i-Plan to Utilize My Learning Style

i-Plan to Use My
Learning Style
To understand and use personal learning
styles to make learning easier and
memory long term
i-Plan to Use My Learning Style
While all the senses are used for learning,
everyone has a dominant learning style or
preference for gaining information.
Learning is easier if the student can access
his or her dominant style.
Since this is not always possible, it is
beneficial to develop non-dominant styles.
i-Plan to Use My Learning Style
The Learning Style Inventory will
help you determine:
1) how you learn best
2) the best study time for you.
i-Plan to Use My Learning Style
Find out if you should study
in the am or the pm
Find out if you learn best by:
Doing - a tactile or kinesthetic learner
Seeing - a visual learner
Hearing- an auditory learner
i-Plan to Use My Learning Style
A Visual Learner;
Thinks in pictures
Remembers events as illustrations
Learns from using maps, charts, graphs, photos,
and drawings
Understands better after seeing a video or role play
Learns from note taking
“Think Visual for Residual”
i-Plan to Use My Learning Style
A Visual Learner Should:
 Take notes with added pictures, etc.
 Outline
 Create organizers, maps, charts,
drawings, illustrations as they listen
 Use graphic organizers
 Sit up front to avoid distractions
 Add personal symbols to your notes
i-Plan to Use My Learning Style
Auditory Learners:
Learn from discussions
Like when people talk with them
Like lectures
Listen to the radio
Talk though the information
Listen well to viewpoints of others
i-Plan to Use My Learning Style
Kinesthetic Learners:
Like hands-on experiences
Do well in lab classes
Like projects
Learn from field trips
Learn from project-based activities
Learn from exploratory activities
i-Plan to Use My Learning Style
Kinesthetic Learners Should:
 Move around whenever possible (ex. walk around
while studying flashcards)
 Cut out representations of concepts
 Participate in projects whenever possible
 Put learning to the beat of music whenever
 Act out a situation
 Place note cards around the room and study
concepts at each separate location
i-Plan to Use My Learning Style
Train both sides of your brain:
Left side = logical Right side = creative
Alternate the ear you use to answer phone or the
hand you use to brush your teeth
If you are not a visual learner, watch the Nova or
Discovery Channel to strengthen that trait
i-Plan to Use My Learning Style
I will study “smart”.
I will use my personal learning style to my
advantage in studying.
I will use my prime time for learning to my
advantage in studying.
I will look for ways to develop the non-dominant
side of the brain.
i-Plan to Use
My Learning Style