SOCIAL PROBLEMS SOC 25103 FALL, 2009 BARBARA J. BOLEY, M.S.W., Ph.D. 2 COURSE SYLLABUS Social Problems SOC 25103 School of Social Sciences Professor: Phone: E-mail: Office: Office Hours: Office Fax: Secretary: Dr. Barbara J. Boley 740-245-7280 Wood Hall – Room 251 MWF 9-10 and 1-2pm 740.245.7432 740.245.7254 (only use if absolutely necessary) COURSE DESCRIPTION Analysis of current social problems including implications of possible solutions. This course will be a survey of some social problems currently existing in the United States, as well as, other countries. Theories and perspectives will provide the tools for analysis of these problems. COURSE PROCEDURE Using a lecture-discussion format, the course employs a textbook of primary sources which provides the outline for course content. The instructor will lecture on various theories and perspectives introduced in the assigned readings, conduct open discussion on current media coverage of perceived social problems, and seek to establish continuity from session to session. Students are expected to be active learning partners by completing each session’s primary readings, reading their local newspapers, and observing media coverage of current events on a regular basis. Regular attendance, completion of all assignments when due, and active class participation is an important aspect of the course. Basically the course will be structured this way: Monday-Discussion of chapter’s major points. Wednesday-Learning circle chapter activities to reinforce major concepts Friday-Chapter quiz and each student will review an article relevant to the current chapter being discussed and discuss their article review which will be handed in each Friday using the article review template on page_8 . The article must have been written after January 2008. Be sure to cite the source in APA style. If you cannot be present in class—YOU MUST e mail the template to me by the end of the day on Friday that the template is due. Otherwise, a zero will be recorded fort that assignment. PREREQUISITES-None CREDIT HOURS- 3 REQUIRED TEXTBOOK AND SUPPLEMENT Kendall, D. (2009), Social Problems in a Diverse Society: Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon, 5th Ed. . (include ISBN numbers) 3 PROGRAM OUTCOMES: The following outcomes have been adopted for the degree program for which this course is required: COURSE OUTCOMES: The following outcomes have been adopted for this course. All outcomes listed below have direct relevance to course material. Upon completion of this course students are expected to: 1. Become cognizant of social problems they encounter in their everyday lives as evidenced by chapter reviews, article critiques, research paper/creative project, group presentation, quizzes and exams. 2. Gain a sound explanatory framework for understanding social problems as evidenced by chapter reviews, article critiques, and group assignments. 3. Acquire knowledge of the diversity of social problems in relationship to multiculturalism as evidenced by research paper/creative project, chapter reviews and exams. 4. Recognize social functions/dysfunctions that evolve into social problems 5. Identify social problem areas using comparative analysis of societal and political viewpoints as evidenced by class discussions, quizzes and exams. 6. Gain a heightened awareness of the political process for problem identification and policy resolution as evidenced by I search research paper, class assignments. 7. Gain a heightened awareness of the political process for problem identification and policy resolution. 8. Facilitate the integration of knowledge gained in the classroom with knowledge acquired in other courses as evidenced through written assignments and group interaction. GRADING POLICIES/TESTING/ASSIGNMENTS/ATTENDANCE/EXPECTATIONS ACTIVITY 1. Research paper/ Creative Project 2. Group Pres. 3. Professionalism, Classroom Etiq., Part. Rubric 4. Ten quizzes 5. One exam 6. Article critiques (10) AV. POINTS TOTAL PONTS 100pts 100pts 100pts 100pts 100pts 50pts each 100pts 50 200pts 500pts 100pts 500 Total pts Grading Policy: A=1350-1500 B=1200-1349 C=1005-1199 D= 900- 1004 F= 0-899 1500pts 4 Research Paper/Creative Project Options A. Option A- A 10-15 page Research paper based on a current social problem of the world community that is of special interest to you. See page 5-6 for content checklist and title page format and consult handouts for grading of assignment and helpful hints. Option B- Develop a educational ,creative project (video, children’s book, educational power point presentation, book of poems, book of writings, a game etc) that would educate a target population (age group, civic group, school population etc) about a social problem. Write a paper- minimum 5-7 pages double spaced, 1” margins on all sides discussing the following: 1. Why you are interested in this particular social problem? 2. What do you hope to accomplish by your project-can it be used in the future to educate about social problems, can you use it in your career role? 3. Discuss the prevalence of the social problem, demographics etc. 4. What funding and services are available to ameliorate the problem? 5. What do you propose is needed to impact the prevalence of the problem: funding, legislation, education, advocacy. 6. Include a Bibliography page citing at least 5 sources you used in developing your project. B. At least Ten(10) quizzes and one (1) exam. C. Group Power Point Presentation. Expectations of the group will be given in a handout. See presentation rubric. Each group will select a social problem of interest to the group. A PowerPoint presentation will be developed to include a Works Cited page at the end of the presentation. The presentation will be at least 30 minutes in length and needs to include audience participation using a “Did you know” type quiz or other means to include the audience. A Coordinator, Power Point Technician, presenters and researchers will be selected by the group. At least TWO copies of the presentation disc needs to be made PRIOR to the presentation in case an extra is needed. A copy of the disc is to be sent to the professor at least one week ahead of the presentation. D. Weekly written critique of an article relevant to the chapter(s) we are discussing that week DUE EACH FRIDAY. See critique template in this syllabus-page 8. E. Regular attendance and class participation in weekly discussion based on selected articles and chapter readings. F. Conformity with the University of Rio Grande policies on academic honesty. Make-up Exam/Quiz Policy/Late Work Notify instructor within 24 hours of the exam/quiz regarding missing the exam/quiz. Exam/quiz must be made up by the end of the day of next scheduled class period attended by student. If instructor is not notified within 24 hours of exam/quiz- No make-up will be scheduled and the student will receive a zero for that exam/quiz. Assignments are due on the assigned date. No work will be accepted after the next class period from date due unless permission given by professor. All late work will receive a deduction in points unless excused by the professor. Students are required to e mail their work if they are absent by the next day. 5 VIII. ADA Statement: If a student wishes to be identified as having a physical, mental, or learning disability, that may or may not require reasonable accommodation(s), he/she must register with the Office of Accessibility. These registered students should identify themselves to their instructors and provide a written statement from the Accessibility Office that indicates the appropriate accommodations. The process of a student self- proclaiming the need for accommodation should occur as early in the semester as possible. The Office of Accessibility phone is 245-7339 and is located in Rhodes Hall room 116. SOCIOLOGY 25103 SOCIAL PROBLEMS RESEARCH PAPER CHECKLIST Name________________ Points______________ _____Is title page format correct? _____Reference Page- sources current within last 5 years, use of journals, page alphabetized, A.P.A. Style? _____References cited in the body of the paper? _____Source citation correct in the body of the paper? _____Content- Abstract, outline, points clear, topic covered thoroughly. Does body of the paper reflect what you said in your introduction? _____Is there evidence of critical thinking throughout the paper. Did you compare, contrast, analyze? _____Check grammar, spelling, punctuation. Have someone PROOFREAD your paper. Comments_____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 6 TITLE PAGE FORMAT FOR RESEARCH PAPER & CREATIVE PROJECT UNIVERSITY OF RIO GRANDE School of Social Sciences Sociology Department Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of Sociology 25103 Social Problems (Name of Paper) (Student’s Name) (Date) Submitted to Barbara J. Boley, M.S.W., Ph.D. 7 COURSE OUTLINE SOC 25103 FALL SEMESTER 2009 WEEK 1- 2 Course Introduction and group interaction. Chapter 1PANEL GROUP MEMBERS WILL BE ASSIGNED RANDOMLY—FRIDAY8/28 LABOR DAY HOLIDAY—MONDAY-SEPTEMBER 1 WEEK 3- Chapter 2- WEEK 4- Chapter 3- WEEK 5- Chapter 4- WEEK 6- Chapters 5- WEEK 7- Chapter 6- NOTE******NO CLASS FRIDAY, OCT10- Community Service Day. WEEK 8- Chapter 7&8 WEEK 9 Chapter 9 WEEK 10- Chapter10 WEEK 11-12 Chapter 11 WEEK 13 Chapter 12 WEEK 14- Chapter 13&14 NOTE******No class on Friday-11 28-Thanksgiving Holiday WEEK 15- - Group and Individual Presentations *****FINAL EXAM TBA 8 Critical Thinking Template for Analyzing the Logic of an Article or Chapter in a Book Take an article or chapter that you have been assigned to read for class, completing the “logic” of it using the template below. Cite the title etc. in APA style. THE LOGIC OF “(NAME OF ARTICLE OR CHAPTER)” 1) The main purpose of this article/chapter is _______________________________________. (State as accurately as possible the author’s purpose for writing the article) 2) The key question that the author is addressing is __________________________________. (Figure out the key question in the mid of the author when he/she wrote the article) 3) The most important information in this article is _________________________________. (Figure out the facts, experiences, data the author is using to support her/his conclusions.) 4) The main inferences/conclusions in this article are _______________________________. (Identify the key conclusions the author comes to and presents in the article/chapter.) 5) The key concept(s) we need to understand in this article/chapter is (are) ______________. By these concepts the author means ___________________________. (Figure out the most important ideas you would have to understand in order to understand the author’s line of reasoning.) 6) The main assumption(s) underlying the author’s thinking is (are) _______________. (Figure out what the author is taking for granted [that might be questioned].) 7. a) If we take this line of reasoning seriously, the implications are __________________. (What consequences are likely to follow if people take the author’s line of reasoning seriously?) b.) If we fail to take this line of reasoning seriously, the implications are ______________. (What consequences are likely to follow if people ignore the author’s reasoning?) 8) The main points of view presented in this article is (are) ___________________________. (What is the author looking at, and how is he/she seeing it?)