37 B.C.
6/5 B.C.
5/4 B.C.
4 B.C.
4/3 B.C.
A.D. 6
Herod the Great begins to rule
Jesus is born
Escape to Egypt
Herod the Great dies
Return to Nazareth
Judea becomes a Roman province
Jesus visits Temple as a boy
Tiberius Caesar becomes emperor
John’s ministry begins
Jesus begins his ministry
Jesus chooses twelve disciples
Jesus feeds 5,000
Jesus is crucified, rises again, and ascends
To Whom
Date Written:
Key Verse:
Key People:
Key Places:
To present the person, work, and teachings of Jesus
John Mark. He was not one of the 12 disciples, but he accompanied Paul on his first
missionary journey (Acts 13:13).
The Christians in Rome, where he wrote the Gospel
Between A.D. 55 and 65
The Roman Empire under Tiberius Caesar. The empire, with its common language
and excellent transportation and communication systems, was ripe to hear Jesus’
message, which spread quickly from nation to nation.
“For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give
his life a ransom for many.” (10:45).
Jesus, the 12 disciples, Pilate, the Jewish religious leaders
Capernaum, Nazareth, Caesarea Philippi, Jericho, Bethany, Mount of Olives,
Jerusalem, Golgotha
Mark was probably the first Gospel written. The other Gospels quote all but 31
verses of Mark. Mark records more miracles than does any other Gospel.
We’re number one! … The greatest, strongest, prettiest … champions! Daily such proclamations boldly
assert claims of supremacy. Everyone wants to be associated with a winner. Losers are those who finish
less than first. In direct contrast are the words of Jesus: “But Jesus called them to him, and saith unto them,
Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and their great
ones exercise authority upon them. But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you,
shall be your minister: And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. For even the Son of
man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.” (10:42-45).
Jesus is the greatest—God incarnate, our Messiah—but he entered history as a servant.
This is the message of Mark. Written to encourage Roman Christians and to prove beyond a doubt
that Jesus is the Messiah, Mark presents a rapid succession of vivid pictures of Jesus in action—his true
identity revealed by what he does, not necessarily by what he says. It is Jesus on the move.
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Omitting the birth of Jesus, Mark begins with John the Baptist’s preaching. Then, moving quickly past
Jesus’ baptism, temptation in the wilderness, and call of the disciples, Mark takes us directly into Jesus’
public ministry. We see Jesus confronting a demon, healing a man with leprosy, and forgiving and healing
the paralyzed man lowered into Jesus’ presence by friends.
Next, Jesus calls Matthew (Levi) and has dinner with him and his questionable associates. This
initiates the conflict with the Pharisees and other religious leaders, who condemn Jesus for eating with
sinners and breaking the Sabbath.
In chapter 4, Mark pauses to give a sample of Jesus’ teaching—the parable of the farmer and the
illustration of the mustard seed—and then plunges back into the action. Jesus calms the waves, drives out
demons, and heals Jairus’s daughter.
After returning to Nazareth for a few days and experiencing rejection in his hometown, Jesus
commissions the disciples to spread the Good News everywhere. Opposition from Herod and the
Pharisees increases, and John the Baptist is beheaded. But Jesus continues to move, feeding 5,000,
reaching out to the woman from Syrian Phoenicia, healing the deaf man, and feeding 4,000.
Finally, it is time to reveal his true identity to the disciples. Do they really know who Jesus is? Peter
proclaims him Messiah but then promptly shows that he does not understand Jesus’ mission. After the
Transfiguration, Jesus continues to teach and heal, confronting the Pharisees about divorce and the rich
young man about eternal life. Blind Bartimaeus is healed.
Events move rapidly toward a climax. The Last Supper, the betrayal, the Crucifixion, and the
Resurrection are dramatically portrayed, along with more examples of Jesus’ teachings. Mark shows us
Jesus—moving, serving, sacrificing, and saving! As you read Mark, be ready for action, be open for God’s
move in your life, and be challenged to move into your world to serve.
Jesus did not arrive unannounced or unexpected. The Old Testament
prophets had clearly predicted the coming of a great one, sent by
God himself, who would offer salvation and eternal peace to Israel
and the entire world. Then came John the Baptist, who announced
that the long-awaited Messiah had finally come and would soon be
among the people. In God’s work in the world today, Jesus does not
come unannounced or unexpected. Yet many still reject him. We
have the witness of the Bible, but some choose to ignore it, just as
many ignored John the Baptist in his day.
B. MESSAGE AND MINISTRY OF JESUS, Jesus had all the power of almighty God: He raised the dead, gave
THE SERVANT (1:14–13:37)
sight to the blind, restored deformed bodies, and quieted stormy
1. Jesus’ ministry in Galilee
seas. But with all this power, Jesus came to mankind as a servant.
2. Jesus’ ministry beyond
We can use his life as a pattern for how to live today. As Jesus
served God and others, so should we.
3. Jesus’ ministry in Jerusalem
C. DEATH AND RESURRECTION OF Jesus came as a servant, so many did not recognize or acknowledge
him as the Messiah. We must be careful that we also don’t reject
God or his will because he doesn’t quite fit our image of what God
should be.
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Jesus Christ
the Gospel
Jesus Christ alone is the Son of
God. He is God manifested in
the flesh. In Mark, Jesus
demonstrates his divinity by
overcoming disease, demons,
and death. Although he had
the power to be king of the
earth, Jesus chose to obey the
Father and die for us.
As the Messiah, Jesus fulfilled
the prophecies of the Old
Testament by coming to
earth. He did not come as a
conquering king; he came as a
servant. He helped people by
telling them about God and
healing them. Even more, by
giving his life as a sacrifice for
sin, he performed the
ultimate act of service.
Mark records more of Jesus’
miracles than sermons. Jesus
is clearly a man of power and
action, not just words. Jesus
did miracles to convince the
people who he was and to
confirm to the disciples his
true identity—God.
Jesus directed his public
ministry to the Jews first.
When the Jewish leaders
opposed him, Jesus also went
to the non-Jewish world,
healing and preaching.
Roman soldiers, Syrians, and
other Gentiles heard the Good
News. Many believed and
followed him. Jesus’ final
message to his disciples
challenged them to go into all
the world and preach the
gospel of salvation.
When Jesus rose from the dead, he proved that he was
God, that he could forgive sin, and that he has the
power to change our lives. By trusting in him for
forgiveness, we can begin a new life with him as our
Because of Jesus’ example, we should be willing to serve
God and others. Real greatness in Christ’s kingdom is
shown by service and sacrifice. Ambition or love of
power or position should not be our motive; instead,
we should do God’s work because we love him.
The more convinced we become that Jesus is God, the
more we will see his power and his love. His mighty
works show us he is able to save anyone regardless of
his or her past. His miracles of forgiveness bring
healing, wholeness, and changed lives to those who
trust him.
Jesus crossed national, racial, and economic barriers to
spread his Good News. Jesus’ message of faith and
forgiveness is for the whole world—not just our
church, neighborhood, or nation. We must reach out
beyond our own people and needs to fulfill the
worldwide vision of Jesus Christ so that people
everywhere may hear this great message and be saved
from sin and death.
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