the basis of (8af) per Direct labor House. Prepared by Eraj afshar Requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Prime cost? Conversion cost? Cost of goods MFG? C.G.S? Net income? REQ 1: prime cost = (D. labor + D. material) C.G.S format: Opening R. material Add purchases 56000 80,000 Material Available Less ending R. material 20,000 20,000 60,000 Material consume Add D. labor cost 24000 56000 40,000 40,000 100,000 Prime cost this is requirement 1 REQ 2: Conversion cost = (D. labor + F.O.H cost) NOTE: in her we have the D. labor but we have to find out the F.O.H cost for finding out F.O.H cost we use a formula. D. labor cost ÷ Rate of per house = total F.O.H 40,000 ÷ 6.40 = 6250af Prepared by Eraj afshar For finding out the actual F.O.H cost we use (total F.O.H cost × per D. labor house) F.O.H cost = 6250 × 8 = (50,000af) Conversion cost = D. labor cost = (40,000af) F.O.H cost = (50,000af) Conversion or factory cost = (90,000af) REQ 3: C.G.S format Material consumed Add D. labor cost Prime cost 40,000 Add F.O.H cost 50,000 60,000 40,000 100,000 50,000 150,000 Total factory cost or conversion cost Add opening W.I.P Cost of work put in to process Less ending W.I.P 12000 8000 12000 162000 8000 154000 COST OF GOODS MFG THIS IS REQUIREMENT # 3 REQ 4: We have to find out the C.G.S Add opening F. goods 36000 Cost of goods available for sells Less ending F. goods 190,000 40,000 40,000 150,000 This is our C.G.S Prepared by Eraj afshar REQ 5: NET INCOME SELLS Less C.G.S 150,000 G. profit Less MKT and Admin Expenses 200,000 150,000 50,000 20,000 NET INCOME 20,000 30,000 NOTE: to finding out the admin and MKT expenses we (sells × percentage ÷ 100) 200,000 × 10 ÷ 100 = (20,000 admin and MKT EXP) Question # 4: Smith incorporation submits the following data. Material put in to process (material requisition or issue) (42300af) Direct labor is paid at the Rate of (7.80af) and (8.40af) per house in Department (A) and Department (B) Department (A) work (6125af) and Department (B) work (9875af) F.O.H applied at the Rate of (5af) per house in Department (A) and (4.20) per house in Department (B) Inventory for the year: Opening ending R. material 15000af 19200af W.I.P 17300af 19425af F. goods 11300af 9400af Prepared by Eraj afshar Requirement: With the help of T_ account find the C.G.S? Answer: Material Dr Cr Opening inventory (15000af) Ending inventory (19200af) M/B (46500af) Material = (42300af) 61500af 61500af W.I.P Dr Cr Opening (17300af) Ending (19425af) Material (42300af) Cost of goods MFG (243000af) D. labor (130725af) Dr Prepared by Eraj afshar F.O.H (72100af) C/B 262425af 262425af F. goods Cr Beginning (11300af) Ending (9400af) F. goods (243000af) C/B (244900af) (254300af) (254300af) Question # 5: Steinhardt incorporation sold (50) air condition of (200af) each material cost include (50af) per-unit D. labor cost include (30af) per-unit F.O.H at (100%) of D. labor cost {Interest expenses on (8%) of bank loan} we exclusion this line because of requirement we don’t need it. Effective July(1) material cost will Decreases (5%) and D. labor cost will increases (20%). Requirement: 1. Gross Profit per-unit? 2. Gross Profit per-unit Assuming that (10%) F.O.H cost is fixed and Remaining is variable? REQ 1: Income statement Sells price Less C.G.S Material D. labor F.O.H cost Prepared by Eraj afshar 200 (50) (30) (30) (The D. labor, D. material and F.O.H cost are include in C.G.S) 110 110 (90) Gross Profit per-unit REQ 2: Material = (50) = 50 × 5 ÷ 100 = (2.5) 50 – 2.5 = (47.5) D. labor = (30) = 30 × 20 ÷ 100 = (6) 30 + 6 = (36) F.O.H = (30) = 30 × 20 ÷ 100 = (6) 30 + 6 = (36) Fixed = 10 , variable = 26 Income statement: Sells price Less C.G.S D. material D. labor F.O.H Fixed cost Variable cost 200 (47.5) (36) (10) (26) 119.5 G.P.P.U Prepared by Eraj afshar 119.5 80.5 . Prepared by Eraj afshar