Henderson English 12 Honors/College Prep September 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 2 Thu 3 Labor Day 7 8 15 MLA Paper Writing Process & PVT Databases 21 22 29 Career/College Planning/Role of Military/Elem. Life Planning 30 Career/College Planning/Role of Military/Elem. Life Planning 11 MLA Paper Writing Process & PVT Databases 17 MLA Paper Writing Process & PVT Databases 23 ½ BTS Night Career/College Planning/Role of Military/Elem. Life Planning MLA HW Due 10 MLA Paper Writing Process & PVT Databases 16 MLA Paper Writing Process & PVT Databases Test – Plot Analysis, Types of Schools/Papers 28 9 MLA Paper Writing Process & PVT Databases Sat 4 FIRST DAY Remind 101/ Study Skills Voc/BGLT/Articless 14 Fri 5 Remind 101/ Study Skills Voc/BGLT/Articles s 12 18 19 20 SUMMER READING ASSESSMENTS Voc/Art HW Due 25 No School 13 MLA Paper Writing Process & PVT Databases MLA Paper Writing Process & PVT Databases 24 6 26 27 No School Career/College Planning/Role of Military/Elem. Life Planning NOTE: THIS CALENDAR IS JUST A GUIDE – NOT ALL ASSIGNMENTS ASSIGNMENTS LISTED! SAT Vocabulary Practice and Basic Global Literacy Skills Development Tasks (VOCAB, BLGT & A/N) Template by www.calendarlabs.com Henderson English 12 Honors/College Prep October 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 2 5 6 Paper Draft Peer Edit 12 Career/College Planning 13 Columbus Day 14 Career/College Planning 20 “Magic Book” Fundamentals Of Communication/ Writing 26 21 28 “Magic Book” Fundamentals Of Communication/ Writing Due – Peer Edit 9 15 16 Career/College Planning Paper Feedback 22 “Magic Book” Fundamentals Of Communication/ Writing In Class & Solo 10 11 17 18 Career/College Planning Voc/Art HW 23 Feedback 24 25 Voc/Art HW Due Due Glass Castle Dist. Exam 1 Test 1-76 29 “Magic Book” Fundamentals Of Communication/ Writing 4 Paper 1 Due Career/College Planning Career/College Planning Career/College Planning Paper Feedback “Magic Book” Fundamentals Of Communication/ Writing 27 “Magic Book” Fundamentals Of Communication/ Writing 8 Career/College Planning No School 19 Career/College Planning 7 3 Voc/Art HW Due Due Paper Draft SECURE NOVEL 1 Career/College Planning Sat 30 Halloween Secret Language Of Slang Video Analysis 31 Voc/Art HW Due Due Test Fundamentals Of Communication/ Writing/ Slang SAT Vocabulary Practice and Basic Global Literacy Skills Development Tasks (VOCAB, BLGT & A/N) Template by www.calendarlabs.com Henderson English 12 Honors/College Prep November 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 No School 9 10 Glass Castle Test – 76-154 16 17 Lit Prior to English/The Epic Poem/ Epic of Gilgamesh 23 4 No School 24 Gilgamesh Test And Secret Slang 2 5 No School Veterans Day11 Lit Prior to English/The Epic Poem/ Epic of Gilgamesh 12 Lit Prior to English/The Epic Poem/ Epic of Gilgamesh 18 Lit Prior to English/The Epic Poem/ Epic of Gilgamesh Lit Prior to English/The Epic Poem/ Epic of Gilgamesh Lit Prior to English/The Epic Poem/ Epic of Gilgamesh 8 14 15 21 22 Voc/Art HW Due Due Gilgamesh End MP 1 20 Lit Prior to English/The Epic Poem/ Epic of Gilgamesh 26 7 No School 13 19 25 Glass Castle Test – 154-213 6 No School Voc/Art HW Due Due Secret Language Of Slang 2 27 Catch-Up Thanksgiving Day ½ Day No School 28 29 No School 30 SAT Vocabulary Practice and Basic Global Literacy Skills Development Tasks (VOCAB, BLGT & A/N) Template by www.calendarlabs.com Henderson English 12 Honors/College Prep December 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 2 Thu Fri 3 4 Assign Paper 2 Source Analysis Theme - Genocide 7 Source Analysis Source Analysis 8 History of English Language 9 History of English Language/Beowulf Source Analysis 10 History of English Language/Beowulf Sat 5 6 Gilgamesh Essays Due Glass Castle Test 214-End 11 12 13 Voc/Art HW Due Quiz Due – History Beowulf Of English Lang 14 15 16 Beowulf 17 Beowulf 18 Beowulf 22 Beowulf Test Paper Draft Due Secret Slang #3 28 Distribute 29 No School 23 BGLT HW Secret Lang Honors – MP 2 Proj Assigned Hamlet/MacBeth 24 Honors Beowulf/Gilgamesh Essay Exam due After break ½ Day 30 No School 20 Paper Draft Due Monday Beowulf Dist. Exam 2 21 19 25 26 27 Christmas Day No School No School No School No School 31 No School SAT Vocabulary Practice and Basic Global Literacy Skills Development Tasks (VOCAB, BLGT & A/N) Template by www.calendarlabs.com Henderson English 12 Honors/College Prep January 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 New Year’s Day No School 4 Prep for 5 Paper 2 Due Honors Essays Due Due Paper 3 – HonorsLineage College Prep Point/Counterpoint 11 6 12 Lit From ME/ Chaucer 18 7 Paper Prep 13 Chaucer 19 M L King Day Chaucer 20 Chaucer 26 Lit from Early Modern English Paper 3 Due Honors – Paper 4 Assigned - Analyze Nursery Rhymes 27 Early Modern English Robin Hood Assign Novel 3 Kite Runner – View Video from Guide in Class 28 Early Modern English Robin Hood 15 Chaucer 21 9 10 Art HW BGLT QUIZ 1 Honors – Hamlet/ MacBeth Project Due, Notes Included Paper Prep No School 25 8 14 3 No School PAPER 2 LATE – 25% Paper Prep 2 Minu s 10% on Monda y 16 17 23 24 BGLT Quiz/Art HW End MP2 Chaucer 22 Lit from Early Modern English BGLT/Art HW Middle English/EME Exam *Paper 3 Due MON 29 Early Modern English Robin Hood 30 31 BGLT/Art HW Early Modern English Robin Hood Template by www.calendarlabs.com Henderson English 12 Honors/College Prep February 2015 Sun Mon Tue 1 Wed 2 Early Modern EnglishHood Robin 3 Early Modern EnglishHood Robin 8 9 Early Modern English Robin Hood 15 10 16 22 11 17 18 12 23 24 18th Century Lit “C” for HW 19 Secret Language Slang #4 25 18th Century Lit “C” for HW 13 BGLT/Art HW Honors Paper 4 Due ½ Day Dist. Exam 3 Secret Language Slang #6 6 7 BGLT/Art HW Early Modern English Robin Hood Early Modern English Robin Hood Kite Runner Test 1 Sat 5 Early Modern EnglishHood Robin Early Modern English Robin Hood Presidents’ Day Fri 4 Early Modern EnglishHood Robin Early Modern English Robin Hood No School Thu 20 21 27 28 BGLT/Art HW Secret Language Slang #5 26 18th Century Lit “C” for HW 14 Valentine’s Day Day BGLT/Art HW Kite Runner Test 2 and Slang 4-6 SAT Vocabulary Practice and Basic Global Literacy Skills Development Tasks (VOCAB, BLGT & A/N) Template by www.calendarlabs.com Henderson English 12 Honors/College Prep March 2015 Sun Mon Tue 1 2 18th Century Lit “C” for HW 9 Test – 18/19 C Paper 5Research Letter Poverty – See Book – Due 3/27 15 10 th 16 Test – 20 Century Literature CP Essays Due th 22 23 Grammar Grammar Note: Tests in this unit will be scheduled according to progress. 25 13 14 20 21 27 28 BGLT/Art HW Grammar 26 Grammar 7 BGLT/Art HW 20th Century Lit “A” & “C” for HW 19 Grammar 6 BGLT/Art HW ½ Day END MP 3 Poverty Letter Due 30 No School 20 Century Lit “A” & “C” for HW Sat BGLT/Art HW Kite Runner Test 3 Raven Essay Due 12 th 18 Grammar Assign Book 4 Quiz – Grammar Terms Terms 29 20 Century Lit “A” & “C” for HW 24 Grammar 5 19th Century Lit 11 th 17 Magic Book Grammatical Analysis Of Modern English Fri 4 19th Century Lit 20 Century Lit “Paper” 4 – Essays: Bonnin, Angelou, Kincaid (Honors can Do for Extra credit) Due 3/16 th Thu 3 19th Century Lit 8 * Honors PLEASE LABEL EXTRA CREDIT Wed 31 No School SAT Vocabulary Practice and Basic Global Literacy Skills Development Tasks (VOCAB, BLGT & A/N) Template by www.calendarlabs.com Henderson English 12 Honors/College Prep April 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 No School 5 6 Easter Sunday 7 Grammar Fri 2 Grammar 9 Grammar 13 Semantics 19 14 Semantics 20 Semantics 26 Semantics 21 Semantics 27 Phonology/ Pragmatics 15 Semantics Phonology/ Pragmatics 28 Phonology/ Pragmatics 16 22 10 11 17 18 BGLT/Art HW Book 4 Summary Due Paper 5/6 Process Paper 23 Phonology/ Pragmatics 29 Phonology/ Pragmatics 4 BGLT/Art HW Dist. Exam 4 No School 12 3 Good Friday No School No School 8 Sat 24 Assigned 25 BGLT/Art HW Phonology 30 Language Acquisition SAT Vocabulary Practice and Basic Global Literacy Skills Development Tasks (VOCAB, BLGT & A/N) Template by www.calendarlabs.com Henderson English 12 Honors/College Prep May 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 *Linguistics Project Due Date May be Adjusted According to Need 3 4 Language Acquisition 10 Mother’s Day 5 Language Acquisition 11 Test 17 Memorial Day 40 Essays No School 13 Greek/Latin Roots 19 Greek/Latin Root Test 25 20 40 Essays 21 15 16 22 23 29 30 BGLT/Art HW Project Due 28 40 Essays 9 BGLT/Art HW Greek/Latin Roots Project Due 27 8 BGLT/Art HW Linguistics Project 14 Greek/Latin Roots Etymology 26 40 Essays 7 Linguistics Project 12 18 24 6 Linguistics Project Greek/Latin Roots Greek/Latin Roots 2 BGLT/Art HW Language Acquisition Paper 5/6 Due Final Novel Assigned BGLT/Art HW 40 Essays SAT Vocabulary Practice and Basic Global Literacy Skills Development Tasks (VOCAB, BLGT & A/N) Template by www.calendarlabs.com Henderson English 12 Honors/College Prep June 2015 Sun Mon Tue 1 Honors Trailers Due 40 Essays 7 2 Prep for Final 8 Review Wed Thu 3 40 Essays 9 Review Fri 4 5 6 11 12 13 40 Essays 10 Review Sat 40 Essays END MP 4 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Father’s Day SAT Vocabulary Practice and Basic Global Literacy Skills Development Tasks (VOCAB, BLGT & A/N) Template by www.calendarlabs.com As Senior Honors and College Prep students, it is important that you are well prepared for your college entrance exams, and to be able to actively participate during your first year of college. As such, you will be working on the following 4 tasks. NOTE: Task 1 (SAT Words) will be required until WINTER BREAK. At that point, you should have taken college entrance exams (SAT, ACT, etc.) so, once winter break is over, you will begin Task 2. Tasks 3 will be required all year. 1. SAT Vocabulary Prep Exercises - The assignment required is on the last page of this handout…most of you, if not all of you, have already done similar. You will be quizzed either on due date, or perhaps a day or 2 after. *While the quizzes are not cumulative/summative, you would be wise to review “old” lists; I have had dozens of students say they saw HW words on the SAT. 2. Basic Global Literacy Tools – This handout will serve you well not just for English class, but for History, Science, and in other arenas in your lives. You will be expected to memorize the majority of the data in this packet, and you will see, as the year progresses, that the data you are being asked to be “locked in” to your schemata will prove to contain a vast wealth of knowledge that is “pretty dern” useful. In future years this knowledge will absolutely prove its usefulness, again and again. *These quizzes WILL be cumulative/summative…don’t lose the handout once you get it. Your charts will be graded as you test. 3. A/N - Article/News a. Articles – It is of paramount importance that you are aware of the world around you. This, of course, extends beyond stories, both fiction and non-fiction. As such, you will be turning in a weekly assignment which compels you to stay abreast of contemporary, relevant issues. This will serve as a tool in which to apply your BGLT. i. Article Requirements 1. See Schedule for Due Dates. ALL article & summaries must be NUMBERED 2. Articles chosen MUCH be 12+ paragraphs long (yes, I count!) 3. Topics may not be “Sports” “Media” or “Lifestyle” related, unless the article is approved before the due date 4. Articles must be ACTIVELY highlighted – Read the article, and highlight the most relevant information. 5. You will then write a summary of the article, pointing out the most relevant information, and then follow up with 1-2 thought provoking questions. (2 preferred) 6. Your articles can only come from these websites: - http://www.nytimes.com/ - http://www.usnews.com/ - http://www.time.com/time/ -http://Smithsonian.com/ - http://www.newsweek.com/ -http://nationalgeographic.com/ *Usage of Print copies of these sources is also acceptable *If you find a compelling article from another source, see me! Template by www.calendarlabs.com b. News – A second way that you will be increasing your awareness of contemporary issues is that you will be watching the news EVERY WEEK. This activity provides you with a second way to apply the skills you are developing through the BGLT exercises. i. News Requirements 1. You will watch one news program each week. (30 minutes please…most listed below run 2 programs back-to-back) 2. It is strongly recommended that, over the course of MP 1 & 2 that you watch EACH option at least once, in order to help you learn what format/style suits you best. 3. While watching, you will be taking notes, so that you can summarize the 3 MOST important items discussed (don’t panic! I am aware that not everyone values the same thing! So long as you stay away from Sports, silly Media-related items, and other frivolous stories, you should be fine!). 4. If needed, please visit the news WEBSITE in order to clarify your understanding of the issue. Take notes as needed. 5. Summarize each of the 3 stories. Each one deserves at least one COMPLETE paragraph. 6. Following each paragraph, make sure you ask 1-2 thought provoking questions about something additional you would like to know about the topic (2 preferable) 7. The last week of each month ALL students will watch BBC news. This is valuable because it provides the viewer with insight on how non-Americans perceive the news. See schedule for clarity. 8. News Summarizing requirements: - You may choose from the following news programs/times: - *LAST WEEK OF MONTH: BBC News 6-7 AM, 7-8 AM - ALL other times - BBC News 6-7AM, 7-8 AM M-F - CBS News 6-7 PM M-F - NBC News 6-7 PM M-F - Fox – 5 at 5 (FOX NEWS Channel) 5-6 PM M-F - Fox News Channel – Fox and Friends First 5-6AM M-F - CBS – 60 Minutes – 8PM Sunday Template by www.calendarlabs.com Vocabulary Skills Enhancement HW Practice Using www.yourdictionary.com Task: Word - Part of Speech - Definition Summarized in My Words - Model Sentence Copied From Site for Clarification - My Own Unique Sentence Why www.yourdictionary.com? - Source is reliable - Has example/model sentences in order to clarify my understanding of the word - *If the site doesn’t have one, Google one! Example Plagiarize - Verb - Stealing a person’s ideas or writings and pretending that it is mine. 1. Whose job is it anyway to see if someone has actually plagiarized in a publication? 2. My teacher says that when I paraphrase, I have to give credit to the source, so I do not plagiarize. After recording the words, select 10 and write a short story – it can be totally believable, or not. The function of this task is to have you practice once more, using the words. The more you use them, the higher the odds that you will work with them again. Template by www.calendarlabs.com