Touching Spirit Bear Chapter 1

Touching Spirit Bear
Chapters 1-5
Name: _____________________
English 10-2
Reading Comprehension
/20 Marks)
Answer the following questions. You may use your book to help you find the answers.
1. What crime did Cole commit (be specific)? Why did he commit this crime? (2)
2. What is the nickname that Garvey gives to Cole? (1)
3. What does Garvey give to Cole before he leaves the island? Why is the significant? (2)
4. Briefly describe what you know about Circle Justice. (2)
5. What does Cole make to attack the Spirit Bear? (1)
6. What is it about the Spirit Bear that makes Cole so angry? (1)
7. Describe the injuries Cole sustains after the attack of the Spirit Bear. (2)
8. What does Cole watch while he is lying on the ground after he has been mauled? (1)
9. Cole finally realizes that he isn’t in control of everything. What makes him realize this?
(Hint: think mother nature) (1)
10. We see Cole concerned for something. What is he concerned for and why is he concerned?
What does this say about Cole? (3)
11. What very important decision does Cole make? (1)
12. We see a major change in Cole after he touches the Spirit Bear. Describe this change. (2)
13. Why doesn’t Cole show Garvey the Spirit Bear’s fur? (1)
Figurative Language (
/5 marks)
Name the type of figurative language that goes with each quotation. Each term can be used more than once.
-personification – simile – alliteration 1. “Worn steel handcuffs bit at his wrists”
2. “Overhead, a gray matted sky hung like a bad omen”
3. “If death stares you straight in the face, believe me, son, you’ll get scared”
4. Lightning flashed closer, stabbing down with long, probing fingers.
5. The splitting sound…
Vocabulary (
/10 marks)
Fill in the blank with the term that correctly matches the definition.
1. To bring to court on a charge_____________________________________________
2. A bold resistance to authority or force _____________________________________
3. Modest opinion of one’s importance_______________________________________
4. To represent falsely____________________________________________________
5. Persistently ill-humoured or resentful ______________________________________
Defiantly – Skiff – Omen – Banishment – Humility – Delinquent – Depositions - Feigned Sullenly – Revoked - Barrage – Arraignment
Part II – Vocab (Use the words below for #6-10)
6. Not willing or hesitant_________________________________________________
7. Doubt or disbelief ____________________________________________________
8. Continuing without interruption__________________________________________
9. To injure by rough treatment____________________________________________
10. Hesitant or unsure_____________________________________________________
Gluttonous – Brazenly - Reluctant – Tentative - Scepticism – Incessant – Mauled - Grimaced