Evidence based practice Evidence based practice Clinical Epidemiology The roots of EBP are in Epidemiology. Use of studies to evaluate populations, treatments, testing, and therapies. Looking for outcomes, diagnosis and prognosis information that can be used in patient care. What studies can do this? Experimental Observational The type of study used, depends upon the information being sought. Experimental or Observational? Were exposures assigned by investigators? Once this happens the study becomes experimental. If a natural course of the disease is being followed without interference by the investigator, the study is observational. Which type of study is the best? Experimental are useful for clinical knowledge in treatment choices such as as what type of treatment, what dose, how long to treat. Observational studies lead to knowledge of the disease such as to the etiology and risk factors. Who gets the disease? What are the risks for morbidity and mortality? Experimental Studies 1. Non Randomized trial: subjects are knowingly assigned to the control or trial group. This can lead to bias in the findings as assignments are made. 2. Randomized trial: The subjects are assigned to groups in a masked/blinded fashion: be it single, double blind or triple blind. This leads to less bias in the findings. Not appropriate with toxic or carcinogenic agents, it would be unethical to assign a known carcinogen as treatment. Randomized Clinical Trial Study Population Randomly Assigned Current New Treatment Treatment Do not Improve Do not improve Improve Improve Use of Randomized trials New drugs Non medication treatments of disease New technology Screening programs New ways of organizing care New delivery services Randomized clinical trials are more for patient care as compared to Randomized trials which may gather non clinical information. Selection of subjects in a random study Should be well documented in writing and direction so others may follow in the future. No element of subjective decision making on the part of the investigator as to whom is included or not. We want to trust the results and be able to repeat them. Masking or Blinding Once subjects are assigned they should not know which group they are being assigned to. Placebos may be used to help mask. The observers or data collectors should not know which group a patient is in or the subject. “Double blinding”. In a triple blinding; subject, data collectors and data analyzers do not know who is in which group. Crossover Planned crossover: after being on treatment for a while, the patient is crossed over to the other therapy and observed with it. Each patient acts as their own control. Carryover from previous therapy must be accounted for. (prostaglandin use in glaucoma) Also patient enthusiasm may be better for first treatment. Unplanned crossover: subjects change treatment during study by subject choice or clinician. Generalizing the results of the study to the general population Internal validity: study was properly done without major methodologic problems. The study size was good, comparison groups were valid. Findings are valid. External validity: the new therapy is better for the disease treatment regardless of where the patients are treated, not just for the study group. It can be generalized to the entire population. Publication bias Not all results of clinical studies are published Erroneous conclusions may be drawn if only one side is published. Dramatic results are more likely to be published. Funding may affect what is published. All clinical trials of medical interventions must be registered in a public trial registry before any participants are enrolled. Types of Observational Studies Are groups set up and chosen to be observed? Yes…..this becomes an analytical study as now comparisons are being made between the two groups. No……this becomes a descriptive study and usually is used to develop hypothesis for future studies. Types of observational study designs Cohort study: analytical study Case-control study: analytical study Cross-sectional study: analytical study Case study: descriptive study Analytical Observational Studies The direction of the study determines the type of study: 1. 2. 3. If you first look for exposure, and then check the outcome: Cohort Study. This is good to find causal relationships. If you first look at the outcome and then go back and check for exposure, this is a Case Control study and is good for studying rare diseases. If you look at the exposure and the outcome at the same time, this is a Cross-Sectional study and you can identify prevalence with it. Cohort study A group of exposed individuals and a group of nonexposed individuals are identified and followed up on to compare the incidence or rate of death from disease in the two groups. If a positive association exists between the exposure and the disease, the proportion of the exposed in whom the disease develops should be greater than in the nonexposed group. Great for finding the cause of a disease. Cohort compared to Randomized Studies Both studies compared exposed and non exposed groups. Studies with harmful exposures can not be randomized such as carcinogens, so cohorts can be used ethically. Lifestyle choices lead to some people having desired exposure for study. When not performing a randomized study questions are often left unanswered. Are other factors besides the tested exposure leading to conclusions? Cohort Studies Defined Population Nonrandomized Exposed Disease No disease Not Exposed Disease No disease Prospective Cohort Study Also called concurrent cohort or longitudinal study. A defined population is chosen and then followed over time. First seeing who develops the disease and then what course the disease takes. This type of study takes many years. Exposure and nonexposure are found as they occur during the study. Retrospective Cohort Study Also called historical cohort study or nonconcurrent prospective study. Use past data and histories to establish data. Exposed and nonexposed cases are still compared, less time is needed. Exposure is ascertained from past records and outcome is known when the study begins from existing records. Case-Control Studies Comparison is an essential component of epidemiologic investigation, casecontrol study design uses comparison. Diseased and healthy are compared. Case studies do not. Design of Case-Control Study Cases Have the disease Were Were not exposed exposed Controls Do not have the Disease Were Were not exposed exposed Sometimes a Case-Control study is called a backward Cohort as in cohort the exposure is first identified and then the disease. Case-Control first identifies the presence of disease and then the exposure. What case-control is not This is not a measurement of prevalence. The number of controls is chosen by the investigator and does not reflect the prevalence of the disease in the population. It is not a cohort test as the study begins with people with the disease and compares them to people without the disease. Cohort studies work with exposed and non exposed people and follows them for development of disease over time. Case-control studies are valuable when disease is rare. Cases may be easy to locate from established records. Case-control studies are usually faster than cohort studies. When to use case-control studies First step when searching for cause of an adverse health outcome. Compare people with disease and people without the disease. Figure out which exposure or characteristic is causing the disease. Once the relationship is documented, then a more expensive cohort study may be done to explore if exposure is linked to the disease. Cross-sectional studies The characteristics of a population are studied at one time point, this study can be used to document prevalence. Exposures, disease and outcomes can all be studied. Useful for determining health care needs. Archie Cochrane, MD Archie Cochrane MD, Epidemiologist from Scotland In 1972 published: ”Effectiveness and Efficiency” bringing attention to the bad effects in health care from lack of available evidence. “It is surely a great criticism of our profession that we have not organized a critical summary, by specialty or subspecialty, adapted periodically, of all relevant randomized controlled trials” An international systematic review of clinical trials by specialty was his proposal for improving health care. In the 1980s, Iain Chalmers set about starting the pilot of Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth, the first area of clinical practice reviewing RCT’s. This review exposed gaps in care between research and clinical practice. This led to belief in the benefits of evidence based practice. Corticosteroid treatment reduced the odds of babies dying from complications of immaturity by 30 to 50%. But due to lack of the information getting to the doctors, thousands died because the 1972 study was not well known. It took 17 years to spread the knowledge. Meta-analysis of these studies helped the use of steroids become a standard. The Cochrane Collaboration http:// www.cochrane.org The success of “Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth” led to an international collaboration being established. The UK National Health Service established the Cochrane Center in Oxford. This center publishes systematic reviews of RCT’s electronically in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Many countries can access this for free. In the USA, we can get the abstracts for free. Clinical Decision Making What test is the best to explore the condition the patient presents with? Which treatment would be the most effective? What diagnosis is indicated? The practitioner’s knowledge base, skills, attitudes, resources, patient’s expectations and concerns all feed into the decision. Increasing Clinical Knowledge, through evidence based methods. A definition from David Sackett, McMaster University, Ontario , Canada: Evidence Based Medicine: integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research to achieve the best possible patient management. Dave Sackett 1990: Sackett’s “Just in Time” learning An EBM Approach to Education Evidence cart on ward rounds - 1995 Looked up 2-3 questions per patient Took 15-90 seconds to find 1/3 changed treatment Rounds took longer! Evidence Based Medicine or Evidence Based Practice Using the term Evidence Based Practice is more inclusive of different areas of health care practice. The term practice encompasses more than just physiological, anatomical or biochemical processes found in medicine. Practices covers outcomes of clinical activities that are greater than just medicine. Using Evidence Based Practice Acknowledge that there are uncertainties in clinical knowledge. Both in self knowledge and in changes to knowledge from new findings. 2. Use research information to reduce uncertainties. 3. Know which information found is strong and which is weak. 4. Determine probabilities of uncertainties. 1. New clinical skills in using EBP 1. Efficient literature searching. 2. Application of formal rules of evidence in evaluating the clinical literature. What skills are you currently using to answer clinical questions? Attending seminars and conferences Reading journals Information from pharmaceutical representatives Textbooks Published clinical guidelines Electronic searching Small group learning Talking to other colleagues What is the average number of clinical questions? Physicians report 2 questions for every 3 patients. Observation shows usually 5 questions for each patient. Only 30% of questions were answered, usually by asking a colleague. Textbooks were thought to be too old, lack of time to find answers, and lack of knowledge of where to look were given as reasons for not finding answers. Back to the cart David Sackett in 1998, with his evidence cart reported that with 71 information searches to answer clinical questions, 52% confirmed the management decision, 25% led to a new therapy or treatment plan, 23% corrected a previous plan. S. Crowley in 2003, with CAR study showed that 520 clinical questions when the answers were sought in medical literature 53% confirmed the patient management, 47% the medication, diagnostic, or prognostic information was changed. The Study Data of 145 cases and clinical decisions 31 could be supported by a randomized controlled trial. 65 were supported by a head to head trial (not a placebo-controlled trial). 23 were supported by case-control or cohort studies. 4 were supported by case series reports. 22 could not be supported by a literature study. Optometric Application of EBP “Whither Goes Evidence-Based Optometry” In the April 2009 issue of Optometry and Vision Science, Editor Anthony Adams makes his case for the use of Evidence Based Optometry to find the best research and utilize the research to diagnose and provide therapy. What happens when there is no evidence? Behavior Optometry: from Wikipedia Is an expanded area of optometric practice that claims to use a “holistic” approach to the treatment of vision and vision information processing problems. The practice of behavior optometry incorporates various vision therapy methods and has been characterized a a complementary alternative medicine practice. A review in 2000 concluded that there were insufficient controlled studies of the approach and a 2008 review concluded that “ a large majority of behavioural management approaches are not evidence-based, and thus cannot be advocated.” from 2008 review by: Brendan Barrett, “ a critical evaluation of the evidence supporting the practice of behavioural vision therapy” Ophthalmic and Physiologic Optics 29 Oklahoma Academy Fall meeting Dr. Susan Crotty speaking on Evidence Based prescribing for children and treatment of amblyopia. NIH funded research on treatment options for amblyopia AOA Plans are in place to change Clinical Guidelines to an Evidence Based Web site much like the ADA page. This will have all clinical guidelines in EB form, hopefully in 2 years. New questions will be constantly researched Eventually the practitioner may post their own questions for research. It all begins with a question. Steps to EBP Formulate Clinical Questions Search for Evidence Appraisal of research Apply to clinical problem Step 1 Formulate an answerable clinical question Structure of researchable questions – PICO Population/Patients Intervention Comparison Outcome Patients/Population Identify the patient /population characteristics that will affect your question. Intervention Is there a treatment/therapy you are considering or want to know more about? Comparison Do you want a comparison between two therapies? Outcome Are you or the patient wanting to know the outcome of the disease or the treatment options? PICO: This question structure represents epidemiological study design Patient or Population Intervention or comparison outcome Type of questions asked will lead to the type of study that will answer the question. Diagnosis How to select and interpret diagnostic tests. Therapy How to select treatments to offer patients that do more good than harm and that are worth the efforts and costs of using them. Prognosis How to estimate the patient’s clinical course and complications. Harm/Etiology How to identify causes for disease. Meta-Analysis Systematic Review Randomized Controlled Trial Evidence pyramid Cohort Studies Case Control Studies Case Series/ Case Reports Animal Research/ Laboratory Studies Evidence Pyramid Information usually starts with an idea or laboratory research. The ideas turn into drugs or tools that are tested in labs, in animals, and finally in humans. The human testing may go to clinical trials. As you move up the pyramid the amount of available literature decreases, but increases in its relevance to the clinical setting. New Terms from EBP Meta-analysis: examines a number of valid studies on a topic and combines the results using accepted statistical methodology as if they were from one large study. This not only uses information from RCTs, but also appraises their validity. Systematic Reviews: focus on clinical topic and answer a specific question. An extensive literature search is conducted to identify all studies with sound methodology. The studies are reviewed, assessed and results summarized. The Cochrane Collaboration has done many studies for systematic review topics and includes 144 on vision and eye. When meta-analysis or systemic review is done, the value of the information increases. Type of question asked leads to study design with best answer. Type of question Best type of study Therapy RCT>Cohort>Case Control>Case series Diagnosis Prospective cohort, blind comparison to a gold standard Risk factors Cohort>Case Control>Case series Prognosis Cohort>Case Control>Case series Prevention RCT>Cohort>Case Control>Case series Clinical Exam Prospective cohort, blind comparison to a gold standard Cost Economic analysis What are your clinical questions? Your 59 year old black patient is concerned that he might have glaucoma. His older sister had glaucoma and went blind. Your patient wants to know: Could he have glaucoma and will he go blind like his sister? Types of questions: glaucoma What are the risk factors for glaucoma? Etiology question. Answer found in: Cohort Study Will I go blind? Prognosis question. Answer found in Prospective Cohort Study How should this patient be treated? Eye drops, laser, surgery? Intervention question. Answer found in Randomised Trial You asked a question, now step 2. Searching: how to find good answers? Should I ask a colleague? 12 occupational therapy questions E.g., Is a 38-year old sewage worker subject to a higher risk of contracting Hepatitis A as a result of occupational exposure? (No) Obtain advice from 2 professionals on 3 cases each. 37% wrong answers 17% wrong if based on literature 65% wrong if not Searching made easy 3. You found some answers are they valid? Rapid Critical Appraisal It’s peer-reviewed, therefore it must be OK? Step 3: Appraise the evidence Did you find good quality studies? Two steps. Did you ask good questions? PICO Was the research valid? RAMMbo What makes a good study? Lack of Bias and confounding Internal validity in the design, randomization, blinding, accuracy in testing and reporting. External validity in translating to the real world. Is there internal validity? Was the assignment of patients to treatment randomized. Were all the patients who entered the trial properly accounted for at its conclusion? Good follow-up? Were patients analyzed in groups to which they were assigned? Were patients, clinicians and study personnel blinded? Were the groups similar at the start of the trial? Were the groups treated equally? What are the results? Were results correctly analyzed and do you understand the results? Is there external validity? Do the results apply to your patient and the population they represent? Check population characteristics such as: age, sex. RAMMbo : Critical Appraisal Technique R: Recruitment were the subjects representative of the population? A: Was the treatment allocation concealed before randomization and were the groups comparable at the start of the trial? M: Was the comparable status of the study groups maintained through equal management and adequate follow up? M: Measurement, were the outcomes measured with: bo: blinded subjects and assessors and/or objective outcomes? The components of RAMMbo should match up with the components of PICO. Appraisal of Tests: RAMMbo was the evaluation fair? Population Index test Outcome Measures (Gold Standard) Maintained? Outcome Measures Representation? (Gold Standard) Comparator Test Blinded or Objective? Step 4: Applying to the individual What do the results mean on average? What do they mean for this individual? What are the alternatives to EBM? A dilemma You are very ill … Which doctor do you want? William Osler, 1900 Smart young doctor Life long learning The hardest conviction to get into the mind of a beginner is that the education upon which he is engaged is not … a medical course, but a life course, for which the work of a few years under teachers is but a preparation. Sir William Osler (1849-1919), from: The Student of Medicine What is evidence-based medicine? Evidence-based medicine is the integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values” - Dave Sackett Patient Concerns EBM Best research Clinical Expertise evidence Pros and cons of EBP EBP is a new name for an old practice. Literature has always guided clinical care. EBP uses processes and filters so that the decisions are made on strong evidence EBP is cook book. Decisions are solely made on evidence, down playing sound clinical judgment. The use of evidence is one part of the process. Decisions are blended with individual clinical expertise, patient preference, and good evidence. EBP is mindless application of population information to the treatment of one person. The last step in EBP is to decide whether or not the information and results apply to the patient. Often there is not RCT or gold standard to address the clinical question Use the evidence pyramid and look for the next best level of evidence. Sometimes there is no evidence. There can be difficulty in getting access to the evidence and in conducting effective searches to identify the best evidence. Librarians can help identify the best resources and teach clinicians effective searching skills When can evidence based practice hurt the patient? Poorly formed questions can lead to misdirection. Wrong diagnosis or questions researched, more clinical knowledge needed. Lack of explaining treatment, therapy to patient. Poor communication to patient. Rigidity in use of one arm of EBP. Use by insurers or providers in preventing care. Where can you start? Librarian Martin will review sources. At Hasting Hospital: Up-to-date. Use Resource tab and scroll down to up to date link.